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Social Security Administration Strategic Plan
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Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2008 - 2013

Strategic Plan fiscal years 2008-2013
In this strategic plan, we lay out the incremental steps we must all take to reach our greater vision for the Social Security Administration. We are an organization of great skill and accomplishment; we know what needs to be done and how to do it. This strategic plan charts the course that will enable us to maintain a strong level of performance on core workloads and work toward long-term improvement of our service to the public by concentrating on four goals: 1) eliminate our hearings backlog and prevent its recurrence; 2) improve the speed and quality of our disability process; 3) improve our retiree and other core services; and 4) preserve the public's trust in our programs. Additionally, the plan recognizes that our employees and information technology are absolutely critical to our success. Only by investing properly in both our employees and new technology can we hope to achieve our ambitious goals.
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Full version of the Strategic Plan (19MB pdf).
NOTE: This version is very large and may take some time to download.

Trifold summary (344KB pdf)

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
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