The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document
Operation Iraqi Freedom

For Immediate Release
April 12, 2003

Global Message

The world has watched as the regime of Saddam Hussein began passing into history. The conflict continues in Iraq, and our military may still face hard fighting. Yet the statues of the dictator, and all the works of his terror regime, are falling away, never to return.

American and Coalition forces have conducted themselves with all the skill and honor we expect of them. Our enemies have seen their valor. The people of Iraq are seeing their compassion, as our military provides food, water, and medical treatment to all in need, even captured Iraqi soldiers.

As Saddam's reign of fear is brought to an end, the people of Iraq are revealing the true hopes they have always held. It should surprise no on that Iraqis, like all people, resent oppression and welcome their own freedom. In every nation, and every culture, the human heart desires the same good things - dignity, liberty, and a chance to build a better life.

As people throughout Iraq celebrate the arrival of freedom, America celebrates with them. We know that freedom is the gift of God to all mankind, and we rejoice when others can share it.

The nightmare of Saddam's rule in Iraq is ending. Soon the good and gifted people of Iraq will be free to choose leaders who respect their rights and reflect their character. In all that is to come, they will have the good will of the entire world. And they will have the friendship of the people of the United States.

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