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PDF Printer VersionInspection and Field Testing of Radiation-Emitting Electronic Products

Program 7386.001



Inspection and Field Testing of Radiation-Emitting Electronic Products






95RH-XXX (See Attachment B for detail) 86001
95RH-XXX (See Attachment C for detail) 86002
94RH-XXX (See Attachment D for detail) 86004

This compliance program consolidates and supersedes the following compliance programs:


Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Office of Communication, Education and Radiation Programs
ATTN: Electronic Products Branch (HFZ-240)
1350 Piccard Dr .
Rockville MD 20850 .

This document represents the agency’s current thinking on the enforcement of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act Electronic Product Radiation Control provisions and related regulations. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public. An alternative approach may be used if such approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statute, regulations, or both.


This compliance program provides guidance to FDA field and center staff for the inspection, field test and administrative/enforcement activities related to the Electronic Product Radiation Control (EPRC) provisions of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA, the Act) and regulations contained in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 1000 – 1050 (21 CFR 1000 – 1050). The intent of these requirements is to protect the public from unnecessary exposure to electronic products radiation. Manufacturers are responsible for producing products that do not emit hazardous or unnecessary radiation and that comply with all applicable radiation safety performance standards. All electronic product manufacturers must comply with applicable requirements in Title 21 CFR 1000, 1002, 1003, 1004 and 1005. If a mandatory radiation safety performance standard applies to a manufacturer’s product, then the manufacturer must also comply with Title 21 CFR 1010 and the product must comply with the requirements of the specific standard found in 21 CFR 1020 – 1050. Manufacturers are required to self-certify their own products to be compliant with an applicable standard, based on a quality control testing program as described in 21 CFR 1010.2. The purpose of EPRC inspections and field tests are to verify that products comply with performance standards, and that the manufacturer’s quality control testing program ensures such product compliance and radiation safety.

This program applies to certain electronic products subject to radiation safety performance standards described in 21 CFR 1010 – 1040, including:

Diagnostic x-ray inspection and testing is conducted under Compliance Program 7386.001. Products and manufacturers subject to standards contained in 21 CFR 1020 – 1050, but are not listed above, will be subject to inspection or test on a for-cause basis only at the direction of CDRH.

The body of this program contains basic instructions for inspection, field test and administrative/enforcement activities applicable to all electronic products. Inspection and field test checklists, and additional considerations and instructions for specific products, such as laser, sunlamp, cabinet x-ray, television and microwave oven products, are covered in ATTACHMENTS B - F.

Medical devices that emit electronic product radiation are subject to EPRC requirements as well as Medical Device provisions of the Act and related regulations. Medical device inspection and enforcement activities described in Compliance Program 7382.845, Inspection of Medical Device Manufacturers, may be conducted jointly with this program at CDRH and district discretion. Examples of radiation-emitting medical devices include medical laser and sunlamp products, which could be covered by a joint EPRC/medical device inspection.



This is a continuing, non-statistical compliance program intended:

  1. To evaluate an electronic product manufacturer’s quality control testing program for its ability to ensure such product compliance and radiation safety.
  2. To identify certified electronic products which fail to comply with the requirements of applicable performance standards
  3. To obtain correction of deficient quality control testing programs and noncompliant products identified by initiating appropriate administrative/regulatory action.
  4. To provide guidance to manufacturers regarding compliance with the laws and regulations administered by FDA.


1. Planning Instructions

  1. The role of the individual investigator and field radiological health specialists is a critical factor for the effective implementation of this program. Field specialists such as Electro-Optics Specialists (EOS) and Regional Radiological Health Representatives have been specifically trained in general EPRC requirements and may have specialized training in one or more performance standards.
    Only individuals trained in EPRC requirements should perform these inspections and field tests. Contact CDRH/OCER Electronic Products Branch (HFZ-240) and DFI (HFC-130) should the need for expertise, not otherwise available in the District, become apparent. At the discretion of CDRH and the district, radiological health specialists may be used to accompany a medical device investigator to conduct joint EPRC/medical device inspections. If an individual has training in both EPRC and medical device inspections, a single individual may conduct both portions of the inspection.
  2. Field radiological health specialists, their particular area of expertise, physical location and primary geographical areas of responsibility are listed in Part VI of this program.
  3. Based on the resources in the current FY workplan, field radiological health specialists will develop assignments for their organization. The assignments will be reviewed by his or her supervisor, entered into FACTS and transmitted to the affected field staff, Districts, HFC-l32 and HFZ-240. Workplans should include district inspections, field tests, and known CDRH assignments. The establishment inventory and guidance from CDRH should be used to determine inspection and field test locations.

2. Pre-announcement of Inspections

Pre-announcement of EPRC inspections conducted under this compliance program is not mandatory, although it is recommended to facilitate the inspection. Pre-announcement ensures the firm is producing electronic products for the US market on the day of inspection, gives the firm time to collect all necessary procedures and records, and ensures appropriate individuals are available during the inspection. Section 537 of the Act permits inspection of any manufacturer for good cause, grounds for which may include introduction of any noncompliant product into US commerce, failure to comply with EPRC reporting requirements, or for purposes of suspected problems with a manufacturer’s quality control testing program and product conformance with performance standards.

Inspections of radiation-emitting medical device manufacturers must be pre-announced if the inspection will cover medical device Quality Systems Regulation compliance. Refer to instructions provided in the Guide to Inspections of Quality Systems, August 1999, and IOM Section, Pre-Announcements.

3. Pre-announcement of Field Tests

Schedule an appointment with the user prior to the field test. Tell the user that the purpose of the visit is to conduct a survey of an electronic product to determine compliance with FDA’s Federal radiation safety performance standards.

