USDA Forest Service

Grey Towers National Historic Site


Grey Towers National Historic Site
151 Grey Towers Drive
PO Box 188
Milford, PA 18337

(570) 296-9630

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


Frequently Asked Questions

The questions people ask the most are answered below, or links are provided to more detailed information.


What is Grey Towers?

Grey Towers is a National Historic Site administered by the USDA Forest Service, donated by Gifford Pinchot's son Dr. Gifford Bryce Pinchot, to carry on his father's conservation legacy.


What can we do at Grey Towers?

You can take a guided tour of the first floor of the mansion and surrounding gardens, walk around the grounds and see the historic gardens, take a hike on the trails or attend a conservation education program or "Off-the-Shelf" public program.


When can I take a tour?

Tours of the mansion and surrounding gardens are conducted daily on the hour from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. from Memorial Day Weekend through the end of October. More.


Is there a fee for touring Grey Towers?

Yes, prices are as follows: More.

  Individuals Groups
  Adults - $5.00 15 to 30 - $4.00/person
  Seniors - $4.00 31 to 50 - $125.00
  Youth 12-17 - $2.00  
  Under 12 - Free  


What events are scheduled at Grey Towers?

Check the Calendar of Events for an up-to-date schedule of events.


How do I get to Grey Towers?

Click here for directions.


Who was Gifford Pinchot?

As founder and first chief of the USDA Forest Service, Gifford Pinchot implemented the groundbreaking concept of conservation, or sustainable use of our natural resources. An eminent conservationist, he helped crate the National Forest System, which today comprises nearly 193 million acres. As two-term governor of Pennsylvania, Gifford along with his wife Cornelia, made tremendous changes in the economic, social and political climate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. More.


Who were James and Mary Pinchot?

James and Mary Pinchot, Gifford's parents, built Grey Towers in 1886. James was a wealthy businessman who made a fortune in wallpaper. A patron of the arts, he was a supporter of the Hudson River School of Painting and was cofounder of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. He had a strong conservation ethic and encouraged his son Gifford to pursue forestry as a career. More.


Who can use the Conference Center at Grey Towers?

The Forest Service and other natural resource agencies, groups, associations and organizations and our partners can use the conference facilities. More.


Can I have my wedding at Grey Towers?

As nice as the landscape is, it is not within the scope of the Grey Towers mission to host weddings or other private social functions.


Is Grey Towers haunted?

There have been no documented sightings of ghosts, though some claim to have "felt" a presence. It depends on your personal interpretation.


Why isn't there a dining room in the house?

Grey Towers served mainly as a summer home. Gifford and Cornelia Pinchot spent a lot of time outdoors. The outdoor dining table, also known as the Finger Bowl, served as their dining room.


Are dogs allowed at Grey Towers?

Dogs are allowed on the grounds of Grey Towers as long as they are on a leash at all times.



USDA Forest Service - Grey Towers National Historic Site
Last Modified: Thursday, 05 June 2008 at 16:20:00 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.