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National Water Program Grant Guidance

EPA provides a wide range of grant funding to States, Tribes, and others to implement clean water and drinking water programs and projects. Below is a table of key water grant programs with applicable guidance. The Office of Water places a high priority on effective grants management and is emphasizing three key areas as these grants are implemented:

  1. standardizing the timing of issuance of guidance for categorical grants;
  2. ensuring that a high priority is placed on effective grant management; and
  3. linking grants to the achievement of environmental results as laid out in the Agency Strategic Plan.

A more detailed discussion of grants management can be found in the National Water Program Guidance.

Categorical Grants

Non-Categorical Grants

Categorical Grants

Title and Description

Eligible Recipients

Applicable Grant Guidance

Supports Strategic Plan Subobjectives

Grant Program Contacts

Beach Monitoring and Notification Program Implementation Grants

To award grants to those applicants whose proposals clearly demonstrate a state's, tribe's, or local government's ability to monitor recreational waters, notify public of risks, manage programs and communicate among environmental and public health agencies and the public.

CWA 406 (b)

CFDA 66.472 exit EPA

States, Tribes, Local Governments (if their state does not apply)
Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the Beaches website
Water Safe for Swimming

Richard Healy


( 202)  566-0405

Indian General Assistance Program

To ensure that all Tribes have access to base funding for developing and establishing their environmental programs. To provide general assistance grants (GAP) to Indian tribal governments and intertribal consortia to build capacity to administer environmental regulatory programs on Indian lands; and provide technical assistance from EPA to Indian tribal governments and intertribal consortia in the development of multimedia programs to address environmental issues on Indian lands.

PL 102-497

CFDA 66.296 exit EPA

Tribal Governments, Intertribal Consortia

Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the GAP website.

Supports all goals in the Strategic Plan

Rodges Ankrah


(202) 564-0280

Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants

To assist States in implementing EPA-approved Section 319 nonpoint source management programs.

CWA 319(h)

CFDA 66.460 exit EPA

States, Tribes, Intertribal Consortia

The NPS grant program continues to use the October 2003- FY 2004 National Guidance for States.

The NPS program issues annual guidance for Tribes posted on the NPS tribal grants website.

Improve Water Quality on a Watershed Basis

Andrea Matzke



(202) 566-1150

Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program Implementation Grants (CZARA)

EPA and NOAA co-administer State Coastal Nonpoint Control Programs under Section 6217 of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990. Section 6217 requires States and Territories with approved coastal management programs to develop coastal nonpoint pollution control programs.

CZA Reauthorization Amendments of 1990,

PL 101-508

CFDA 11.419 exit EPA

Coastal States (including those that border the Great Lakes, and including the territories of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the NOAA Coastal Program website Improve Oceans & Coasts

Improve Water Quality on a Watershed Basis

John Kuriawa


(301) 563-7202

Public Water System Supervision Program

To provide assistance to implement and enforce National Primary Drinking Water Regulations to ensure the safety of the Nation's drinking water resources and to protect public health.

SDWA 1443(a)

CFDA 66.432 exit EPA

States, Tribes, Intertribal Consortia

A memo outlining annual funding priorities is posted on the PWSS website.

Safe Drinking Water/Security

Renee Morris


(202) 564-8037

State Underground Injection Control

To foster development and implementation of underground injection control (UIC) programs under SDWA. EPA's funding priority is to award grants to recipients who meet the requirements in 40 CFR Parts 144, 145, 146 and 148.

SDWA 1443(b)

CFDA 66.433 exit EPA

States, Tribes, Intertribal Consortia

A memo outlining annual funding priorities is posted on the UIC website.

Safe Drinking Water/Security

Ann Codrington


(202) 564-4668

Targeted Watershed Grants

To support innovative, community-based watershed approaches. The Watershed Grants will provide resources in the form of grants, tools, training, and technical expertise and assistance to communities to bolster their efforts to expand and improve existing water protection measures.

Dept. of Interior, Environmental and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, Public Law 109-54.

CFDA 66.439 exit EPA

State, Tribes, Territories, Nonprofits

Grant guidance and requirements are posted on the Targeted Watershed Grants Program website.

Improve Water Quality on a Watershed Basis

Erin Collard


(202) 566-2655

Wastewater Operator Training Grant Program

To enhance proficiency of personnel in operation and maintenance of treatment works.

CWA 104(g)(1)

CFDA 66.467 exit EPA

States, Tribes

Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the on the Wastewater Operator Training Program website.

Improve Water Quality on a Watershed Basis



(202) 564-0634

Water Pollution Control State and Interstate Program Support

State priority efforts funded include program activities related to the restoration of impaired watersheds Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) which include all facets of this program, i.e. pre-TMDL needs such as monitoring and assessment and standards development; development of TMDLs and post-TMDL implementation and restoration; implementing integrated wet weather strategies in coordination with nonpoint source programs; and developing source water protection programs.

Tribes receive a portion of the funds appropriated and will continue to conduct watershed assessments and will maintain and improve their capacity to implement water quality programs through monitoring, assessments, planning and standards development.

