Homicide victimization by race, 1976-2005

Line chart with two lines: blacks and whites.

For whites, the homicide victimization rate began at 5.1 in 1976 and climbed, reaching 6.3 in 1980. Then the rate decreased, reaching a low of 3.3 in 2000, before increasing, reaching 3.4 in 2001. Then it dropped, reaching 3.3 in 2002, before rising to 3.4 in 2003. Then the rate decreased, reaching 3.3 in 2004, where it remained constant until 2005.

For blacks, the homicide victimization rate began at 37.1 in 1976 and decreased, reaching 35.1 in 1978. Then the rate rose to 37.7 in 1980, before decreasing to 27.2 in 1984. Then it increased to a high of 39.3 in 1991, before falling to a low of 19.7 in 2004. After 2004, the rate increased to 20.6 in 2005.

For persons of other races, the homicide victimization rate began at 4.9 in 1976 and fell, reaching 4.0 in 1978. Then the rate increased to 6.5 in 1982, before falling to 2.4 in 2004. After 2004, it climbed to 2.5 in 2005.

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