Request that persons familiar with the operation of the electronic product to be tested be available to assist in the operation of the equipment.

4. Inspections and Field Test Priorities

Inspections and field testing of electronic product manufacturers should be prioritized using the following criteria:

  1. Manufacturers and products posing a potential risk to public health or with great public health impact. High-risk products may be identified by additional product-specific guidance provided in Attachments B – F, direction provided from CDRH, level of radiation emissions accessible to the public or volume of products on the US market.
  2. Manufacturers or products with known compliance problems discovered through field testing, report review, complaints or other reason.
  3. New manufacturers that have not yet been inspected
  4. Products incorporating technology new to the US market or a major change in existing product.

5. Resource Instructions

  1. Field personnel may require personal radiation monitors, such as thermal luminescent dosimeter badges, when performing tests under this program. Dosimeters must be worn when performing inspections of cabinet x-ray manufacturers, cabinet x-ray field tests, and other products that can emit x radiation. These monitors are available from the Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center (WEAC) Radiation Safety Officer. Part VI of this program contains the current list of contacts for WEAC.
  2. Field personnel are responsible for contacting OCER and OSEL to arrange to have their radiation measurement equipment re-calibrated annually. Any personnel that do not have the appropriate radiation meters may request that equipment be loaned by another district or by CDRH, if available.
    CDRH will be phasing out calibration services currently provided for a number of instruments in the field, and alternate sources of equipment maintenance and calibration services will be identified. CDRH will assist in identifying sources for these services, and will maintain an inventory of equipment that may be available for use by field staff on loan.



1. Inspectional Strategy

The purpose of electronic product manufacturer inspections is to evaluate the firm’s quality control testing program to ensure product compliance with applicable performance standards and radiation safety. The inspection should also verify that EPRC requirements for reporting and recordkeeping are met by the firm.

2. Electronic Product Radiation Control Inspection

  1. Items to cover
    1. The firm’s product(s) comply with the applicable requirements of the standard to the extent that:
      • The product has the applicable performance features, labels, and instructions for operation, maintenance and service
      • The product emissions are properly characterized. If appropriate, request to make measurements during the inspection using available FDA or manufacturer instruments to confirm emission specifications are below any established limits. Otherwise, witness the measurements performed by the manufacturer to confirm.
      • The brochures, catalogs and other promotional material contain any required warnings or label reproductions
    2. The firm has procedures and documents for control of the manufacturing process appropriate to the product type and production volume including:
      • Stock and inventory control
      • Bills of materials
      • Control drawings and procedures that are authenticated and current
      • Incoming inspection, criteria for acceptance/rejection, and segregation of accepted from rejected parts
      • Disposition of rejected parts
      • Finished goods storage and inventory
    3. The firm has quality control testing procedures and records to cover:
      • In-production tests to verify product compliance during production
      • Final test and inspection of finished products
      • Maintenance and calibration of test equipment
    4. The firm maintains records required by the electronic product radiation control regulations:
      • Distribution to first purchasers or distributors
      • Safety related complaints, inquiries
      • Real or alleged injuries
      • Remedial actions taken for reports of non-compliant products, complaints, injuries
      • Reports submitted to CDRH

    Specific product inspection and field test checklists or forms, if available, are included in ATTACHMENTS B – F. These checklists should be used in conjunction with the above guidance to record inspection and test observations.

  2. Records to collect
    1. Organization chart identifying key individuals responsible for product design, manufacturing and quality control
    2. Copies of testing procedures and where possible photographic evidence showing that testing does not ensure product safety or compliance with applicable standards
    3. Samples of violative labels
    4. Copies of manuals, in part or whole, that fail to contain required materials
    5. Copies of brochures and catalogs that fail to contain required warning or label reproductions
    6. Distribution records for any violative products
  3. Foreign inspections
    All foreign inspections should be conducted using this guide, and any special instructions contained in the inspection assignment. The failure of any foreign manufacturer to comply with these requirements may result in detention upon entry.
    Foreign inspections are subject to scheduling and time constraints as several manufacturers will be inspected in a single trip. Early planning is critical to conducting foreign inspections. Firms inspected must be notified as early as possible to ensure the firm will be producing for the US on the day of inspection, to give the firm time to collect all necessary procedures and records, prepare translations of needed documents, and make arrangements to have a translator available if needed.
    Any investigator with appropriate training may conduct foreign EPRC or joint EPRC/medical device inspections. For example, field specialists such as Electro Optics Specialists (EOS) and Regional Radiological Health Representatives have been trained in general EPRC requirements and may have specialized training in one or more performance standards.
  4. Medical Device Inspections
    Radiation-emitting medical devices are subject to both electronic product radiation control requirements and medical device requirements including the Quality System, Medical Device Reporting (MDR), Medical device Tracking, Corrections and Removal, and Registration and Listing regulations.
    Based on district concurrence, a joint EPRC/medical device inspection covering the firm’s compliance with both sets of requirements may be conducted under this compliance program and Compliance Program 7382.845 for Inspection of Medical Device Manufacturers.
  5. For-Cause Directed inspections
    For-cause inspections are conducted in response to specific information that raises questions, concerns, or problems associated with the electronic product. Information can come from a variety of sources including: For cause inspections are usually initiated at the request of CDRH. For-cause inspections will generally follow instructions provided in this compliance program, with additional questions and issues to cover provided in the assignment.
  6. Inspectional Observations Review
    Review inspectional observations with the most responsible individual and other technical experts at the firm prior to concluding the inspection. Record EPRC observations on the Form FDA-483. This compliance program provides guidance concerning severity of violations observed to identify major deficiencies. Deficiencies should be noted on Form FDA-483 in order of descending importance (i.e. most serious first). If both EPRC and medical device observations are noted, they should be grouped separately on the form.
    The district has discretion to offer annotation of the FDA 483 for an EPRC inspection, if the investigator and firm believe annotation will facilitate the inspection process. An offer to annotate the FDA 483 should be extended for all joint EPRC/medical device inspections. When a FDA 483 is annotated, it should be done in accordance with the IOM Chapter 5 (Section 5.2.3).
    The following statement should be included on each FDA 483:

