Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Programs

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Individual Grant Results

Fiscal Year 2007 Cohort:

GPRA information for the Fiscal Year 2007 cohort of Elementary and Secondary School Counseling (ESSC) grantees. Data was provided as part of annual performance reports provided by grantees.
download files MS Excel (38K)

The GPRA measures for this program track grantee progress in reducing disciplinary referrals and closing the gap between the students to mental health professionals ratios recommended in the ESSC program statute and the post-grant ratios of students to mental health professionals. Data is supplied for school counselors, school social workers, and school psychologists -- the three groups of qualified mental health professionals identified in the ESSC program statute with specific student to professional ratios. A few grantees also hired other qualified psychologists, and that information is summarized in the "Notes" section of the spreadsheet for Measure #1.

Fiscal Year 2006 and 2005 Cohorts:

Data available is Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) measures established for Elementary and Secondary School Counseling grantees that received new grant awards in fiscal year 2005. Information for these charts was taken from each grantee's annual report, submitted in 2007 and covering the 2006-2007 program year.

  • Elementary & Secondary 2006 Cohort: download files MS Excel (59K)
    GPRA 1 - The percentage of grantees closing the gap between their student/mental health professional ratios and the student/mental health professional ratios recommended by the Statute

  • Elementary & Secondary FY05 Cohort: download files MS Excel (37K)
    GPRA 2: The average decrease among grantees in the number of student disciplinary referrals.

Performance Reports

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Last Modified: 10/02/2008

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