A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``(a) Applications Required.--Each State educational agency that wishes to receive an allotment under this part for any fiscal year shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such form, and containing such information as the Secretary may require.
``(b) State Plan To Improve Teaching and Learning.--
``(1) In general.--Each application under this section shall include a State plan that is coordinated with the State's plan under other programs assisted under this Act, the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, and other Acts, as appropriate, consistent with the provisions of section 14306.
``(2) Contents.--Each such State plan shall--
``(A) be developed in conjunction with the State agency for higher education, community-based and other nonprofit organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, institutions of higher education or schools of education, and with the extensive participation of local teachers, administrators and pupil services personnel and show the role of each such entity in implementation of the plan;
``(B) be designed to give teachers, and, where appropriate, administrators and pupil services personnel in the State, the knowledge and skills necessary to provide all students the opportunity to meet challenging State content standards and challenging State student performance standards;
``(C) include an assessment of State and local needs for professional development specifically related to subparagraph (B);
``(D) include a description of how the plan has assessed the needs of local educational agencies serving rural and urban areas, and what actions are planned to meet such needs;
``(E) include a description of how the activities assisted under this part will address the needs of teachers in schools receiving assistance under part A of title I;
``(F) a description of how programs in all core academic subjects, but especially in mathematics and science, will take into account the need for greater access to, and participation in, such disciplines by students from historically underrepresented groups, including females, minorities, individuals with limited English proficiency, the economically disadvantaged, and individuals with disabilities, by incorporating pedagogical strategies and techniques which meet such individuals' educational needs;
``(G) be consistent with the State's needs assessment under subparagraph (C), and describe how the State will work with teachers, including teachers in schools receiving assistance under part A of title I, administrators, parents, local educational agencies, schools, educational service agencies, institutions of higher education, and nonprofit organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, to ensure that such individuals develop the capacity to support sustained and intensive, high-quality professional development programs in the core academic subjects;
``(H) describe how the State requirements for licensure of teachers and administrators, including certification and recertification, support challenging State content standards and challenging State student performance standards and whether such requirements are aligned with such standards;
``(I) address the need for improving teaching and learning through teacher development beginning with recruitment, preservice, and induction, and continuing throughout the professional teaching career, taking into account the need, as determined by the State, for greater access to and participation in the teaching profession by individuals from historically underrepresented groups;
``(J) describe how the State will prepare all teachers to teach children with diverse learning needs, including children with disabilities;
``(K) describe how the State will prepare teachers, and, where appropriate, paraprofessionals, pupil services personnel, and other staff in the collaborative skills needed to appropriately teach children with disabilities, in the core academic subjects;
``(L) describe how the State will use technology, including the emerging national information infrastructure, to enhance the professional development of teachers, and, where appropriate, administrators and pupil services personnel;
``(M) describe how the State will provide incentives to teachers and administrators to focus their professional development on preparing such teachers and administrators to provide instruction consistent with challenging State content standards and challenging State student performance standards;
``(N) set specific performance indicators for professional development; and
``(O) describe how parents can be involved in professional development programs to enhance the participation of parents in the education of their children.
``(3) Duration of the plan.--Each such State plan shall--
``(A) remain in effect for the duration of the State's participation under this part; and
``(B) be periodically reviewed and revised by the State, as necessary, to reflect changes in the State's strategies and programs under this part.
``(c) Additional Material.--Each State application shall include--
``(1) a description of how the activities assisted under this part will be coordinated, as appropriate, with--
``(A) other activities conducted with Federal funds, especially activities supported under part A of title I of this Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;
``(B) programs supported by State and local funds;
``(C) resources from business and industry, museums, libraries, educational television stations, and public and private nonprofit organizations of demonstrated experience; and
``(D) funds received from other Federal agencies, such as the National Science Foundation, the Departments of Commerce, Energy, and Health and Human Services, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Institute of Museum Services, and the National Endowment for the Humanities; and
``(2) a description of the activities to be sponsored under the State-level activities under section 2207 and the higher education activities under section 2211.
``(d) Peer Review and Secretarial Approval.--
``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall approve an application of a State educational agency under this section if such application meets the requirements of this section and holds reasonable promise of achieving the purposes of this part.
``(2) Review.--In reviewing applications under this section, the Secretary shall obtain the advice of non-Federal experts on education in the core academic subjects and on teacher education, including teachers and administrators.
