The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 24, 2003

Fact Sheet: Taking Action to Strengthen the Economy

Today's Presidential Action

President Bush traveled to Ohio to discuss the benefits of his jobs and growth plan with local small business owners and workers at the Timken Company in Canton.

The President is working to grow the economy and create the largest number of new jobs possible for America's workers. He has proposed a jobs and economic growth plan that would help create 510,000 new jobs this year and a total of 1.4 million new jobs by the end of next year. The President will not be satisfied until everyone looking for work can find it.

The President called on Congress to act on his economic proposals to help our Nation's entrepreneurs grow their businesses, speed up economic growth, and generate new jobs for American workers. He will work with Congress to ensure that the bill he signs into law contains all the elements of his plan. And because more tax relief will produce more jobs, he will work for a final plan that provides at least $550 billion in tax relief.

Ohioans Benefit from the President's Plan

The President's jobs and growth plan would provide needed tax relief for working families and businesses in Ohio through the acceleration of tax relief already approved by Congress, elimination of the double tax on corporate dividends, and new incentives for businesses to grow. Across the nation, nearly 92 million taxpayers would have lower tax bills under the President's plan thanks to accelerated tax relief and eliminating the double tax on dividends.

For more information on the President's initiatives, please visit

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