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Nursing Facilities

Nursing Homes are one of the most widely recognized types of housing for the elderly. They provide care for individuals who need nursing care without being in a hospital. A doctor supervises this type of care and state boards of health regulate these facilities. Nursing homes also offer short-term and respite care for those whom need rehabilitation care.

Nursing Facilities Resources: (Off Site Links):
  • Senior (Off Site)

    This website from Senior Source describes where you’ll find skilled nursing facilities and many suggestions to considers when shopping for the right nursing home.

  • (Off Site)

    This web page offers information about Medicare and Medicaid supported nursing homes throughout America. It also offers a database to search for nursing homes in every state as well as good questions to ask about services offered and care provided

  • The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing (Off Site)

    The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing seeks to shape the quality of health care older Americans receive by promoting the highest level of geriatric competence in all nurses. By raising the standards of nursing care, the Hartford Institute aims to ensure that people age with optimal function, comfort and dignity.

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