BCABSTIMDBW_BA_MA_N.M: BC*: Bank credit file series and related concepts BC.A: Total assets at all commercial banks BC.A.B: Bank credit (total loans and investments), gross BC.A.B.S: Securities BC.A.B.S.T*: By type of account, all issuers: BC.A.B.S.T.I: Investment account BC.A.B.S.T.I.M: Mortgage-backed BC.A.B.S.T.I.M.DB: At domestic commercial banks BC.A.B.S.T.I.M.DB.W: Weekly reporters _BA: Break adjustment _MA: Merger adjusted _N: Not seasonally adjusted M: Monthly Billions of dollars bcabstimdbw_ba_ma_n.m --------------------- 10/1996 237.7 11/1996 238.7 12/1996 241.8 01/1997 244.3 02/1997 243.6 03/1997 244.1 04/1997 246.6 05/1997 245.8 06/1997 246.0 07/1997 249.4 08/1997 248.7 09/1997 250.9 10/1997 257.4 11/1997 267.7 12/1997 274.2 01/1998 283.9 02/1998 288.5 03/1998 294.3 04/1998 286.9 05/1998 288.1 06/1998 279.3 07/1998 282.7 08/1998 290.8 09/1998 303.7 10/1998 326.5 11/1998 332.6 12/1998 329.5 01/1999 324.2 02/1999 321.4 03/1999 313.2 04/1999 310.3 05/1999 305.8 06/1999 300.4 07/1999 298.0 08/1999 302.6 09/1999 305.9 10/1999 304.5 11/1999 307.2 12/1999 307.2 01/2000 308.9 02/2000 308.4 03/2000 309.7 04/2000 311.6 05/2000 308.2 06/2000 304.8 07/2000 296.1 08/2000 290.7 09/2000 290.7 10/2000 291.8 11/2000 291.8 12/2000 294.7 01/2001 301.8 02/2001 295.9 03/2001 295.8 04/2001 303.9 05/2001 312.1 06/2001 307.0 07/2001 308.3 08/2001 323.5 09/2001 330.1 10/2001 342.9 11/2001 355.7 12/2001 386.4 01/2002 382.2 02/2002 367.3 03/2002 371.0 04/2002 374.3 05/2002 377.7 06/2002 382.8 07/2002 389.7 08/2002 410.4 09/2002 417.8 10/2002 432.3 11/2002 450.3 12/2002 442.7 01/2003 449.2 02/2003 456.1 03/2003 462.9 04/2003 487.0 05/2003 516.7 06/2003 527.1 07/2003 499.9 08/2003 472.7 09/2003 455.7 10/2003 471.7 11/2003 492.2 12/2003 490.5 01/2004 490.9 02/2004 553.7 03/2004 589.5 04/2004 583.8 05/2004 569.9 06/2004 564.0 07/2004 563.4 08/2004 570.8 09/2004 569.3 10/2004 557.0 11/2004 561.2 12/2004 582.7 01/2005 606.0 02/2005 620.4 03/2005 623.9 04/2005 625.5 05/2005 638.0 06/2005 615.7 07/2005 625.0 08/2005 624.4 09/2005 627.2 10/2005 627.4 11/2005 632.7 12/2005 634.8 01/2006 641.9 02/2006 662.1 03/2006 672.5 04/2006 688.8 05/2006 701.7 06/2006 706.8 07/2006 716.5 08/2006 725.4 09/2006 701.8 10/2006 702.0 11/2006 701.6 12/2006 703.9 01/2007 716.5 02/2007 728.0 03/2007 719.8 04/2007 704.8 05/2007 704.4 06/2007 695.9 07/2007 695.7 08/2007 701.8 09/2007 694.0 10/2007 662.5 11/2007 673.3 12/2007 670.6 01/2008 670.9 02/2008 684.5 03/2008 706.8 04/2008 703.9 05/2008 716.7 06/2008 729.2 07/2008 737.7 08/2008 746.1 09/2008 745.8 10/2008 758.2 11/2008 780.3 12/2008 759.6