The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document
President's Trip to
Europe and Russia

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 24, 2002

Fact Sheet: Business Dialogue
Russian-American Business Dialogue

The Russian-American Business Dialogue (RABD) was established by the Russian and American business communities and welcomed by Presidents Bush and Putin at the July 2001 Genoa Summit. The Dialogue has been steered by the U.S.-Russia Business Council, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, Russian-American Business Council, and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and is open to input from interested companies and business associations in both countries.

The Dialogue is a business-to-business mechanism for expanding contact between the two private sectors, identifying areas where laws and regulations impede trade and investment, and providing a forum where businesses' common interests and concerns can be raised with both governments. Issues covered in the Dialogue's first annual report, presented to the Russian and American Governments in Moscow, include:

The Russian-American Business Dialogue marks the first such comprehensive effort by the United States and Russian business communities to work together to develop consensus recommendations across a full range of issues and industries, and to join together in cooperative activities to promote trade and investment. The Business Dialogue will continue its work.

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