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Award Abstract #0520140
Arabidopsis 2010: Metabolomics: A Functional Genomics Tool for Deciphering Functions of Arabidopsis Genes in the Context of Metabolic and Regulatory Networks

Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
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Initial Amendment Date: August 26, 2005
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Latest Amendment Date: August 4, 2008
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Award Number: 0520140
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Award Instrument: Standard Grant
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Program Manager: Wilson A. Francisco
MCB Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
BIO Directorate for Biological Sciences
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Start Date: September 1, 2005
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Expires: August 31, 2009 (Estimated)
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Awarded Amount to Date: $1000000
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Investigator(s): Basil Nikolau dimmas@iastate.edu (Principal Investigator)
Ruth Welti (Co-Principal Investigator)
Lloyd Sumner (Co-Principal Investigator)
Seung Rhee (Co-Principal Investigator)
Oliver Fiehn (Co-Principal Investigator)
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Sponsor: Iowa State University
1138 Pearson
AMES, IA 50011 515/294-5225
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Field Application(s):
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Program Reference Code(s): BIOT, 9109, 7465, 1684, 1168
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Program Element Code(s): 1144


The long-term goal of this project is to establish a multiinstitutional, international consortium of labs that will develop metabolomics as a new functional genomics tool for elucidating the functions of Arabidopsis genes. In this 2-year pilot project the consortium will conduct the research that will test the feasibility of using metabolomics in deciphering functions of genes. The consortium will apply established metabolite-profiling platforms that together detect approximately 2,000 metabolites, of which about 900 are chemically defined. Studies will investigate the robustness of the Arabidopsis metabolome, and define conditions that minimize the environmental and developmental effects on the metabolome. Subsequently, the consortium will profile changes in the metabolome associated with knockout alleles in genes of unknown function. These metabolomics data will be integrated with additional functional genomics data (i.e., transcriptomic, proteomic and phenotypic characterizations) gathered in parallel 2010 projects, and in combination, these profiling data will generate new tools and resources for determining the function of the many Arabidopsis genes, whose functions are still undefined. All information generated from this project will be available at www.metabolomics2010.bb.iastate.edu.

Broader Impacts: This project will validate the utility of metabolomics in deciphering the function of genes. This development will be a resource to the Arabidopsis research community in that it will facilitate the elucidation of functions for genes whose functions are currently unknown. The consortium of labs that are participating in this project will foster the coordinate international development of metabolomics as a tool in functional genomics. The project will facilitate the research-based training of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate researchers at the interface between chemistry, biochemistry, genetics and bioinformatics to solve biological problems in postgenomic sciences.


(Showing: 1 - 14 of 14).

Bajad, S.,;Shulaev, V.;.  "Highly-parallel metabolomics approaches using LC-MS2 for pharmaceutical and environmental analysis,"  Trends in Analytical Chemistry,  v.26,  2007,  p. 625-636.

Buseman, CM; Tamura, P; Sparks, AA; Baughman, EJ; Maatta, S; Zhao, J; Roth, MR; Esch, SW; Shah, J; Williams, TD; Welti, R.  "Wounding stimulates the accumulation of glycerolipids containing oxophytodienoic acid and dinor-oxophytodienoic acid in Arabidopsis leaves,"  PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,  v.142,  2006,  p. 28 - 39.  

Fiehn, O.,;Robertson, D.,;Griffin, J.,;van der Werf, M.,;Nikolau, BJ.,;Morrison, N.,;Sumner, L.W.,;Goodacre, R.,;Hardy, N.W.,;Taylor, C.,;Fostel, J.,;Kristal, B.,;Kaddurah-Daouk, R.,;Mendes, P.,;van Ommen, B.,;Lindon, J.C.,;Sansone, S-A.;.  "The Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI),"  Metabolomics,  v.3,  2007,  p. 175-178.

Fiehn, O.,;Sumner, L.W.,;Rhee, S.Y.,;Ward, J.,;Dickerson, J.,;Lange, B.M.,;Lane, G.,;Roessner, U.,;Last, R.,;Nikolau, B.J.;.  "Minimum reporting standards for plant biology context information in metabolomic studies,"  Metabolomics,  v.3,  2007,  p. 195-201.

Fiehn, O.;Wohlgemuth, G.;Scholz, M.;Kind, T.;Lee do, Y.;Lu, Y.;Moon, S.;Nikolau, B.;.  "Quality control for plant metabolomics: reporting MSI-compliant studies,"  Plant J,  v.53,  2008,  p. 691-704.

Isaac, Giorgis, Jeannotte, Esch, R., Wynn, S., Welti, R..  "New mass-spectrometry-based strategies for lipids,"  Gen. Eng. Rev.,  v.28,  2007,  p. 129.

Lange, B.M.;.  "Integrative analysis of metabolic networks: from peaks to flux models?,"  Current Opinions in Plant Biology,  v.9,  2006,  p. 220-226.

Rios-Estepa, R.;Lange, B. M.;.  "Experimental and mathematical approaches to modeling plant metabolic networks,"  Phytochemistry,  v.68,  2007,  p. 2351-74.

Sansone, S.A., Nikolau, B., van Ommen, B., Kristal, B.S., Taylor, C., Robertson, D., Lindon, J., Griffin, J.L., Sumner, L.W., van der Werf, M., Hardy, N.W., Morrison, N., Mendes, P., Kaddurak-Daouk, R., Goodacre, R., Fan, T., Fiehn, O..  "The Metabolomics Standards Initiative,"  Nature Biotechnology,  v.25,  2007,  p. 846.

Shulaev, V.,;Cortes, D.,;Miller, G.,;Mittler, R.;.  "Metabolomics for plant stress response,"  Physiol. Plant.,  v.132,  2008,  p. 199-208.

Shulaev, V.;.  "Metabolomics technology and bioinformatics,"  Brief Bioinform,  v.7,  2006,  p. 128-39.

Sumner, L.W.,;Amberg, A.,;Barret, D.,;Beale, M.,;Beger, R.,;Daykin, C.,;Fan, T.,;Fiehn, O.,;Goodacre, R.,;Griffin, J.,;Hardy, N.,;Higashi, R.M.,;Lane, A.,;Lindon, J.,;Marriott, P.,;Nicholls, P.;Reily, M.,;Viant, M.;.  "Proposed minimum reporting standards for chemical analysis,"  Metabolomics,  v.3,  2007,  p. 211-221.

Welti, R.,;Isaac, G.,;Tamura, P.,;Esch, S.W.,;Sparks, A.,;Jeannotte, R.,;Roth, M.,;Maatta, S.,;Williams, T.D.,;Shah, J.,;Wang, X.;.  "Lipid profiling: Analysis of gene function and physiological responses in Arabidopsis,"  Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Plant Lipids,  v.287-291,  2007, 

Welti, R; Shah, J; Li, WQ; Li, MY; Chen, JP; Burke, JJ; Fauconnier, ML; Chapman, K; Chye, ML; Wang, XM.  "Plant lipidomics: Discerning biological function by profiling plant complex lipids using mass spectrometry,"  FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE,  v.12,  2007,  p. 2494 - 2506.  

(Showing: 1 - 14 of 14).


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