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President Discusses Economic Recovery in New York City
Economy Budget and Taxes - 31.5KB
03 Oct 01
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At O'Hare, President Says "Get On Board"
President tells thousands of airline workers in Chicago that the U.S. "will not surrender our freedom to travel." - 23.2KB
28 Sep 01
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King of Jordan: "We will stand behind you."
Your Majesty, welcome back. Thank you. It's great to see you. I look forward to our discussions. Jordan is a strong, strong friend .. - 15.4KB
28 Sep 01
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President Commends House for Passing Defense Bill
I am pleased that the House has taken the vital step to ensure our Nation's security by passing the Defense Authorization ... - 18.9KB
27 Sep 01
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President Thanks CIA
In remarks to employees of the CIA, the President said "we've got to make sure that those who work for the nation overseas have got the best .. - 12.3KB
26 Sep 01
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President Welcomes Sikh Leaders to White House
President Bush said today that Sikh Leaders share with him a "common commitment to make sure that every American is treated .. - 6.6KB
26 Sep 01
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President Meets with Muslim Leaders
It's my honor to welcome to the White House my fellow Americans, Arab Americans, Americans who are Muslim by faith, to discuss about ... - 30.5KB
26 Sep 01
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President Signs Authorization for Use of Military Force bill
In signing this resolution, I maintain the longstanding position of the executive branch regarding the President's ... - 21.2KB
25 Sep 01
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President: FBI Needs Tools to Track Down Terrorists
Speaking to FBI agents today, President Bush said, "..these terrorists are very sophisticated, and so are their .. - 28.3KB
25 Sep 01
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International Campaign Against Terror Grows
President Bush said Tuesday he is pleased "with the great cooperation that we're having with our friend, the .. - 17.6KB
25 Sep 01
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