A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

President Clinton's Call to Action for American Education in the 21st Century

Early Learning

The latest research on the human brain and its development confirms what we have known for decades -- that the early years of children's lives are critical to their cognitive, emotional and physical development. Parents need to be their children's first teacher if their children are to start at school ready to learn.

Since the beginning of the Clinton Administration, investment in early childhood education has been a top priority. Over the last four years, the federal government has invested heavily in effective programs, increasing funding for Head Start by 43 percent. The Clinton Administration is committed to building on this progress to ensure that every parent is their child's first teacher and every child arrives at school ready to learn.

Expanding Head Start

Other Early Learning Opportunities


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Last Updated -- Feb. 13, 1997, (pjk)