CWA 106

CFDA 66.419 exit EPA

States, Interstate Agencies, Tribes

The February 2001 base guidance for States is posted on the 106 website.

Grant guidance & requirements for Tribes are posted on the 106 website.

Improve Water Quality on a Watershed Basis

Also supports many other water quality outcomes in Goals 2 and 4

Robyn Delahanty


(202) 564-3880

Water Protection Grants to the States (Homeland Security Grants)

To provide assistance to support technical assistance, training, and communication activities on critical water infrastructure protection efforts that include work with drinking water systems as well as with Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies.

SDWA 1442 (a) and (c)

CFDA 66.474 exit EPA

States, Tribes, Territories

Grant guidance and requirements are posted on the Water Security website.

Safe Drinking Water/Security

Nancy Muzzy


(513) 569-7864


Water Quality Management Planning Grants

To assist State water quality management agencies and others in carrying out water quality management planning. State agencies are encouraged to give priority to watershed restoration planning.

CWA 205(j) and 604(b)

CFDA 66.454 Exit EPA Disclaimer

States, Regional Public Comprehensive Planning Organizations, and Interstate Organizations, Territories

Watershed website

Improve Water Quality on a Watershed Basis

Don Kunkoski


(301) 694-7329

Wetlands Program Development Grants

To assist in wetlands protection, management and restoration efforts. EPA has initiated an assessment of the wetland program elements that will move recipients toward developing comprehensive wetland programs.

CWA 104(b)(3)

CFDA 66.461 exit EPA

State, Tribes, Local Governments, Nonprofits

Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the Wetlands Program Development Grants website.

Increase Wetlands

Myra Price


(202) 566-1225

Non-Categorical Grants

Title and Description

Eligible Recipients

Grant Guidance Applicable to FY 05 Supports Strategic Plan Subobjectives

Grant Program Contacts
Name/ Phone #

Clean Water State Revolving Funds

Capitalization grants are made available to each State for the purpose of establishing a Clean Water State Revolving Fund for providing assistance for: (1) construction of publicly owned wastewater treatment works; (2) implementing nonpoint source management activities included in State Plans developed pursuant to Section 319; and (3) developing and implementing an estuary conservation and management plan under Section 320.

Tribes receive grants for wastewater infrastructure improvements through a national set-aside.

CWA 604-607

CFDA 66.458 exit EPA

States, Tribes

Grant guidance & requirements for States

Grants guidance for Tribes

Improve Water Quality on a Watershed Basis

Sheila Platt


(202) 564-0686

Drinking Water State Revolving Funds

Capitalization grants are made available to each State for the purpose of establishing a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund which will provide a long-term source of State financing for the costs of drinking water infrastructure needed to achieve or maintain compliance with SDWA requirements, protect public health, and assist systems with economic need.

A State may also use up to 31% its grant funds for programs that emphasize preventing contamination problems through source water protection and enhancing water system management.

Tribes receive grants for public water system infrastructure improvements through a national set-aside.

SDWA 1452

CFDA 66.468 exit EPA

States, Tribes

Grant guidance & requirements for States

Grant guidance for Tribes

Safe Drinking Water/Security

Peter Shanaghan


(202) 564-3848

National Estuary Program

To develop and implement a comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) for each estuary designated by the EPA Administrator. The program characterizes the problems in the estuary, determines relationships between pollutant loading and impacts on living resources, develops a comprehensive plan recommending solutions to priority problems, and implements actions addressing priority problems.

CWA 320

CFDA 66.456 exit EPA

State and Local Agencies working in the designated estuaries Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the NEP website. Improve Oceans & Coasts

Marilyn Katz


(202) 566-1246

Gulf of Mexico Program

To expand and strengthen cooperative efforts to restore and protect the health and productivity of the Gulf of Mexico in ways consistent with the economic well being of the region and to achieve the goals and priorities recommended by the Gulf of Mexico Program Policy Review Board (a Federal Advisory Committee) and the funding priorities of the Gulf of Mexico Program Office (GMPO).

CWA 104b3

CFDA 66.475 exit EPA

States, Tribes, universities, Nonprofits, Individuals Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the Gulf of Mexico Program website. Gulf of Mexico

Gloria Car

Region 4

(228) 688-2421

Chesapeake Bay Program

To expand and strengthen cooperative efforts to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay.

CWA 117

CFDA 66.466 exit EPA

Nonprofit, States, Local Governments, Universities, Individuals, Signatory Jurisdictions of the Chesapeake Bay Agreement Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the Chesapeake Bay Program website. Chesapeake Bay

Veronica Kuczynski

Region 3

(215) 814-5169

Great Lakes Program

To restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem.

CWA 104

CFDA 66.469 exit EPA

State Pollution Control Agencies, Interstate Agencies, Other Public or Nonprofit Private Agencies, Institutions, and Nonprofit Organizations Grant guidance & requirements are posted on the Great Lakes Program website. Great Lakes

Mike Russ

Region 5

(312) 886-4031


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