    “This document lists observations made by the FDA representative(s) during the inspection of your facility. They are inspectional observations and do not represent a final Agency determination regarding your compliance. If you have an objection regarding an observation, or have implemented, or plan to implement, corrective actions in response to an observation, you may discuss the objection or action with FDA representative(s) during the inspection or submit this information to FDA at the address above. If you have any questions, please contact FDA at the phone number and address above."

    For all medical device inspections the FDA 483 should contain the following additional statement:

    “The observations noted in this form FDA 483 are not an exhaustive listing of objectionable conditions. Under the law, your firm is responsible for conducting internal self audits to identify and correct any and all violations of the quality system requirements.”

3. Electronic Product Radiation Control Field Tests

Field tests are examinations of installed electronic products and may be conducted at trade shows, manufacturing facilities or other sites where products are in use. Field tests assess the individual product’s compliance with applicable performance standard requirements alone. It can not be expected that there will be staff on site with expert knowledge of the product being field tested or that it will be possible to evaluate all aspects of product compliance.

  1. Items to cover:
    1. Product emissions are properly characterized. If possible, confirm by direct measurement using FDA or available instrumentation on-site documenting all maintenance and calibration information. At a minimum, document claimed product emissions based on product labeling review.
    2. Product incorporates required performance features
    3. Product displays the labels with required contents
    If the product becomes damaged during a field test, the owner, investigator, and supervisor should complete the appropriate sections of the form FDA 2766 entitled, Claim for Damages to an Electronic Product. Instructions for completion are on the back of the form, which is available from the FDA Forms Catalog (see FDA intranet home page under “forms” section).
  2. Records to collect:
    1. Purchase information documenting the manufacturer and distributor of the product
    2. Supporting documents or photographic evidence for questionable items, including noncompliant user and service manuals, inadequate protective housing, lack of interlocks, or lack of required labeling
    3. Copy of promotional literature to show product specifications and intended use
    4. Samples of violative labels
    5. Copies of manuals (or manual sections) that fail to contain required materials
  3. Field test observations review
    Review field test observations with the most responsible individual at the location and with other appropriate staff after completing the field test. Deficiencies should be noted in order of descending importance (i.e. most serious first) on the field test record form. If a field test is conducted as part of an inspection, field test results should be noted on the FDA-483 along with inspectional observations.
    Share observations by providing a copy of the FDA- 483 and/or field test checklist or form.
    Indicate that FDA will follow up with the manufacturer and take action to correct deficiencies, as appropriate. In the event of a Class A hazard, recommend the product should not be used until corrected. This compliance program provides guidance concerning severity of violations observed to identify major deficiencies in ATTACHMENTS A – F.

4. Investigations:

Investigations are to be made to determine whether a suspected firm is in fact a manufacturer of one or more electronic products. The investigation may be initiated in preparation for a possible inspection, as a result of trade complaints, or from discovery via the Internet or printed materials of promotion of products that may not comply with EPRC requirements.

5. Physical and Documentary Samples:

Physical samples of products are generally not collected under this compliance program. Samples are not required to support a letter issued to the firm or further action to include program disapproval or legal action. However, samples can be useful to support inspectional observations to demonstrate inadequacy of the quality control testing program or product noncompliance. The investigator should consult district management and CDRH to determine whether collecting physical samples would support any subsequent letter or action initiated. Documentary samples may be collected when collecting an actual physical sample is not practical and the evidence is necessary to support inspectional observations.

Collect samples according to procedures defined in the Investigations Operations Manual, Chapter 4, and coordinate any sample collection activity with CDRH and WEAC to ensure proper procedures are followed and chain of custody is observed to maintain sample integrity.


No laboratory testing will be done under this program. CDRH or WEAC testing may be required on special assignments under Compliance Program for Lab Testing CP 7386.006 or as indicated in Part III.A.5 of this program.



CDRH is generally responsible for the final review of inspections and field tests made under this program and for the issuance of letters resulting from inspections and field tests performed by field radiological health staff. Exceptions where the district has direct reference authority are noted below under section C, Regulatory Action. The intent of this program is to follow up on problems that pose a radiation safety hazard or are a flagrant violation of EPRC requirements.

Violations of EPRC requirements may include:

Appropriate regulatory or administrative actions include issuance of a notification of defect or non-compliance letter (warning or untitled letter), requiring repurchase, repair or replacement of product under an approved corrective action plan, or imposition of civil penalties and/or injunction. Appropriate follow-up actions should be determined by CDRH or in consultation with CDRH to ensure consistency in how EPRC requirements are enforced.

CDRH has classified several potential items of non-compliance that might be observed during an inspection or field test and classified those items in terms of health hazard and regulatory action. Tables are provided in Attachments A – F to provide guidance for use during the inspection or field test, while preparing FDA-483 and EIR or field test reports, and in classifying the inspection or field test and recommending follow-up.


1. Reporting inspection and test findings

  1. Inspection reports
    Provide a copy of the completed inspection and test record used during the inspection along with the Establishment Inspection Report (EIR) and exhibits. Refer to the IOM for EIR formats, and clearly indicate the scope of the inspection in the EIR. Document any corrections performed during the inspection or corrections promised with the timeframe for completion.
  2. Field test reports
    Provide a copy of the completed field test record along with a summary of findings.

