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Public Hearing Notices

Preliminary Budget For the Year, 2009 Town of Marilla

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the preliminary budget of the Town of Marilla, Erie County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2009 has been completed and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of said Town at 1740 Two Rod Road, Marilla, New York, where it is available for inspection by any interested person during regular office hours.

FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Town Board of said Town of Marilla will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a Public hearing thereon at the Marilla Town Hall, 1740 Two Rod Road, Marilla, New York at 7:30 pm local time on the 6th Day of November, 2008, and that at such hearing the citizens of the Town of Marilla may be heard in favor for or against any items therein contained, and

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 108 of Town Law that the following are the proposed yearly salaries of elected town officials, to wit:

Supervisor                   $29,616.00
Supt. Of Highways       $50,892.00
Town Clerk                  $42,180.00
Councilmen (4 each)    $ 8,448.00

The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Those needing special arrangements, should call the Town of Marilla at 652-5350 by November 3, 2008.

By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Marilla
Dawn Pearce, Marilla Town Clerk
Dated: October 10, 2008


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board, Town of Marilla, Erie County, New York on November 6, 2008 at 7:30 pm in the Marilla Town Hall, 1740 Two Rod Road, Marilla, New York, for the purpose of considering a new contract for the year 2009 with the Marilla Fire Company, which said contract shall be for fire protection to the Town of Marilla Fire Protection District, said new contract to be upon the following general terms:

  • (a) The Marilla Volunteer Fire Company shall answer and attend all fire calls in said District.
  • (b) For such services, the Marilla Volunteer Fire Company shall be paid a sum of $243,300.00.
  • (c) The Marilla Volunteer Fire Company shall maintain and operate its fire station at West Avenue, Marilla, New York.
  • (d) The Marilla Volunteer Company shall insure all of its equipment against all liability and shall protect the Town of Marilla from liability for any accident in which any fire company vehicle may be involved.
  • (e) This contract shall continue until December 31, 2009.
  • (f) Such other incidental terms as may be necessary or proper.

All interested persons will be heard at the meeting noticed above. The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Those needing special arrangements, should call the Town of Marilla at 652-5350 by November 3, 2008.

By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Marilla
Dawn Pearce, Marilla Town Clerk
Dated: October 10, 2008


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that there has been presented to the Town Board on October 14, 2008, for adoption a proposed Local Law to be known as "Local Law No. 7 of the Year 2008" entitled "Cold War Veterans Law of the Town of Marilla ". The proposed Local Law will provide for exemptions from r

eal property assessment for Cold War Veterans on qualified residential real property within the Town of Marilla. Cold War Veterans not receiving compensation for service related disabilities shall receive an exemption on such qualifying residential real property for a period not to exceed ten years equal to fifteen percent of the assessed value of such property; provided however such exemption shall not exceed twelve thousand dollars or the product of twelve thousand dollars multiplied by the latest state equalization rate of the Town of Marilla, whichever is less. Cold War Veterans receiving compensation for service related disabilities shall receive an additional exemption on such qualifying residential real property equal to the product of the assessed value of the such qualified residential real property multiplied by fifty percent of the Cold War Veteran disability rating;, provided, however, that such exemption shall not exceed forty thousand dollars, or the product of forty thousand dollars multiplied by the latest state equalization rate for the Town of Marilla.

THEREFORE, pursuant to the Municipal Home Law Rules and Local Law No. 7 of the Year 2008 of the Town of Marilla, the Town Board of the Town of Marilla shall hold a Public Hearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law at the Town Hall, 1740 Two Rod Road, Marilla, New York at 7:30 p.m. on the 6th day of November, 2008, at which time all persons interested may be heard. Copies of the aforesaid proposed Local Law are available at the office of the Town Clerk for inspection and distribution to any interested person during business hours. The meeting room is wheel chair accessible. Those needing special arrangements should call the Town Hall at 652-5350 by November 1, 2008.


Dated: October 14, 2008

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