The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 14, 2006

President's Statement on Port Security Improvement Act of 2006

Today, the Senate passed legislation to strengthen my Administration's efforts to secure our ports and detect dangers before they reach America's shores.

By furthering our coordination with responsible countries throughout the world, the Port Security Improvement Act of 2006 will help secure the global supply chain and help ensure the smooth flow of commerce into and out of the United States. I am pleased this bill codifies several Administration efforts that have already substantially improved security at our ports, including the Container Security Initiative, which identifies and inspects cargo at foreign ports before they are placed on vessels destined for the United States, and the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, which helps our international trading partners secure their supply chains before shipping goods into our country.

I look forward to the House and Senate resolving their differences in Conference and sending this legislation to me for my signature.

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