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Topic: Home > Biographies

Remembering Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson
Home > History & Tours > Past First Ladies Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson Former President Lyndon B. Johnson and First Lady Lady Bird Johnson .. 01.html - 6.2KB
12 Jul 07
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Remembering Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson
Home > History & Tours > Past First Ladies Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson Former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, center-background, watches ... 02.html - 6.1KB
12 Jul 07
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Remembering Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson
Home > History & Tours > Past First Ladies Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson Mrs. Laura Bush welcomes former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson and .. 06.html - 6.2KB
12 Jul 07
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Remembering Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson
Home > History & Tours > Past First Ladies Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson Former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson plants a cherry tree at the .. 04.html - 6.1KB
12 Jul 07
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Remembering Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson
Home > History & Tours > Past First Ladies Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson A visitor to the White House pauses in the Grand Foyer Thursday, .. 07.html - 6.1KB
12 Jul 07
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First Lady's Gallery
An index to the biographies of all First Ladies of the United States of America, from 1789 to present. - 7.5KB
24 Apr 08
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The Presidents of the United States
An index to the biographies of all presidents of the United States of America, from 1789 to present. - 10.3KB
06 Jun 07
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The Presidents of the United States
An index to the biographies of all presidents of the United States of America, from 1789 to present. - 9.8KB
06 Jun 07
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Remembering Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson
Home > History & Tours > Past First Ladies Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson Former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson is seen in a evening gown .. index.html - 5.9KB
16 Aug 07
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