US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Functional Statements > Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

A. Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary

Under the direction of the Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education, the Immediate Office formulates policy and directs and coordinates the administration of programs for elementary and secondary education. The Assistant Secretary is assisted by two Deputy Assistant Secretaries who provide oversight responsibilities for specific OESE program and administrative activities.

The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Accountability/Assessment participates fully with the Assistant Secretary in the overall management of accountability and assessment direction of OESE's nationwide elementary and secondary education programs.

The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management and Planning is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the responsibilities of the Management and Administrative Unit and the Cross-Program Planning and Development Unit. The Deputy Assistant Secretary advises the Assistant Secretary on matters related to these two units.


Management/Administrative Unit

The Management/Administrative Unit has primary responsibility for providing policy and procedures governing the areas of budget, finance, management analysis, personnel management, contracts and grants, general services, and computer-based information systems.

The Unit is responsible for:

  • Determining through study and analysis, areas of administrative activity that should be adapted to automated data processing; applying and enforcing standards for application; initiation and use of word processing equipment; and providing expert advice, guidance, and assistance in ADP planning, development, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Formulation of program and administrative budgets which includes developing and coordinating budget justification narratives, estimates, and supporting data. Preparing necessary materials and justifications for the appropriation and budget hearings.
  • Execution of program and administrative budgets which includes preparation and execution of financial operating plan and controlling expenditures. Processing documents related to obligation of program and administrative funds. Maintaining appropriate fiscal records to insure against over-obligation of funds.
  • Reviewing regulations for adherence to legislative intent and Department and Assistant Secretary policies.
  • Coordinating grant slates for compliance with all requirements and managing OESE computer communications with grant and contract automated systems, including commitment, verification, and obligation of program funds. Provides technical assistance and guidance regarding grants and contracts management and procedures and reviewing these to assure adherence to policies.
  • Monitoring the scheduling of grant activities through OESE, advising the Assistant Secretary, Deputy Assistant Secretaries, and program offices on the technical aspects of, and requirements for, processing Notices of Closing Dates, application review packages, and work statements for grants and contracts.
  • Coordinating, reviewing and processing all data collection and Freedom of Information activities for OESE.
  • Coordinating audit activities and audits within OESE and advising the Assistant Secretary, the Deputy Assistant Secretaries, and program officials on the operational aspects of, and requirements for, processing audits.
  • Managing and coordinating all personnel management activities for OESE which includes preparing and processing personnel documents, reviewing documents submitted for accuracy, and providing guidance when necessary. Coordinating the personnel classification, staffing, and selection process. Providing guidance and preparing and coordinating documents necessary for submission of organizational proposals and amendments.
  • Providing management/employee consultation. Assisting in resolving grievances. Managing employee/management/labor relations within OESE.
  • Preparing delegations of authority for OESE and coordinating the delegation process, as necessary, with the Office of Management and the Office of the General Counsel.
  • Coordinating all property, administrative management, and telecommunications activities for OESE. Assisting in the development of plans and conducting space and facilities management activities.


Cross-Program Planning and Development Unit

The Cross-Program Planning and Development Unit has primary responsibility for promoting and supporting cross-program collaboration, coordination, and integration within OESE and throughout the Department. The Unit concentrates on several different, but interrelated, organizational areas as vehicles for promoting cross-program activity including team planning and administration, professional development, technical assistance delivery, and technology.

In performing its responsibilities, the Unit:

  • Plans and coordinates designated cross-program technical assistance strategies such as OESE integrated reviews, ED-wide program coordination reviews, and Improving America's Schools Conferences. Tracks time lines; reviews budgets and schedules; creates operational protocols and guidelines; identifies key issues, themes, and policies; and conducts evaluations.
  • Assists in the planning and administration of OESE cross-program teams in close consultation with the Senior Leadership, Group Leaders, and Labor Management Partnership Council; facilitates the Group Leader team; oversees the team charter and six-month work plan processes. Develops and maintains team activities and rosters; helps to facilitate team problem solving and training.
  • Develops and implements a comprehensive staff training and professional development program of OESE staff with special focus on cross-program integration and coordination. Administers the OESE Institute for Professional Development; conducts periodic staff needs assessments and evaluations; identifies key issues and topics; designs strategies for specific staff groups and teams as well as for all staff; identifies and secures trainers and presenters.
  • Develops and helps to implement a comprehensive operational program for using technology in OESE to enhance cross-program coordination and technical assistance delivery. Develops a long-term strategic plan an d annual operating strategies for OESE-wide technology activities; advises the senior leadership on technology issues; develops and maintains OESE-related web pages and Internet resources; oversees specific technology initiatives including teleconferenceing, electronic filing systems, and staff training.


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Last Modified: 12/08/2003