tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Section 26a of the TVA Act

User’s Survey

Please take a moment to tell us whether this site provided the information you were looking for and whether that information was presented in a clear and helpful way.

1. How would you rate this site in providing the information you need to submit a request to TVA?

2. If you didn’t find all the information you needed, please tell us what you were looking for.

3. How would you rate this site in terms of usability (for example, did you find information where you expected it, were you able to get to the information quickly and efficiently)?

4. Please suggest any ways we might improve this site.

If you would like a response from us concerning any information on this site, please provide your e-mail address. Note: This information is optional, and you may submit the survey without it. For more information read TVA’s privacy policy.




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