The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 4, 2007

Presidential Message on Cinco de Mayo

     Fact sheet President Bush Celebrates Cinco de Mayo, Discusses Immigration

I send greetings to those celebrating Cinco de Mayo.

The story of Cinco de Mayo represents the triumph of liberty over tyranny and a joyful moment in Mexican history. In 1862, Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza and his militia defended their independence and won an important victory for freedom. Because of their courage, Mexican citizens would come to know the full blessings of liberty, and their triumph at the Battle of Puebla remains an inspiration to all who thirst for freedom.

Cinco de Mayo is also an opportunity to celebrate the warm ties between Mexico and the United States. Geography has made us neighbors, but our friendship is based on shared values of family, democracy, and faith. Our country is grateful for the countless contributions of Mexican Americans whose hard work and strong character have strengthened our country. On Cinco de Mayo and throughout the year, may we remember that together we can build a better life and a future of hope for both our peoples.

Laura and I send our best wishes for a festive Cinco de Mayo.


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