Rates of intimate partner violence per 1,000 females age 12 and older by age group, 1993 to 2005

For female victims ages 12 to15, the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence began at 3.8 in 1993 and fell to a low of 0.7 in 2003. After 2003, the rate rose to 2.0 in 2005.

For female victims ages 16 to19, the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence began at 16.4 in 1993 and climbed to 22.3 in 1995. The rate then fell to a low of 3.4 in 2003, before it increased to 5.7 in 2005.

For female victims ages 20 to 24, the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence began at 24.1 in 1993 and decreased to 19.3 in 1994. The rate then climbed to 24.3 in 1996, before it decreased to 6.6 in 2005.

For female victims ages 25 to 34, the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence began at 14.7 in 1993 and increased to 20.0 in 1994. Then the rate decreased to 6.9 in 2001. Then it fluctuated with a high of 10.4 as it increased to 7.3 in 2005.

For female victims ages 35 to 49, the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence began at 12.2 in 1993 and decreased to a low of 3.7 in 2003. After 2003, the rate rose to 4.2 in 2005.

For female victims ages 50 to 64, the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence began at 1.7 in 1993 and increased to 2.2 in 1994. Then the rate fell to 0.6 in 2003, before increasing to 1.7 in 2005.

For female victims age 65 or older, the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence began at 0.6 in 1993 and decreased to 0.0 in 1995. Then the rate increased, reaching 0.3 in 1997. After 1997, it fluctuated with a low of 0.0 as it decreased to 0.1 in 2004. In 2005 information was not provided because the small number of cases is insuffienct for reliable estimates.

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