OIG: Office of Inspector General
   Current Section

2005 Audit Reports

FY 2008 Audit Reports- Current Audit Reports | FY 2007 Audit Reports |
FY 2006 Audit Reports | 2005 Audit Reports |
FY 2004 Audit Reports | FY 2003 Audit Reports |
FY 2002 Audit Reports | FY 2001 Audit Reports |
FY 2000 Audit Reports | FY 1999 Audit Reports |
FY 1998 and Previous Years Audit Reports |

Office of the Chief Information Officer

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit Followup Process for Office of Inspector General Internal Audits in the Office of the Chief Information Officer. A19F0003 09/21/2005 PDF (2M) MS Word (253K)

Office for Civil Rights

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office for Civil Rights. A19F0019 09/14/2005 PDF (290K) MS Word (552K)

Office of English Language Acquisition

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office of English Language Acquisition. A19F0008 07/14/2005 PDF (117K) MS Word (201K)

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of Controls over Purchase Card Use in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. A19F0018 09/27/2005 PDF (174K) MS Word (234K)
New Jersey Department of Education's compliance with Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. A02F0006 09/14/2005 PDF (799K) MS Word (569K)
Wyandanch Union Free School District's Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I, Part A and Title II Non-Salary Expenditures. A02E0031 09/14/2005 PDF (329K) MS Word (121K)
Illinois State Board of Education's Compliance with the Public School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act. A07F0003 08/23/2005 PDF (2M) MS Word (858K)
Monitoring of Title I Funds by the Louisiana Department of Education. A06F0002 08/4/2005 PDF (329K) MS Word (79K)
The Michigan Department of Education's Compliance with the Public School Choice and SES Provisions of NCLB. A05F0007 08/2/2005 PDF (2M) MS Word (516K)
Nevada Department of Education's Compliance with the Public School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services Provisions.. A09F0002 07/14/2005 PDF (268K) MS Word (455K)
The Illinois State Board of Education's Administration of Provisions Relating to Consolidating Funds in Schoolwide Programs. A07E0029 06/09/2005 PDF (3M) MS Word (252K)
Title I Funds Administered by East Baton Rouge Parish School Board. A06E0018 06/08/2005 PDF (172K) MS Word (116K)
Puerto Rico Department of Education's Migrant Education Program. A02E0019 03/30/2005 PDF (624K) MS Word (2M)
Indiana Department of Education's Compliance with NCLB School Choice and SES Provisions. A05E0014 02/18/2005 PDF (1.7M) MS Word (343K)
Title I Funds Administered by Orleans Parish School Board. A06E0008 02/16/2005 PDF (2M) MS Word (944K)
Audit of the Ohio Department of Education and Selected Local Education Agencies. A05E0027 01/11/2005 PDF (93K) MS Word (54K)
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE's) administration of provisions under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education. A07E0018 12/20/2004 PDF (1M) MS Word (71K)
The Title I funds administered by the Caddo Parish School District (Caddo Parish), for the period July 1, 2001, through December 31, 2003. A06E0012 12/07/2004 PDF (245K) MS Word (100K)
Georgia Department of Education's Administration of Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. A04E0002 11/08/2004 PDF (925K) MS Word (503K)
Risk Areas Associated with Grantees' Administration of 21st Century Community Learning Centers. X05E0019 10/22/2004 PDF (256K) MS Word (484K)

Office of General Counsel

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of Controls over Purchase Card Use in the Office of General Counsel.. A19F0022 09/27/2005 PDF (89K) MS Word (207K)

Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
The State of New Jersey's Compliance With The Unsafe School Choice Option Provision. A03E0008 08/30/2005 PDF (343K) MS Word (417K)
Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office Safe and Drug-Free Schools. A19F0010 08/11/2005 PDF (212K) MS Word (228K)
Texas Department of Education's Compliance with the Unsafe School Choice Option. A06E0028 06/15/2005 PDF (650K) MS Word (148K)
Iowa Department of Education's Compliance with the Unsafe Schools Choice Option Provision. A07E0027 06/14/2005 PDF (220K) MS Word (647K)
Georgia Department of Education's Compliance with the Unsafe Schools Choice Option Provision. A04E0007 06/07/2005 PDF (302K) MS Word (467K)
California Department of Education's Compliance with the Unsafe School Choice Option Provision. A09E0025 03/24/2005 PDF (499K) MS Word (290K)

Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of the Department's Performance Based Data Management Initiative. A11E0003 09/29/2005 PDF (3M) MS Word (5M)

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
The Virgin Islands Department of Health's Administration of the Infants and Toddlers Program. A02E0020 09/28/2005 PDF (427K) MS Word (407K)
Minnesota Department of Education's Maintenance of Effort Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997, Part B, Program. A05F0012 08/16/2005 PDF (215K) MS Word (202K)
Audit of Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. A19F0005 06/28/2005 PDF (120K) MS Word (211K)
Puerto Rico Department of Education's (PRDE) Special Education Program Services. A02E0009 12/14/2004 PDF (346K) MS Word (3.3M)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B requirements at Turtle Mountain Elementary and Middle Schools for the period July 1, 2001, through September 30, 2003. A06E0011 12/13/2004 PDF (967K) MS Word (209K)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B requirements at Turtle Mountain Community High School (Turtle Mountain High School) for the period July 1, 2001, through September 30, 2003. A06E0010 12/13/2004 PDF (960K) MS Word (221K)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B requirements at Eastern Navajo Agency (Eastern Navajo) for the period July 1, 2001, through September 30, 2003. A06E0005 12/09/2004 PDF (393K) MS Word (81K)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B requirements at Circle of Nations School (Circle of Nations) for the period July 1, 2001, through September 30, 2003. A06E0002 12/09/2004 PDF (393K) MS Word (352K)

Office of Innovation and Improvement

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of Controls over Purchase Card Use in OII. A19F0012 05/17/2005 PDF (47K) MS Word (127K)
U.S. Department of Education's pre-award activities for the unsolicited grant to the Broad Foundation for the School Information Partnership. A03E0009 12/20/2004 PDF (383K) MS Word (128K)

Federal Student Aid

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of SEC's Procedures for Reviews of eZ-Audit Financial Statements. A03F0001 09/20/2005 PDF (905K) MS Word (95K)
Audit Followup Process for Office of Inspector General Internal Audits in Federal Student Aid. A19F0001 09/08/2005 PDF (1118K) MS Word (246K)
University of Phoenix's Processing of Student Financial Aid Disbursements for the Higher Education Act, Title IV Programs. A09E0015 08/24/2005 PDF (444K) MS Word (463K)
Illinois Designated Account Purchase Program Lender Due Diligence. A05F0016 08/22/2005 PDF (138K) MS Word (252K)
Guaranty Agenicies' Oversight of Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program Loans Disbursed Directly to Borrowers for Attendance at Foreign Schools. A05E0028 08/09/2005 PDF (453K) MS Word (296K)
Special Allowance Payments to New Mexico Educational Assistance Foundation for Loans Funded by Tax-Exempt Obligations. A05E0017 05/24/2005 PDF (8M) MS Word (8M)
The University of the Virgin Islands' Administration of Title IV Student Financial Assistance Programs Needs Improvement. A02E0003 04/08/2005 PDF (1177K) MS Word (2274K)
Review of Master Promissory Note (MPN) Process for Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) and Direct Loan. A04E0008 03/28/2005 PDF (540K) MS Word (270K)
Ivy Tech State College's Administration of the Student Financial Assistance Programs, Gary, Indiana. A05E0013 02/25/2005 PDF (3M) MS Word (338K)
Payments to Private Collection Agency Contractors. A19D0005 02/18/2005 PDF (660K) MS Word (221K)
Audit of Direct Consolidation Loans. A07D0027 02/10/2005 PDF (366K) MS Word (615K)
Audit of Saint Louis University's Use of Professional Judgment. A06D0018 02/10/2005 PDF (525K) MS Word (123K)
Audit of the Department's Contract for the COD System. A07E0003 01/28/2005 PDF (7M) MS Word (294K)
American River College's Compliance with Student Eligibility Requirements for Title IV Student Financial Aid Programs. A09D0024 12/01/2004 PDF (351K) MS Word (262K)
Review of Student Enrollment, Professional Judgment Actions, and Dependency Overrides at Salem College. A04E0003 11/08/2004 PDF (539K) MS Word (365K)

Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs. A19F0011 05/26/2005 PDF (44K) MS Word (129K)

Office of Vocational & Adult Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office of Vocational and Adult Education.. A19F0006 07/01/2005 PDF (122K) MS Word (222K)
Center for State Scholars. A06F0001 06/01/2005 PDF (510K) MS Word (140K)

Office of Management

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of the Department's Management of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act Program. A19D0008 03/30/2005 PDF (306K) MS Word (340K)

Institute of Education Sciences

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit of Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Institute of Education Sciences A19F0021 9/14/2005 PDF (695K) MS Word (219K)
The U.S. Department of Education's Monitoring of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Contract A19E0016 02/09/2005 PDF (112K) MS Word (178K)

Office of Chief Financial Officer

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Department of Education's Compliance with the Prompt Payment Act Action Official Office: Office of the Chief Financial Officer . A17E0008 09/28/2005 PDF (1M) MS Word (7M)
Audit of Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office of Chief Financial Officer. A19F0013 09/14/2005 PDF (353K) MS Word (229K)
Sander's Unified School District No. 18's Administration of 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant No. S287A010956. A09F0011 08/04/2005 PDF (216K) MS Word (236K)
U.S. Department of Education Funds Disbursed for New York City Department of Education Telecommunication Services. A02E0008 06/14/2005 PDF (759K) MS Word (216K)
Guam Department of Education's Reported Costs for Consolidated Grants to Insular Areas and the Special Education Grants to States-Part B. A09E0027 04/18/2005 PDF (605K) MS Word (362K)
Audit of the Department of Education's Followup Process for External Audits. A19D0007 03/31/2005 PDF (717K) MS Word (473K)
Payments to Private Collection Agency Contractors. A19D0005 02/18/2005 PDF (660K) MS Word (221K)
The Virgin Islands Is at Risk of Not Meeting the Goals of the September 2002 Compliance Agreement A02D0028 02/15/2005 PDF (6M) MS Word (8M)
The U.S. Department of Education's Monitoring of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Contract A19E0016 02/09/2005 PDF (112K) MS Word (178K)
University of Illinois at Chicago's (UIC) Upward Bound (UB) project A05D0041 12/20/2004 PDF (2.2M) MS Word (3.7M)
University of Illinois at Chicago's (UIC) Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) project A05E0018 12/17/2004 PDF (2.5M) MS Word (3.9M)
Management the Department's Certification and Accreditation Contract S19E0015 12/17/2004 PDF (228K) MS Word (581K)
Title I funds administered by the Beauregard Parish School District (District), for the period July 1, 2001, through December 31, 2003 A06E0017 12/16/2004 PDF (499K) MS Word (991K)
Puerto Rico Department of Education's Repeated Single Audit Findings A02E0016 12/15/2004 PDF (296K) MS Word (591K)
Federal Intragovernmental Activity and Balances Agrred-Upon Procedures Report A17E0012 12/02/2004 PDF (60K) MS Word (51K)
FY 2004 Performance and Accountability Report A17E0006 11/12/2004    
New Orleans Educational Talent Search Program, Inc. A06D0015 10/21/2004 PDF (2.1M) MS Word (546K)

Office of the Under Secretary

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
The U.S. Department of Education's Detailed Accounting of Fiscal Year 2004 Drug Control Funds. S17F0002 01/28/2005 PDF (445K)

MS Word (647K) (with image of the Report perpared by the Department)

Office of the Deputy Secretary

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Departmental Actions to Ensure Charter Schools' Access to Title I and IDEA Part B Funds. A09E0014 10/26/2004 PDF (379K) MS Word (463K)

Office of Postsecondary Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit Followup Process for Office of Inspector General Internal Audits in the Office of Postsecondary Education. A19F0002 09/15/2005 PDF (1M) MS Word (240K)
Audit of Controls Over Purchase Card Use in the Office of Postsecondary Education. A19F0017 09/14/2005 PDF (353K) MS Word (229K)
Audit of the College of Lake County's Administration of a Strengthening Institutions Grant. A05F0011 04/04/2005 PDF (143K) MS Word (27K)
Talent Search Program at the U.S. Department of Education. A07E0009 02/16/2005 PDF (3.6M) MS Word (160K)

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Last Modified: 10/09/2007

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