Average annual percent of intimate partner violence by offender alcohol and drug use and victim's gender

For all vicitms, the offender who did not use alcohol or drugs had the highest percent of intimate partner violence at 35.0%, followed by offender who used alcohol at 27.2%, and don't know at 22.9%. Offender who used one (alcohol or drugs) but not sure which had the lowest percentage at 0.5%, followed by offender used drugs at 6.6%.

For female victims, the offender who did not use alcohol or drugs had the highest percent of intimate partner violence at 34.4%, followed by offender who used alcohol at 28.3%, and don't know at 23.1%. Offender who used one (alcohol or drugs) but not sure which had the lowest percent at 0.6%, followed by offender used drugs at 5.8%.

For male victims, the offender who did not use alcohol or drugs had the highest percent at 38.1%. Offender who used both alcohol and drugs had the lowest percent at 7.4%, followed by offender who used drugs at 10.7%.

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