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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- IX. Government Reform
Describes the budget's vision as it pertains to government reform. - 15.2KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- IV. An Unprecedented Moment in History
Provides a summary of the historical context of the budget and the challenges ahead. - 18.1KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- I. President's Message
A message from the President providing an overview of the budget. - 7.1KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 32. Federal Emergency Management Agency
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). - 9.2KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 10. Create a Comprehensive Energy Policy
Describes the budget's key policy priorities to create a comprehensive energy policy. - 10.9KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 29. Department of Veterans Affairs
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Veterans Affairs. - 10.1KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- XI. List of Charts and Tables
A list of the budget's charts and tables. - 28.1KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 13. Invest in Health Care
Describes the budget's key policy priorities to invest in health care. - 19.8KB
28 Feb 01
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A Blueprint For New Beginnings -- 25. Department of Justice
Summarizes the budget's vision as it pertains to the Department of Justice (DOJ). - 10.1KB
28 Feb 01
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The President's Budget & Louisiana
The President's Budget funds America's priorities, provides the largest debt reduction in history and provides fair and responsible tax relief. In Louisiana, the .. - 10.8KB
28 Feb 01
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