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Department of Senior Services

Home Site Map Health Caregiving Community Finance Housing

For assistance call 858-8526 or email


Did you know that 85% of all care to the frail and disabled is being provided by family and friends?

Caregivers often completely change their lifestyle to take care of those they love. This even includes senior citizens caring for relatives under the age of eighteen, as well as spouses, adult children, and/or friends.

When asked what would make the life of a caregiver easier, many reply "information" and "respite." This web page offers an assortment of information.

To speak with someone about caregiving, call (716) 858-8526.

"There are only four kinds of people in this world:
Those who have been caregivers,
Those who currently are caregivers,
Those who will be caregivers, and
Those who will need caregivers."
Rosalynn Carter

Some examples of caregivers:

  • A grandmother in her 70's who is the sole support for her 12 year old grandson
  • A husband concerned that his wife's driving is becoming erratic and unsafe
  • An elderly woman who can no longer bathe her disabled sister with whom she lives
  • A son in his 30's who finds out his mother's utilities are all being shut off
  • Neighbors who occasionally look in on a forgetful older woman living alone

Senior Services' Caregiver Resource Center can help ALL kinds of caregivers - Click here for more information