Homicide by race of offender and victim, 1976-2005

Line chart with four lines: white on white, black on black, black on white, and white on black.

For white offenders and white victims, the percentage of all homicides began at 43.5 in 1976 and rose, reaching a high of 50.3 in 1984. After 1984, the percentage dropped to 41.1 in 1993, where it remained constant until 1994. After 1994, it climbed to 46.4 in 1998, before decreasing to 45.5 in 2000. Then the percentage rose to 46.4 in 2001, before falling to 44.6 in 2005.

For black offenders and white victims, the percentage of all homicides began at 6.0 in 1976 and decreased to 5.9 in 1977. Then the percentage rose to 8.9 in 1993, before falling to a low of 7.5 in 1998. Then it climbed to 8.8 in 2005.

For white offender and black victims, the percentage of all homicides began at 2.0 in 1976 and increased, reaching 2.4 in 1977. The percentage then decreased, reaching 1.8 in 1978, before increasing to 3.5 in 2003, where it remained constant until 2004. After 2004, it decreased to 3.2 in 2005.

For black offenders and black victims, the percentage of all homicides began at 47.5 in 1976 and decreased to a low of 39.8 in 1984, where it remained constant until 1985. Then the percentage increased to a high of 46.3 in 1991, before falling to 40.7 in 2004. It then rose to 42.2 in 2005.

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