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Office of Nursing Services (ONS)
Awards / Education / Employment / More

VA nurses have been widely recognized for their instrumental work in initiating, developing, implementing, and monitoring the practices and policies that made VHA one of the world’s foremost authorities in patient safety and quality outcomes evidenced by performance measures – an exceptional achievement by any assessment.
Awards and Recognition
Secretary's Award in Nursing Excellence Nursing Innovation Awards

VA Employment & Education
VA Employment Opportunities
Travel Nurse Corps (TNC) Program [ IMAGE : new item ]

VA Jobs
VA General Employment Homepage
VA Careers (Healthcare)
VA nursing & allied health recruitment site
VA Nursing Education

Education Assistance Programs (pdf)
Description of VA initiatives to enhance educational preparation
Contact information: VA Career Center

Uniform Service University Health Sciences   [ IMAGE : image Non-VA Site ]
VA sponsors nursing doctoral students @ USUHS
Contact: Dr. Christine Kasper, 202-273-9237,
American Association of Colleges of Nursing   [ IMAGE : image Non-Federal Site ]
AACN-advancing higher education in Nursing
American Association of Community Colleges   [ IMAGE : image Non-Federal Site ]
AACC-advocate for Associate Degree programs
National Student Nurses Association   [ IMAGE : image Non-Federal Site ]
NSNA mentors professional development of future nurses

Employee Education and Practice Resources
A collection of various Employee Education and Practice Resources

Standards / Accreditation
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)   [ IMAGE : image Non-Federal Site ]
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)   [ IMAGE : image Non-Federal Site ]

VA Nursing Background
VA Nursing Service Fact Sheet
VA Nursing History Highlights (pdf)

* PDF Documents - To read PDF documents, you need a PDF viewer. Viewer software available on VA website.     [Go Back]

External Link Disclaimer
These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Office of Nursing Service of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. The Office of Nursing Service bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.       [Go Back]


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Reviewed/Updated Date: May 30, 2008