

Contact Information

Event Coordinator
Nancy Warren
Bus: 631-344-3275
Fax: 631-344-2887
Email: nwarren@bnl.gov


  • For changes to this agenda or any inquiries regarding the meeting program please send email to ASP chief scientist, Steve Schwartz (631.344.3100, ses@bnl.gov).
  • For inquiries concerning meeting registration or other logistical matters please send email to the event coordinator Nancy Warren (631.344.3275, nwarren@bnl.gov).

Website Issues
Registration and submission problems
BNL Web Services

Brookhaven National Laboratory
ASP Annual Science Team Meeting
Building 815E
75 Rutherford Drive
Upton, New York USA 11973-5000 U.S.A.

Attn: Nancy Warren, Event Coordinator

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008