2. Recommending Action

A table of violations and their health and safety risk as well as the nature of the regulatory response has been provided for each product area.

  1. Hazard Class for Non-Compliance
    Class A, B, C, and D refer to the hazard class of the observations, related to the severity of the threat to health and safety posed by a particular non-compliant product or practice.
  2. Regulatory Response to Non-Compliance
    The designations of a violation as Major, Minor, or Concern refer to the level of regulatory response required to correct deficiencies.
  3. Inspection Classification
    Based on inspectional findings, the district will classify the inspection as OAI, VAI or NAI for further action.
    If any major EPRC deficiencies exist, the district is expected to classify the inspection as OAI and recommend further regulatory action. Examples of findings that would result in an OAI classification include:

The inspection may be classified VAI for a limited number of minor deficiencies listed in Attachments A – F and further regulatory action will be pursued at the discretion of the district and CDRH.

If it is determined that the EPRC deficiencies are of a quantity and type to conclude there is minimal probability that the firm will produce unsafe or noncompliant products, the inspection will be classified NAI and Form FDA-483 will serve to inform the firm of any objectionable findings. Deficiencies identified as violations of concern will generally not require additional follow-up but should be discussed with the firm.

Consult CDRH if additional guidance is required to classify inspection and test observations. If the inspection also covered firm compliance with medical device Quality Systems requirements, Compliance Program 7382.845, Part V, Quality System/GMP Regulatory/Administrative Follow-Up, should be consulted for appropriate regulatory and administrative follow-up.


In determining appropriate regulatory action based on inspection and test findings, the district and CDRH should consider the significance of the product, the firm’s history, whether the problem is widespread and continuing. Actions which may be considered include notification of noncompliance letters (warning and untitled letters), product repurchase, repair or replacement (recall), civil penalties and injunctions, and seizures (for radiation-emitting medical devices).

1. Notification of noncompliance letters (Warning and Untitled Letters)

The Electronic Product Radiation Control provisions of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (Section 535) and related regulations (21 CFR 1003) require the Agency to notify manufacturers in writing when product noncompliance with a standard is found. Manufacturers may also be advised in writing of a failure to comply with reporting and recordkeeping requirements (21 CFR 1002.31). A table classifying the severity of items of noncompliance with reporting and recordkeeping, and performance standard requirements is included in Attachments A – F.

Issuance of all letters should follow Chapter 4 of the Regulatory Procedures Manual (RPM) http://www.fda.gov/ora/compliance_ref/rpm/. Consult the Office of Enforcement’s (OE) Warning Letter page on ORA’s intranet for current instructions for obtaining Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) clearance and for current approved Warning Letter templates. Letter templates must be used to satisfy Agency notification requirements in 21 CFR 1003.11. Where approved OCC templates are not available, consult CDRH for the current version of letter templates.

Districts have DIRECT REFERENCE AUTHORITY for EPRC letters in certain areas which are described in Chapter 4 of the RPM. For example, districts have direct reference authority to issue sunlamp product warning and untitled letters, to grant exemption from notification, and approve manufacturer corrective action plans, which are further described in Attachment C of this program. CDRH is available for consult in assessing product noncompliance or developing regulatory and enforcement strategy.

For the majority of cases, where districts DO NOT have direct reference authority to issue EPRC letters, forward the report with exhibits and recommended action to CDRH for review and follow-up. CDRH will copy the accomplishing district on any letters issued and consult on regulatory and enforcement strategy when needed.

  1. Major Notification of Noncompliance Letter (Warning Letter)
    This letter notifies the firm of major items of noncompliance and requires the firm to further notify purchasers and recall products. The firm is required to address all items in the letter, and submit a corrective action plan for CDRH approval.
    Issue a major notification (warning) letter when the violation of the standard requires further regulatory action. The firm’s quality control testing program may be also be disapproved upon issuance of a major notification letter, when the Agency believes that the manufacturer’s quality control and testing program is not following good manufacturing practices. A program disapproval orders the manufacturer to cease certification of products (i.e. stop production and testing) until the program disapproval is rescinded, and places the firm’s products on automatic import detention without prior examination, under authority of Section 534(h) of the Act and 21 CFR1010.2 of the regulations. A program disapproval may be issued only by CDRH.
  2. Minor Notification of Noncompliance Letter (Untitled Letter)
    This letter notifies the firm of minor items of noncompliance and exempts the firm from further notifying purchasers and recalling products. The firm is instructed to address all items in the letter and make appropriate corrections for future production.

    Issue a minor notification (untitled) letter when the violation of the standard does not justify further regulatory action at the time.

2. Repurchase, Repair, or Replacement of Electronic Products (Recall)

The Electronic Product Radiation Control provisions of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (Section 535) and related regulations (21 CFR 1004) also provide for manufacturer repurchase, repair or replacement of the noncompliant electronic products.

Every major notification of noncompliance letter issued as a result of a major violation or several minor violations requires manufacturer repurchase, repair or replacement of the affected electronic products at no cost to the purchaser. The firm is required to address all items in the letter, and submit a corrective action plan for CDRH approval. Refer to RPM Chapter 7, Attachment E for approval of manufacturer's corrective action plans.

3. Refutation or Exemption from Notification or Correction Requests

Manufacturers can refute the noncompliance or be granted an exemption, by making a written request to CDRH. The exemption can be granted upon request by the manufacturer or by the Agency at its own initiative, and must show that the noncompliance does not create a significant risk of injury.

