The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 14, 2005

President Offers Toast During United Nations World Summit
United Nations Headquarters
New York, New York

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President's Remarks
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1:39 P.M. EDT (1:41 end)

THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Secretary General, distinguished members of the United Nations community, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. Our country is honored to welcome you to New York; I'm pleased to be with you at the 60th session of the United Nations General Assembly, this year under the leadership of President Eliasson of Sweden.

We meet at a time of tragedy for this country, when citizens along our Gulf Coast are recovering from Hurricane Katrina. I just wanted you to know that Americans take comfort in knowing that we're not alone. I can't thank you enough for the outpouring of international support for our brothers and sisters who hurt. This international goodwill and outpouring of support reminds us there is no challenge we cannot overcome when the nations of the world unite in common.

That was the vision of the founders of the United Nations six decades ago. Our challenge is to extend this vision into the 21st century, and we need a strong United Nations to do so. The United States appreciates the commitment of Secretary General Annan and the General Assembly and members of member states to reform the U.N. We have made a solid start -- more work remains.

Our ongoing efforts together will be crucial to enable the United Nations to fulfill the promises made 60 years ago.

Mr. Secretary General, on this important anniversary I offer a toast to you and to the United Nations: May the U.N. embody the high ideals of its founding in the years to come.

(The toast was offered.) (Applause.)

END 1:41 P.M. EDT

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