The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
March 30, 2002

President Promotes Peace in Radio Address
Radio Address by the President to the Nation

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THE PRESIDENT:  Good morning.  Almost seven months have passed since the attack on our country, and the shock and sadness of that day are still with us.  For many, the grief and sense of loss will never fully pass, and they are in our thoughts, especially in this holy season.

The entire world is reminded again this week of the hope that lives and endures forever.  For Jews and Christians, this is a time of joy and renewal.  Passover celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from oppression by the hand of a faithful God.  And tomorrow, Easter Sunday, many Christians will celebrate a hope that overcomes even death.

These holy days represent some of the most profound hopes of humanity, which are shared in many traditions.  We feel our reliance on the Creator who made us.  We place our sorrows and cares before Him, seeking God's mercy.  We ask forgiveness for our failures, seeking the renewal He can bring.

Americans practice different faiths in churches, synagogues, mosques and temples.  And many good people practice no faith at all.  For those who observe Easter and Passover, faith brings confidence that failure is never final, and suffering is temporary, and the pains of the Earth will be overcome.  We can be confident, too, that evil may be present and it may be strong, but it will not prevail.

On September the 11th, a terrible evil was done to our country. America and the civilized world are now joined together in a great struggle against enemies who have no regard for innocent life.  Grave challenges and dangers face us in this war.  We cannot predict every turn ahead of us. Yet in this season, we are assured that history is of moral design.

Justice and cruelty have always been at war, and God is not neutral between them.  His purposes are often defied, but never defeated.

I hope that this holy season will bring renewal of faith to those who seek it, and comfort to those who need it.  And to all who observe these special days, I wish you a joyful Easter and a blessed Passover.

Thank you for listening.


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