Within 15 days after notification of the noncompliance/defect by FDA, a manufacturer may refute the alleged noncompliance under 21 CFR 1003.11(a)(3) or request an exemption from purchaser notification and correction as specified under 21 CFR 1003.30. If a manufacturer refutes the alleged noncompliance, or requests an exemption, the evidence presented by the manufacturer is evaluated by CDRH before granting or denying the request for exemption or responding to the refutation. Refer to RPM Chapter 7, Attachment E for information on responding to exemption requests and refutations.

4. Timeframes for action

Immediately notify CDRH and State and local health authorities (through RRHR) for any Class A hazard.

For all inspections and tests that may require issuance of a letter, the EIR should be provided to CDRH or the district compliance officer to allow sufficient time to review, draft, and secure approval for the letter. Timeframes for clearance of letters are provided in Chapter 4 of the RPM.

5. Civil Penalties/Injunctions

Civil penalties should be recommended for violations of Subchapter C of the Act after other actions have failed to achieve compliance, or for knowing and willful violations. More severe civil penalty assessments may be sought under Section 303(f). See CPG Sec. 390.300 and RPM Chapter 6, Civil Penalties - Electronic Product Radiation Control. Informal consultation with the Center at an early stage in the development of a regulatory action is encouraged in order to facilitate timely implementation of the action; contact Electronic Products Branch Chief or Lead CSO at (240) 276-3332.

If an establishment has a continuing pattern of significant deviations in spite of past warnings, injunction will usually be the recommended action of choice. If a serious health hazard exists, the recommendation should include a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO) to prevent the distribution of products that have been manufactured under the violative conditions documented by the inspection report per the instructions in Chapter 6 of the RPM. Civil penalties and injunctions may be recommended concurrently.

6. Detention/Seizure

Use administrative detention and recommend seizure of a defective or noncompliant radiation-emitting medical device if all three conditions below apply:

Informal consultation with the Center at an early stage in the development of a regulatory action is encouraged; contact Electronic Products Branch Chief or Lead CSO at (240) 276-3332.


Some states have Radiation Control Programs within the State Health Department or Department of Environmental Health, which may have adopted portions of the EPRC requirements into their radiation safety regulations.

Districts should use all reasonable means available to encourage voluntary conformance of products with the performance standard regardless of the date of manufacture. It is recommended that the districts coordinate regulatory activity with appropriate state representatives through the RRHR and DFSR, particularly where local authority may assist in achieving correction of a deficiency. This may be particularly useful to address issues related to product use where the State may have regulatory authority, which extends beyond FDA authority to regulate the design, production or manufacture of the product.


Regulatory follow-up for joint EPRC/quality systems inspections can be handled separately or in combination at the discretion of the district and CDRH. Refer to Part V in Compliance Program 7382.845, Quality System/GMP Regulatory/Administrative Follow-Up, for guidance on regulatory actions related to radiation-emitting medical devices. Enforcement actions on radiation emitting medical device firms, which also include EPRC violations, require CDRH concurrence before implementation by the field. Contact CDRH for consultation when both EPRC and quality systems violations are noted during an inspection or field test.



1. Law

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, As Amended
Electronic Product Radiation Control Provisions (formerly known as the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968, Public Law 90-602, 0ctober 18, 1968)

2. Regulations

21 CFR 1000 – 1005, General Requirements for All Electronic Products which Emit Radiation

21 CFR 1010, Performance Standards for Electronic Products: General

21 CFR 1020 – 1050, Specific Performance Standards for Electronic Products

3. Regulatory Procedures Manual (RPM)


4. Investigations Operations Manual (IOM) - Chapter 5


5. FDA Web Sites

FDA home page

ORA home page

CDRH home page

Field Accomplishments and Compliance Tracking System (FACTS)
(visit ORA’s home page, then click the FACTS icon.)

Electronic Product Radiation Control home page

Product Code Classification Database (searchable)

Good Guidance Practices Database (searchable)


  1. Attachment A – Classification table for reporting and quality control testing program Non-Compliant Items (common to all EPRC inspections and field tests)
  2. Attachment B – Specific Instructions for Laser Product Inspections and Tests
  3. Attachment C – Specific Instructions for Sunlamp Product Inspections and Tests
  4. Attachment D – Specific Instructions for Cabinet X-Ray Product Inspections and Tests
  5. Attachment E – Specific Instructions for Television Product Inspections and Tests
  6. Attachment F – Specific Instructions for Microwave Oven Product Inspections and Tests


Center for Devices and Radiological Health

Office of Communication, Education and Radiation Programs, Division of Mammography Quality and Radiation Programs (DMQRP)

Contact for support in planning and executing inspections and field tests, classification of items of non-compliance, and for interpretation and current policy on EPRC requirements. Send all inspection and test reports to Chief, Electronic Products Branch, FDA/CDRH Office of Communication, Education and Radiation Programs (HFZ-240), 1350 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850.

Name Phone Email Mail Stop Position/Expertise
Sean Boyd (240) 276–3287 sean.boyd@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Chief, Diagnostic Devices Branch
Dr. Helen Barr (240) 276-3275 helen.barr@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Director, DMQRP
Thomas Ohlhaber (240) 276-3274 thomas.ohlhaber@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Deputy Director, DMQRP
Jerome Dennis (240) 276-3330 jerome.dennis@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Consumer Safety Officer, laser expert
Daniel Hewett (240) 276-3268 daniel.hewett@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Consumer Safety Officer, laser products
Dan Kassiday (240) 276-3280 daniel.kassiday@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Engineer, cabinet, industrial, analytical, security x-ray products
George Kraus (240) 276-3298 george.kraus@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Consumer Safety Officer, TV and microwave oven products, imports
Frank Mackison (240) 276-3264 frank.mackison@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Consumer Safety Officer, laser products
L. Dale Smith (240) 276-3295 l.smith@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Consumer Safety Officer, laser light show products
Cory Tylka (240) 276-3257 corinne.tylka@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Consumer Safety Officer, medical laser products
Varsha Savalia (240) 276-3324 varsha.savalia@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-240 Consumer Safety Officer, sunlamp and UV and laser products

Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories

Contact for assistance with identifying appropriate instrumentation for use in measuring electronic product radiation emissions.

