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Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic SiteNCNW Members at a meeting
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Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site
Be A Junior Ranger
The Junior Ranger programs began in the parks in the late 60's based upon a model observed in the California State Park System. The program is offered all over the National Park System today. The intention of the program is to introduce youth between the ages of 8–12, to the national parks.
The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Haiti  

Did You Know?
Mary McLeod Bethune was invited by President Dumarsais Estimé of the President of Haïti to celebrate the 1949 Haïtian Exposition. She became the first woman to be given the Medal of Honor and Merit, Haïti's highest award.

Last Updated: August 24, 2006 at 09:48 EST