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Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Frequent Questions

  1. When are applications due?
  2. Who can apply for SGIA?
  3. What does EPA look for in applications?
  4. Is SGIA a grant?
  5. What kinds of projects do you select?
  6. How do I submit an application?
  7. Where can I find more information?

1. When are applications due?

Applications are accepted only for open solicitations and are due 45 days after the solicitation opens. The specific date will be noted in the Request for Applications (RFA).

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2. Who can apply for SGIA?

The applicant must be:

  1. a tribal, state, local, or regional government; or
  2. an incorporated nonprofit organization incorporated or domiciled in the United States that has a demonstrated partnership with a governmental agency. Applicants must be located in, and project activities must be conducted within, the United States, Puerto Rico, or a territory or possession of the U.S.

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3. What does EPA look for in applications?

The RFA will describe the evaluation criteria in detail. Briefly:

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4. Is SGIA a grant?

No. SGIA provides direct assistance through a federal contract. Selected communities will receive assistance in the form of a multi-day visit from a team of national experts organized by EPA and other partners to work with local leaders. EPA will provide this assistance through contractors, not as a grant. Team members will be nationally known experts in disciplines to be determined by the community's unique needs.

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5. What kinds of projects do you select?

We will consider applications for policy analysis (e.g., reviewing state and local codes, policies, school siting guidelines, etc.) and public participatory processes (e.g., neighborhood planning, community visioning, charrettes, etc.) associated with the smart growth redevelopment of infill generally in a city, county, state, or on tribal lands that includes brownfields sites as well as other types of sites. However, community-involvement activities associated with the cleanup, assessment, or inventory of individual brownfield sites are not eligible for funding under this RFA.

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6. How do I submit an application?

Please follow the RFA's instructions on how to submit an application. If you have questions, contact Kevin Nelson (nelson.kevin@epa.gov).

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7. Where can I find more information?

For more information about the Smart Growth Implementation Assistance program, please visit our SGIA Web page. If you have additional questions, e-mail Kevin Nelson (nelson.kevin@epa.gov.).

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