Name Phone Email Mail Stop Position
Robert Faaland (301) 827-4683 robert.faaland@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-130 Engineer, laser expert
Sharon Miller (301) 827-4692 sharona.miller@fda.hhs.gov HFZ-130 Engineer, UV expert
Mary Walker (301) 796-2558 mary.walker@fda.hhs.gov TBD X-ray instrumentation and calibration

Office of Regulatory Affairs

Field Regional Radiological Health Representatives




Mail Stop


Mike Leal

(508) 793-0422




Tom Trout

(615) 366-7817




Rachel Evans

(312) 596-6518




Scotty Hargrave

(214) 253-4930




Suzie Kent

(208) 334-1054




Field Electro-Optics Specialists and laser product contacts

Name Phone Email Mail Stop Position
Emir Galevi (781) 729-5700 x724 emir.galevi@fda.hhs.gov HFR-NE480 Engineer, WEAC
Leo Lagrotte (813) 228-2671 x35 leo.lagrotte@fda.hhs.gov HFR-SE2585 Electro-Optics Specialist, SER
James E. Frye (513) 684-2700 x149 james.frye@fda.hhs.gov HFR-CE400 Electro-Optics Specialist, CER
Don Leeseberg (210) 541-9450 don.leeseberg@fda.hhs.gov HFR-SW1545 Consumer Safety Officer, SWR
Gary L. Zahaek (408) 291-7548 x103 gary.zaharek@fda.hhs.gov HFR-PA1530 Electro-Optics Specialist, PAR
Frank J. Eng (408) 291-7548 x105 frank.eng@fda.hhs.gov HFR-PA1530 Electro-Optics Specialist, PAR

Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center contacts

Name Phone Email Mail Stop Position
John Marzilli (781) 729-5700 x749 john.marzilli@fda.hhs.gov HFR-NE400 WEAC Director
Jim Cherniak (781) 729-5700 james.cherniack@fda.hhs.gov HFR-NE400 Radiation Safety Officer
Vacant Vacant Vacant HFR-NE400 Engineering Branch Director, WEAC
Jane Driscoll (781) 729-5700 x716 jane.driscoll@fda.hhs.gov HFR-NE480 Metrology Supervisor
Joe Matrisciano (781) 729-5700 x736 joseph.matrisciano@fda.hhs.gov HFR-NE480 Engineering Supervisor

Headquarters contacts

Name Phone Email Mail Stop Position
April Kidd (301) 827-2913 april.kidd@fda.hhs.gov HFC-150 ORO, DFSR

Attachment A: Classification table for reporting and quality control testing program Non-Compliant Items

The following items are common to all EPRC inspections and field tests, and may be cited for any product subject to the below reporting or certification requirements. Products subject to reporting are listed in Table 1 of 1002.1, and certification requirements are applicable to all products subject to a performance standard.

Reporting requirements
1002.1 No product report Minor Class B
1002.11 No supplemental report Minor Class B
1002.13 No annual report Minor Class B
1002.2 No accidental radiation occurrence report Minor Class B
Certification requirements
1010.2 No certification label Minor Class B
1010.2 Inadequate or lack of testing program Major Class A
1010.2 Incomplete testing---program exists but lacks record Minor Class B
1010.2 Incomplete testing with minor deficiencies Concern Class C
1010.2 Reference to DHEW or BRH Concern Class C
1010.3 No identification label Concern Class C
1010.3 Coded or abbreviated date Minor Class B
1010.3 Month & year in serial number on non-consumer product Concern Class C
1010.3 No manufacturer address Concern Class C
1010.3 Incomplete address Concern Class C

Attachment B: Specific Instructions for Laser Product Inspections and Tests


The Laser Products Performance Standard (the standard), promulgated in August 1976, was designed to protect the public from unnecessary radiation hazards associated with the use of these products. The radiation emitted from these laser products can pose varying degrees of hazards depending upon the type, magnitude, and accessibility of the radiation and upon the particular functions or operations they perform. The standard was last amended in 1985. Since then, the CDRH has intended to harmonize the requirements of the standard with those of the international standard IEC 60825-1: 2001. As an interim step the CDRH published its Laser Notice 50 in 2001 stating that it would not object to compliance with specified requirements of the international standards in lieu of comparable requirements of the CDRH standard.

Specific Instructions

High-risk laser products and their manufacturers should be inspected or tested as a priority. Examples of high-risk laser products and manufacturers include:

Electro-optics specialists have been specifically trained in general EPRC requirements and also have specialized training in the laser product performance standards. EOS’s should perform these inspections and field tests, and may train additional field staff or accompany a medical device investigator to conduct joint EPRC/medical device inspections. If an EOS has training in both EPRC and QSIT inspections, a single EOS may conduct both portions of the inspection.

CDRH is responsible for review of laser manufacturer inspection and product field test observations and initiating administrative or regulatory follow-up.


Frequently Asked Questions about Lasers.

