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An organized view of the transcripome

Library ID: dbEST:1456


Library Description

Organism:Homo sapiens
Tissue:papillary serous carcinoma
Vector type:plasmid (ampicillin resistant)
Lab host:DH10B

mRNA made from ovarian carcinoma, cDNA made by oligo-dT priming. Non-directionally cloned. Size-selected on agarose gel, average insert size 500 bp. Non-amplified library.

Source: Robert Strausberg, Ph.D.

Gene Content Analysis

902 ESTs from this library were grouped into 462 UniGene entries (putative genes) [UniGene build #215, 17-Aug-2008]. EST counts for each entry may be used to calculate an approximate expression level in transcripts per million (TPM).

ESTs TPM   UniGene Entry
29 32151 Hs.499484 Similar to ribosomal protein S19.
24 26608 Hs.661894 Similar to S19 ribosomal protein.
17 18847 Hs.666913 Transcribed locus.
17 18847 Hs.593218 Transcribed locus.
17 18847 Hs.494614 BAT2 domain containing 1.
16 17738 Hs.603800 Transcribed locus.
15 16630 Hs.567699 Transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_003964.3 ribosomal protein L14 [Homo sapiens].
15 16630 Hs.484188 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 9kDa, V0 subunit e1.
15 16630 Hs.446522 Ribosomal protein L14.
14 15521 Hs.158688 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B.
10 11086 Hs.554762 Ribosomal protein L22.
10 11086 Hs.432400 Transcribed locus.
9 9978 Hs.667725 Transcribed locus.
8 8869 Hs.584762 Transcribed locus.
8 8869 Hs.459106 Antizyme inhibitor 1.
8 8869 Hs.387208 Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed.
8 8869 Hs.314359 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K.
7 7761 Hs.714892 Transcribed locus.
7 7761 Hs.667784 Transcribed locus.
7 7761 Hs.667744 Transcribed locus.
7 7761 Hs.667740 Transcribed locus.
7 7761 Hs.592114 Transcribed locus, strongly similar to XP_001724280.1 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens].
7 7761 Hs.485158 SAM pointed domain containing ets transcription factor.
7 7761 Hs.217079 Transcribed locus.
6 6652 Hs.667787 Transcribed locus.
6 6652 Hs.667749 Transcribed locus.
6 6652 Hs.667739 Transcribed locus.
6 6652 Hs.666898 Transcribed locus.
6 6652 Hs.659928 Transcribed locus.
6 6652 Hs.6314 Seizure related 6 homolog (mouse)-like 2.
6 6652 Hs.603759 Transcribed locus, weakly similar to XP_859587.1 PREDICTED: similar to oxidation resistance 1 isoform 2 [Canis familiaris].
6 6652 Hs.432394 Transcribed locus.
6 6652 Hs.193832 G patch domain containing 4.
5 5543 Hs.648871 CDNA FLJ41644 fis, clone FEBRA2009362.
5 5543 Hs.546288 Ribosomal protein S9.
5 5543 Hs.521056 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit F2.
5 5543 Hs.514220 Granulin.
5 5543 Hs.438429 Ribosomal protein S19.
5 5543 Hs.213061 Nuclear casein kinase and cyclin-dependent kinase substrate 1.
5 5543 Hs.149809 Transcribed locus.
5 5543 Hs.111903 Fc fragment of IgG, receptor, transporter, alpha.
4 4435 Hs.711628 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.695057 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.667785 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.667743 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.666920 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.660816 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.624160 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.624137 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.611266 Transcribed locus.
4 4435 Hs.591610 Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold containing 2A.
4 4435 Hs.380953 Ribosomal protein L38.
4 4435 Hs.355264 Cytochrome b-561.
3 3326 Hs.666908 Transcribed locus.
3 3326 Hs.666890 Transcribed locus.
3 3326 Hs.655168 Sideroflexin 4.
3 3326 Hs.611147 Transcribed locus.
3 3326 Hs.602955 Transcribed locus.
3 3326 Hs.560297 Transcribed locus.
3 3326 Hs.437277 Sequestosome 1.
3 3326 Hs.424312 PDZ and LIM domain 4.
3 3326 Hs.375217 Ring finger protein 31.
3 3326 Hs.186350 Ribosomal protein L4.
2 2217 Hs.75275 Ubiquitination factor E4A (UFD2 homolog, yeast).
2 2217 Hs.713706 Ferritin, light polypeptide.
2 2217 Hs.709126 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.708514 CDNA: FLJ23242 fis, clone COL01514.
2 2217 Hs.708179 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.694083 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.687824 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.687819 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.669724 Transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_001100759.1 LSM5 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA associated [Rattus norvegicus].
2 2217 Hs.667751 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.667737 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.667300 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.666919 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.666899 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.666892 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.666891 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.656346 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.643483 Calmodulin 2 (phosphorylase kinase, delta).
2 2217 Hs.632267 Syndecan 4.
2 2217 Hs.624359 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.624357 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.624197 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.624144 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.603776 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.602979 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.584921 Ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 6, late infantile, variant.
2 2217 Hs.559654 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.559598 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.549742 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.546286 Ribosomal protein S3.
2 2217 Hs.520665 Transcribed locus.
2 2217 Hs.519672 Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome 1.
2 2217 Hs.507783 NHL repeat containing 3.
2 2217 Hs.476930 Chromatin modifying protein 2B.
2 2217 Hs.464585 Ankyrin repeat domain 12.
2 2217 Hs.436687 SET nuclear oncogene.
2 2217 Hs.435743 Transcribed locus.

1 2 3 4 5 Next> Last>>

Source: NCBI UniGene

EST Sequences

1,796 EST sequences from this library have been submitted to the public sequence database as of 17-Aug-2008.

Source: NCBI GenBank

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  • ovary
  • ovarian tumor
  • unknown developmental stage
  • female
  • non-normalized

Source: NCBI Clone Registry

National Center for Biotechnology Information
U.S. National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894