The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 24, 2002

President Calls for Progress on Homeland Security, Corporate Responsibility and Trade
The Cabinet Room

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President's Remarks
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2:55 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Today, I've had the honor of talking to members of the United States Congress -- these good folks happen to be Democrats -- about how to leave behind a legacy of a more secure America. We're talking about an incredibly important piece of legislation that will be voted on this Friday. It's legislation to create a Department of Homeland Security; it's really a piece of legislation to make America a safer place.

President George W. Bush meets with democratic members of Congress to discuss the legislation before Congress to create a department of Homeland Security in the Cabinet Room Wednesday, July 24. "And I want to thank the leaders who are here for their willingness to put partisanship aside and focus on what's best for the American people. I believe we're going to get a good bill on Friday out of the House. I ask the Senate to vote on the bill before they go home for their August vacation," said President Bush. And I want to thank the leaders who are here for their willingness to put partisanship aside and focus on what's best for the American people. I believe we're going to get a good bill on Friday out of the House. I ask the Senate to vote on the bill before they go home for their August vacation.

Secondly, we're making progress on a piece of legislation which will enable us to say that we passed laws to help protect investors, 401(k) stockholders, from corporate fraud. This government, this government will investigate, will arrest, and will prosecute corporate executives who break the law. And the Justice Department took action today.

And, finally, I am hopeful that after a lot of work, we can get a trade bill up on the floor of the House and the floor of the Senate before they go home for August, as well. This is an important part of a legislative package necessary to help create jobs and keep the economy going.

Today was a day of action and a day of accomplishment in Washington, D.C. And I want to thank the members for that.

Thank you all.

END 2:57 P.M. EDT

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