Presidential Scholars Program

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Sponsors and Benefactors

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About the Program
Commission Members
National Foundation For the Advancement in the Arts
Presidential Scholars Foundation

Each year, the Presidential Scholars Program relies on funding and support from private sources for National Recognition activities that are of the greatest benefit to the Scholars. Thanks to contributions provided by our generous partners, supporters, and benefactors, Commissioners, Alumni and friends throughout the years, each class of Presidential Scholars have the opportunity to: wrestle with issues that concern America and the world; participate in volunteer activities such as community service, which benefits those in need in our Nation's Capital; attend recitals, receptions and ceremonies held in their honor; and visit area museums and monuments. The U.S. Department of Education, the Commission on Presidential Scholars, and the Presidential Scholars Foundation gratefully acknowledge the following contributors:

The United States Department of Education

American Association of Gifted Children
American Federation of Teachers
American Trucking Association
ANSER, Publications Department
Arts Club of Washington
Atelier 70
BB&T Corporation
Berlin Ramos & Associates
Bernard & Irene Schwartz Foundation, Inc.
Boston Consulting Group
Burnham, Connolly, Oesterly & Henry
CIBC World Markets
Carnival Cruise Lines
Coca-Cola Enterprises
Contributing Parents of the Parents Initiative
Coopers & Lybrand, L.L.P.
Domino's Pizza Team Washington
Duke University and the American Association of Gifted Children
Federal Express
Freddie Mac
General Motors Corporation and GMAC Financial Services
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
Grossberg, Yochelson, Fox & Beyda
Hallmark, Inc.
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Hellring, Lindeman, Goldstein & Siegel
Illinois Federation of Labor and Congress Industrial Organizations
J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation (in honor of Secretary and Mrs. Alphonso Jackson)
John Templeton Foundation
Journalistic, Inc.
Liberty Construction, Inc.
Lion Brothers
Masson Vineyards and Vintners International Company
Mattel, Incorporated
McKinsey & Company
Members of the Alumni Society
Merck Company Foundation
Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation
Mrs. Fields Bakery
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Education Association
National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations
National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts
National Italian American Foundation
National Museum of African Art
National Museum of American Art
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
National Teacher of the Year Program
New Era Graphics
NIKE, Inc.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Parents of 1987 Presidential Scholars
Parents of 1988 Presidential Scholars
Phillips Foods, Inc.
Princeton Project '55
Rockwell International Foundation
Saturn Corporation
Scientific Learning Corporation
Sears and Roebuck Foundation
Smith Communications
Smithsonian Institution
Strategic Edge Solutions
The Chubb Corporation
The Coca-Cola Company
The Felicia Farber Gervais and Charles S. Gervais Family Trust
The Gervais Family Trust
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
The Marcia and Alphonso Jackson Fund/Communities Foundation of Texas
The MacArthur Foundation
The Millipore Foundation
The Honorable Stuart G. and Phyllis Moldaw Family Foundation
The Ray Family Fund
The William Rollnick and Nancy Ellison Rollnick Foundation
The Taylor Companies
The White House Millennium Council
Touche Ross
U. S. West Foundation
Union Leader Printers
University City Housing Associates/ Mr. Michael Karp
Virginia Lithograph
Wallace Wentworth Gallery
WICAT - Education Systems Division
Wiegand Family Foundation, in honor of Caitlin McAuliffe (2005)
Commissioner Jean Becker
Commissioner Jeanne Ferst
Commissioner Robert Moss
Commissioner John "Jack" Mueller
Commissioner Renee Russell
Commissioner Flo Traywick
The Honorable and Mrs. Bill Graves (Commissioner)
The Honorable and Mrs. Manuel Lujan, Jr. (Commissioner)
Samuel N. Antiput
Margaret Blackshere
Douglas Breeden, Parent
Joel E. Cohen, Parent
Robert H. Friebert
Mary M. Johnson, M.D.
Delores Kohl
Diana and Todd Maclin
Kenneth R. Williams
Dr. Hak Min and Jun Y. Lee
Dr. J. A. and Nanette Mata, Parents
Dr. Penny and Mr. Robert Miller
Mr. Keith V. Alasker
Mr. and Mrs. Nikolaos Apostolides
Mr. Samuel Bridges
Mr. Thomas E. Britton
Ms. Valerie Crotty
Mrs. Laura David
Mr. Joseph D. DiVincenzo
Mr. James E. Farmer
Mr. Peter Gerber
Ms. Felicia Gervais
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham
Ms. Donna Harper
Mr. Abraham E. Haspel
Mr. Steven W. Hetts
Mr. Charles Hudson
Mr. Robert Karp
Mrs. Susan Kilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kumi
Ms. Ronnie Liebowitz
Mrs. Ginny Mancini
Mr. Dan Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford C. Nemitz
Ms. Judith R. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Parks
Mr. Howard Rafal
Ms. Cathy Salzer
Mr. David Simpson
Mrs. Frosene Sonderling
Mr. Lawrence P. Sorenson
Mr. John W. Strauss
Ms. Christine Terrill
Ms. Nancy Verderber
Mrs. Marilyn Wessler
Ms. Margaret Whillock
Mr. Brian Abrams (1996)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Anestis (1991)
Ms. Pamela Baker (2005)
Ms. Laura David (1970)
Ms. Linda Falcao (1978)
Mr. James C. Francis, IV (1970)
Ms. Avery Gardiner (1993)
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Goodman (1995)
Ms. Ellen L. Hahne (1974)
Gloria Hwang and Steven Hetts (1992)
Ms. Edith Hines (2000)
Dr. and Mrs. John Knox (1983)
Mr. Aman Kumar (2005)
Mr. Ephram Lustgarten (1996)
Mr. Raymond Liu (1993)
Dr. Xanthi Merlo (1993)
Mr. Geoffrey Michael (1993)
Lt. William P. Moynahan (1993)
Dr. Anand Parekh (1994)
Ms. Cathy Salser (1984)
Ms. Judith Scott-Clayton (1996)
Ms. Samantha Stoddard (1990)
Mr. Abraham Tarapani (2000)
Mr. Kenneth Tseng (1999)
Ms. Stephanie Waters (1999)
Mr. Charles Williamson (1999)
Ms. Rena Xu (2003)
Family of Virginia Brumby (1997)
Family of Caroline Campbell (1998)
Family of Max Chavez (2004)
Family of Kyle Detwiler (2001)
Family of Kelley Fenelon (2005)
Family of Wesley Greenblatt (2003)
Family of Blair Greenwald (2005)
Family of Kyle Haddad-Fonda (2005)
Family of Kathryn Huston (2004)
Family of Anne Jefferson (1997)
Family of Sonia Lahr-Pastor (2005)
Family of Joseph Reardon (2005)
Family of Rachel Rosenstein-Sisson (2005)
Family of Laura Schutz (1997)
Family of Benjamin Shaby (1997)
Family of David Silver (2000)
Family of Stephanie Simon (2005)
Family of Matthew Spencer (2003)
Family of Jennifer Sternad (2000)
Family of Nathan Talbert (1999)
Family of Ryan Taylor (2000)
Family of Geoffrey Tison (2000)
Family of Marcus Verduchi (2001)
Family of Whitney Ward (1998)
Family of Edgar Woznica (2005)
Family of Rena Xu (2003)

We thank all of the program's supporters for their generosity.


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Last Modified: 11/28/2006

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