CFK home September 25

Featured Articles:

Hope MeadowsOctober 8—Fourteen years ago, an abandoned air force base was transformed into a vibrant intergenerational community, Hope Meadows, to help move children from foster care to adoption and turn seniors into active givers of supports and services. Now, as sites across the country replicate their approach, Hope Meadows is adapting to the new challenges that come with long-term success. Read more about Hope Meadows.


PolicyWatchSeptember 25—Want some reality to go with all the rhetoric these days? Examining what policies and programs are moving or stalled and where the money's going is one way to get a clearer picture of reality. To help anyone concerned about children and youth, Connect for Kids has compiled this recap of policy successes and a "crystal ball" look at what national organizations and advocates are watching in 2008-2009. We've included tools and links to learn more and take action.

But wait, that's not all—get the lowdown on the exciting child welfare reform success that hit President Bush's desk this week! Read the PolicyWatch


Brighter Future CoverSeptember 15—In an election season, there’s no shortage of rhetoric—but the National Collaboration for Youth takes us beyond sound bites to concrete action steps with its new cross-cutting policy agenda. The agenda offers a unifying strategy and specific policy and investment recommendations to help the federal government do a better job of meeting the needs of children and youth, and improving the well-being of and opportunities for all young people. Read more.


Step Up for Kids DaySeptember 10—Step Up for Kids Day is September 16! The Every Child Matters Education Fund and its local, state and national partners are hosting this nonpartisan event on the capitol steps in Washington, DC, and all 50 states to draw public attention to issues affecting America's children—poverty, health care, juvenile incarceration, early care and education, child abuse and after-school programs. Read more.

Renee SkinnerAugust 6—Here’s a personal glimpse at the importance of local programs for children and families, as three stressed-out parents share how they found help and education in support groups. The California-based Children’s Advocate reports. Read article.

The CFK Update
From the editor, Caitlin Johnson
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Weekly Editor

10/8 Breaking News: President signs child welfare reform into law. More.

October 8 issue
If change and hope are the buzzwords of the election, collaboration might be the current battle cry of the child and youth field. It's not a new idea, of course, but several national campaigns and many communities across the country are finding that connecting the systems, funds and organizations focused on young people can fill gaps, reduce redundancy and lead to better, more cost-effective interventions.


Also: I say bailout, you say rescue and now child advocates, business leaders and pediatricians are saying "invest in kids" to help bolster the economy and our nation's future workforce. Read about the new Telluride Principles for Investing in Young Children.


The crisis on Wall Street is already being felt on Frat Row—there we go taking the Wall St/Main St connection a step too far!—after an investment fund serving 1,000 colleges partially froze withdrawals.


There's also news on Youth Courts, promising strategies for working with transition-age youth and the latest evidence on the importance of early learning. For these and more, read the Update.

Do you care about communications? Think the child and youth field is full of inspiring stories of local impact, real results and systems change—but not so skilled at communicating successes and engaging a broader audience?

Hershel Sarbin, founder of the Child Advocacy 360 Foundation, has a challenge for you: join the conversation, share stories of effective work, and together we’ll lean on “the Good News Lever.” Listen to the YouTube version of this column—then read the text and tell us which you prefer—read/listen to Hershel's column.


Recent Columns:

>>Learn more about CFK and Child Advocacy360.

Karen Pittman's Youth Today Column

Karen Pittman

Karen Pittman recently sat down with the real experts on the "high school dropout crisis"—seven students from Des Moines, five of whom had dropped out and another who had come very close. In her latest Youth Today column, Karen shares what these young people had to say about why they left, what made them return to school and what they recommend for education. Read Karen's column.


Recent Columns:


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About CFK

Connect for Kids makes the best use of communications technologies, specifically the Internet, to give adults—parents, grandparents, guardians, educators, advocates, policymakers...

Take the Ready by 21 Challenge Ready by 21 Logo

The Ready by 21 Challenge isn't a program, campaign or even an initiative, but it's working hard to change the way we do business so we can improve the outcomes for youth. So just what is Ready by 21 and how can it help youth work? Find out here.