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President Bush Releases Economic Blueprint
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Economy and Jobs
Strengthening Medicare: A Framework to Modernize and Improve Medicare
Budget Assumptions
    Budget Assumptions
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Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies
FY 2008 Budget
The President's Budget & California
    The President's Budget & Arkansas
    The President's Budget & Louisiana
    The President's Budget & North Dakota
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President Bush discusses the budget in the Cabinet Room with his Cabinet.
    President Bush Takes Students from Cleveland Elementary School on a Tour at the White House
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
    Remarks by the President on Tax Cut Proposal
    To the Congress of the United States
    Remarks by the President at Tax Family Reunion
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President Bush Speaks at Fernbank Museum in Atlanta, Georgia
    President Bush Speaks to African American leaders
    President Speaks with House and Senate Leaders
    President Speaks to High Tech Leaders
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