Percent of homicides involving guns by number of victims, 1976-2005

Line chart with two lines: 2 or more victims and 1 victim.

For homicides involving one victim, the percentage involving a gun began at 63.4 in 1976 and decreased to a low of 57.7 in 1983. Then the percntage increased to 69.5 in 1994, before decreasing to a low of 62.0 in 2001. After 2001, it rose to 67.2 in 2005.

For homicides involving multiple victims, the percentage involving a gun began at 68.9 in 1976 and decreased to 65.9 in 1980. The percntage then increased to 71.2 in 1981, before falling, reaching 65.2 in 1988. It then rose, reaching a high of 79.0 in 2000, before decreasing, reaching 73.5 in 2004. Then the percntage rose to 75.3 in 2005.

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