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EVALUATING THE ADJUNCT IMPACT: New studies document what happens — and doesn't happen — educationally when colleges rely on part timers.

HOUSTON, WE HAVE A TAX CUT: Texas community college district opts to cut rate at which property owners are charged.

GOOD SHOWING FOR HIGHER ED BALLOT MEASURES: Despite recent downturn in U.S. economy, voters show some support for higher ed, approving key bond measures for community colleges — and reject a Massachusetts tax plan that would have devastated public colleges.

STRANGERS IN A FAMILIAR PROFESSION: Maryland community college helps foreign-trained, immigrant nurses seek licensure and ESL proficiency to work at local hospitals.

DETENTE ON NURSING EDUCATION: Two-year and four-year programs, long at loggerheads, show increased signs of a willingness to collaborate.


Community colleges have added more than $620 billion to the nation’s economy.

Why ACCT? The Assocation of Community College Trustees (ACCT) is a non-profit educational organization of governing boards, representing elected and appointed trustees who govern over 1,200 community, technical, and junior colleges in the United States.