Hansen Releases New Guide to Federal Education Funding
Archived Information

October 24, 2002
Contact: Dan Langan,
(202) 401-1576

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U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Bill Hansen today released a new guide to education funding, Resources + Reforms = Results: President Bush's Commitment to Our Nation's School Children, to help better explain the Bush administration's financial commitment to the nation's schools and students.

"There recently have been several reports that distort the president's record on education funding," Hansen said. "And the American people need to hear the facts about his and Secretary Paige's strong commitment to our children and our schools."

Referring to the new education legislation, Hansen said: "The reality is that under the No Child Left Behind Act, the president promised that we will reform our schools with the resources necessary to achieve results -- improved student achievement for all our children."

The 14-page document highlights the major overall increase in Education Department funding, as well as historic investments in key programs, such as Title I, special education, teachers and teacher quality, reading, English language acquisition and higher education.

"The fact is, the president's requested increase for the Education Department for 2003 will build upon an extraordinary and unprecedented $15 billion or 41 percent increase since fiscal year 2000," Hansen said. "Plus, much of this new money is just reaching our schools for the first time because the massive increase for 2002 is for the school year that began this fall."

"So it's disingenuous for some to make the case that the federal government isn't doing its share when it comes to dollars for education," Hansen concluded.

The new guide was prepared by the Office of the Deputy Secretary.



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