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OVC Discretionary Toolbox:

The required forms for OVC discretionary funding are in PDF format and organized as—

Application Forms

OVC requires that applications for discretionary funding include the following forms, as applicable:

Accounting System and Financial Capability Questionnaire Form
Form for new grantees who have not received federal funds in the past.

Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424) Form
This cover sheet form is required for all applications for federal funding. Instructions for completing the form are included.

Assurances Form
This form must be signed by all applicants to assure and certify compliance with all federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements.

Budget Detail Worksheet Form
The Budget Detail Worksheet may be used as a guide to assist applicants in the preparation of the budget and budget narrative. Although this form is preferred, applicants may submit the budget and budget narrative using this form or in the format of their choice.

Certification Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters
Forms must be signed by recipients of federal grants or cooperative agreements to indicate compliance with regulations concerning lobbying, a drug-free workplace, and other matters.

Civil Rights Information Form
Form required for all applicants or grantees to provide information about the person who ensures all civil rights requirements are met.

Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying
Form must be signed by all grantees to disclose information concerning lobbying activities.

Model Privacy Certificates
DOJ regulations require that a Privacy Certificate be submitted as part of any application for a project in which information identifiable to a private person will be collected for research or statistical purposes. These examples can be used as a guide for applicants in the preparation of the certificates.
Model form 1 (32 kb PDF) - adapted from sample used by NIJ.
Model form 2 (20 kb PDF) - adapted from sample used by BJA.

Single Audit Act Information Form
Required only for recipients who expend $300,000 or more of federal funds during the fiscal year.

Reporting Forms

OVC requires discretionary grantees to file two types of reports once funding has been awarded. The PDFs of these report forms are linked below.

Categorical Assistance Progress Report Form (nonfillable version)
This form is often referred to as a "Progress Report." It must be filed online, twice a year through OJP's Grants Management System. A final Progress Report is due 90 days after the end date of a grant award.

To learn more about progress report forms and how to submit them online, visit OJP's training support center, which presents the latest in training and support from OJP:

Financial Status Report (SF 269) Form
This form must be filed quarterly. A final SF 269 is due 90 days following the closeout of a grant award. Instructions for completing the form are on page 2 of the file.


This document was last updated on June 19, 2008