The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 6, 2003

White House State Arrival Ceremony
Event Backgrounder

     Fact sheet In Focus: State Visit

Monday, October 6, 2003

9:10 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

South Lawn, The White House

9:00 am

The American and Kenyan delegations are escorted to the South Lawn

President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush welcome President Mwai Kibaki and Mrs. Kibaki of the Republic of Kenya to the White House Monday, October 5, 2003.  White House photo by Eric Draper 9:05 am

The President and Mrs. Bush arrive the Diplomatic Reception Room, and proceed outside.

Ruffles and Flourishes
Hail to the Chief

9:10 am

The President and Mrs. Bush assume positions on the south side of the driveway. (Facing west)

Motorcade carrying President and Mrs. Kibaki enters the White House grounds and proceeds to the Diplomatic entrance.

9:12 am

The Chief of Protocol introduces the President and Mrs. Bush to President and Mrs. Kibaki

The President and Mrs. Bush escort President and Mrs. Kibaki to the front row of the U.S. delegation. The President introduces President and Mrs. Kibaki to:

Secretary and Mrs. Powell
Vice Chairman and Mrs. Pace

The President and Mrs. Bush then escort President and Mrs. Kibaki onto the reviewing platform. Ceremony begins.

National Anthem of Kenya (simultaneous 21 gun salute)
National Anthem of the United States

Following the anthems the 4 principals depart stage to lawn. The President and President Kibaki begin review of the troops.

Review of the Troops:

Commander of the Troops escorts Presidents. Following Review, President Bush escorts ,B>President Kibaki to reviewing stand.
Musical Troop in Review (Army Fife and Drum Corps)
Commander of Troops concludes the ceremony

President Bush and President Kibaki return to stage to make remarks.

Remarks by The President
Remarks by President Kibaki (no interpretation)

The President and President Kibaki face the Troops and the Commander of the Troops indicates that the Ceremony has concluded.

9:40 am

The President and Mrs. Bush escort President and Mrs. Kibaki to the Blue Room Balcony via the Diplomatic Room and State Floor.

9:44 am

The President and Mrs. Bush pose for a photo with President and Mrs. Kibaki between the center columns of the Blue Room Balcony.

9:45 am

The President and Mrs. Bush escort President and Mrs. Kibaki to the State Floor.


State Arrival Ceremonies for the Republic of Kenya included a military review on the South Lawn of the White House.  White House photo by Tina Hager
Presidents Bush and Kibaki watch the military review portion of the State Arrival Ceremonies on the South Lawn of the White House Monday, October 5, 2003.  White House photo by Susan Sterner
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