Performance Standard-Lasers and Products Incorporating Lasers

Performance Standard-Specific Laser Products (Includes Display, Survey, and Medical Laser Products)

Laser Compliance Guide

Reporting Guide-Radiation Safety Product Report for Laser Products

Reporting Guide-Radiation Safety Product Report for Laser Light Shows/Displays

Laser Quality Control Guide

Refer to the laser products main page for guidance documents and additional information:

Laser Product Codes

Translation of 2-Digit Code Product Name Product Code CFR Definition
Other Laser Products Automotive Accessory, Automobile or Transport Vehicle, Laser 95 RDV 1040.10 A laser product or product containing a laser that is an automotive or other transport vehicle accessory.
Other Laser Products General Purpose Laser Products, Non-Medical 95 RDW 1040.10 Product, laser, general, emit beam; A laser or product containing a laser that is intended for general purpose use with no medical claims.
Other Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk A laser or product containing a laser for which its intended use is not previously defined.
Laser Light Show/Display Products Low-Power Laser Light Show Projector 95 RDZ 1040.10;
Product, laser, demo, projector, laser light show/display, Class IIIa/3R and lower; Laser projection system that incorporates a laser having a maximum radiation output of less than 5mw.
Laser Light Show/Display Products High-Power Laser Light Show Projector (Output > 5mW) 95 REA 1040.10;
Product, laser, demo, projector, laser light show/display, Class IIIb/IV/3B/4; Laser projection system that incorporates a laser having a maximum radiation output power greater than 5mw.
Laser Light Show/Display Products High-Power Laser Light Show 95 REB 1040.10;
Product, laser, demo, laser light show/display, Class IIIb/IV/3B/4; Laser light show or demonstration using laser projection equipment having an output that exceeds 5mW
Laser Light Show/Display Products Laser Video Projector 95 REC 1040.10;
Product, laser, demo, projector, display, video; A laser used in conjunction or incorporated in a video display system or projector.
Laser Light Show/Display Products Laser Advertising Display System 95 RED 1040.10;
Product, laser, demo, system, display, advertising
Laser Light Show/Display Products Laser Visual Display - Display Retinal Image, Non-Medical Display Product 95 REE 1040.10;
Product, laser, display, system, images, direct to retina
Laser Light Show/Display Products Other 95 RZZ Unk Other laser products used in light shows or demonstrations that are not otherwise defined.
Medical Laser Products Laser, Ophthalmic 86 HQF 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser Instrument, Surgical, Powered 79 GEX 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Surgical, Gynecologic 85 HHR 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, ENT Microsurgical Carbon-Dioxide 77 EWG 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Photocoagulator and Accessories 86 HQB 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Lens, Surgical, Laser, Accessory, Ophthalmic Laser 86 LQJ 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Neurosurgical 84 LKW 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Neurosurgical, Argon 84 LLF 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Neodymium: YAG, Pulmonary Surgery 73 LLO 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Neodymium: YAG, for Gynecologic Use 85 LLW 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Neodymium: YAG, Ophthalmic for Uses Other than Posterior Capsulotomy and Cutting Pupil 86 LXS 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Neodymium: YAG, Ophthalmic for Uses Other than Posterior Capsulotomy 86 LOI 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Neodymium: YAG, Optical, Pumped Parametric Oscillator 86 MVQ 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Microsurgical Argon, for Use in Otology 77 LXR 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Microsurgical Argon, for Uses Other Than Otology 77 LMS 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser for Gastro-Urology Use 78 LNK 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Device, Angioplasty, Laser, Coronary 74 LPC 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Device, Laser Peripheral Angioplasty 74 LWX 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Catheter, Coronary Laser Myoplasty 74 MGC 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products System, Laser, Transmyocardial Revascularization 74 MNO 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Instrument, Visual Field, Laser 86 HPJ 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser for Pain Therapy 84 LLP 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, System, Excimer 86 LZS 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Dental 76 LYB 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) 79 MVF 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), Fiber Optic 79 MVG 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Fluorescence Caries Detection 76 NBL 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser for Wound Healing 79 LXU 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Ophthalmoscope, Laser Scanner 86 MYC 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Laser, Phacolysis 86 MXO 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Caries Detector, Laser, Light, Transmission 76 NTK 1040.10;
Medical Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk A laser or laser product intended for medical treatment or other uses on humans, not previously defined.
Other Demonstration Laser Products Laser Science Education Products 95 REI 1040.10;
Product, laser, demo, education, illustrate science principles
Other Demonstration Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk Laser products used for demonstrations that are not otherwise defined.
Toy, Novelty, Play Laser Products Toy, Novelty, Play Laser Product 95 REJ 1040.10;
Product, laser, toy/novelty
Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products Research Laser, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products 95 REK 1040.10 Product, laser, research/laboratory; A laser under development in and of itself. A laser used for conducting research during development of new data or to improve a process would not be considered a research laser although it is being used in research.
Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products Guide-Star Laser System, Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products 95 REL 1040.10 Product, laser, adaptive-optics telescope focusing accessory, generate artificial star; A laser used for alignment of optical telescopes.
Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products Spectroscopy Instrument, Laser, Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products 95 REM 1040.10 Product, laser, instrument, spectroscopy; An instrument incorporating a laser for spectroscopic testing or examination with no medical claims.
Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products Particle-Size Measuring Instrument, Laser, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products 95 REN 1040.10 Product, laser, instrument, particle size measurement; An instrument or system incorporating a laser for determining the size or number of particles of particles a test sample.
Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products Analytical Measuring and Detection, Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products 95 REO 1040.10 Product, laser, instrument, analyze/detect chemical species
Research, Scientific, Laboratory Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk Laser products used in scientific and laboratory applications that are not otherwise defined.
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Surveying Laser Product, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products 95 REP 1040.10 Product, laser, surveying, instrument, determine position by measurement of angles
