The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 16, 2008

President Bush Participates in Roundtable with Israeli Youth
Bible Lands Museum

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10:30 A.M. (Local)

THE PRESIDENT: First of all, Laura and I are honored that you'd join us. Thanks very much for sharing some thoughts with us. As you know, we're parents of young professional women; we're interested to know what's on your mind. And if you've got any questions of me, I'll be glad to answer them.

What's on my mind is peace. I hope some day that everybody will be able to co-exist and respect each other's religions and work together for harmony. I believe it's possible. And I know it's going to happen when young people put a -- get their minds together and say, listen, let's make this work.

President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush participate in a roundtable discussion with a group of youths at the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem Friday, May 16, 2008. Young leaders interested in fostering peace in their country, the youths represented cross cultures, including Jews, Israel Arabs, Palestinians and an immigrant from Ethiopia.  White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian So I'm interested in your thoughts, and so is Laura. And we're pleased to be joined by Condoleezza.

Perhaps you'd like to say something to begin with?

A PARTICIPANT: Mr. President and Mrs. Bush, thank you so much for choosing to spend this time with us. This is an amazing opportunity and I'm very honored and glad to be here. Congratulations, mazel tov also for your daughter's wedding. (Laughter.)

I think this museum comes to show how unique this land and this region is, it's so rich with history, the cradle of civilization -- while on the other hand we see that Israel is such a new, vibrant country, only 60 years old, and we're still building our country, nothing is for certain here. And we -- I, my friends, we want peace, we want to see the world like -- live in peace, especially in this region. And I do hope -- and I guarantee that myself as, hopefully, a future leader, will do the best I can, the best of my abilities in order to make it happen.

I think that it's for now. (Laughter.)


END 10:32 A.M. (Local)

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