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Ranging (Geodimeter) Laser Products 95 REQ 1040.10 Product, laser, ranging, instrument, measure distance by time-of-flight
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Alignment Laser Product, Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products 95 RER 1040.10;
Product, laser, alignment, aid positioning or adjusting parts in relation to each other
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Laser Pointer, Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products 95 RES 1040.10;
Product, laser, pointer, indicate point of interest; A laser product intended specifically to define a spot or surface for drawing attention to a viewer.
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Laser Target Designator, Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products 95 RET 1040.10 Product, laser, target designator; An optical devices, using a visible beam of laser light that permits the alignment of a gun, cannon or rocket system with its target.
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Laser Aiming Product, Visible, Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products 95 REU 1040.10;
Product, laser, aiming, visible, attached to weapon; An optical devices, using a visible beam of laser light that permits the alignment of a gun, cannon or rocket system with its target
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Laser Aiming Product, Non-Visible, Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products 95 REV 1040.10;
Product, laser, aiming, infrared, attached to weapon, viewed with night-vision equipment; An optical devices, using an invisible beam of laser light that permits the alignment of a gun, cannon or rocket system with its target.
Surveying, Leveling, Alignment Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk Other laser products used for surveying, leveling and alignment that are not otherwise defined.
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products IR Laser Illuminator with Alignment Aid/Night Vision System, Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 REW 1040.10;
Product, laser, infrared, illuminator with alignment aid, viewed through night-vision equipment
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products IR Laser Illuminator Only/Night Vision System, Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 REX 1040.10 Product, laser, infrared, illuminator only, viewed through night-vision equipment
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products Collision-Avoidance Laser System, Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 REY 1040.10 Product, laser, infrared, collision-avoidance system
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products Laser Traffic Signal, Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 REZ 1040.10 Product, laser, traffic signal/control
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products Laser Automotive Lighting & Signals, Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 RFA 1040.10 Product, laser, automotive, lighting/signals
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products IR Laser Intrusion Detection/Security System, Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 RFB 1040.10 Product, laser, infrared, intrusion detecting, security system
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products Laser Radar (Lidar) or Speed Measurement, Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 RFC 1040.10 Product, laser, infrared, Doppler or time-of-flight speed measurement
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk Laser products used in safety, security, surveillance applications not otherwise defined
Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products Laser Weapon (Military or Police), Safety, Security, Surveillance Laser Products 95 RFD 1040.10 Product, laser, weapon (military/police)
Material Processing Laser Products Laser Cutter, Material Processing Laser Products 95 RFE 1040.10 A high power laser intended to cut or drill a variety of materials in an industrial or commercial environment.
Material Processing Laser Products Laser Welder, Material Processing Laser Products 95 RFF 1040.10 A high power laser intended to weld (join) materials in an industrial or commercial environment.
Material Processing Laser Products Microelectronic Mask or Chip Checking/Repair, Material Processing Laser Products 95 RFG 1040.10 A laser intended to inspect and/or repair microelectronic components in an industrial or commercial environment.
Material Processing Laser Products UV Curing, Material Processing Laser Products 95 RFH 1040.10 An ultraviolet wavelength laser used to illuminate a material of a certain composition such that the laser "cures" or causes a chemical reaction to change the material in a desired fashion with no medical claims. Typical materials are adhesives, plastics, potting compounds, etc.
Material Processing Laser Products Print Industry Plate Maker, Material Processing Laser Products 95 RFI 1040.10 A laser intended to etch, engrave or otherwise create printer's plates used in an industrial or commercial environment.
Material Processing Laser Products Process Control, Material Processing Laser Products 95 RFJ 1040.10 A laser used for inspection, counting, or other application intended to monitor a part of the manufacturing process in an industrial or commercial environment. Often incorporated in an automated process system.
Material Processing Laser Products Laser Vision, Material Processing 95 RFK 1040.10 A laser used for positioning, focusing, inspection, counting, or other application in an industrial or commercial environment. Often incorporated in an automated assembly line system.
Material Processing Laser Products Laser Micrometer, Material Processing 95 RFL 1040.10 A laser used in high precision dimensional measurements in materials processing.
Material Processing Laser Products Laser-Based Material Positioning System 95 RFM 1040.10 A laser used in precision positioning of materials in manufacturing in an industrial or commercial environment.
Material Processing Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk A laser used in materials processing not otherwise defined.
Material Processing Laser Products General Industrial Use Material Processing Laser Products 95 RZN 1040.10 A laser used in industrial manufacturing or materials processing not otherwise defined.
Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Laser Products Fiber Optic Communication and Data Transfer, Laser 95 RFN 1040.10 A laser used in fiber optic communications to transmit data and information.
Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Laser Products IR Free-Space Data Transmit/Control, Laser 95 RFO 1040.10 A laser used in free space (open air) communications to transmit data and information.
Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Laser Products Remote Controller, Laser, Data Measurement, Transmit 95 RFP 1040.10 A laser used to transmit signals and/or information in order to operate equipment or machinery remotely.
Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Laser Products Interferometric Position Measuring Product, Laser 95 RFQ 1040.10 A laser used as an interferometer for high precision positioning and/or measurements.
Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Laser Products Product Incorporating Certified Class 1 Laser Data Measurement, Transmit, Control 95 RFR 1040.10 A data measurement, data transmission, or remote control product that incorporates a certified Class 1 laser.
Data Measurement, Transmit, Control Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk A data measurement, data transmission, or remote control product that incorporates a laser other than a certified Class 1 laser.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products Reprographics, Laser, Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFS 1040.10 A reprographics machine that incorporates a laser utilized to expose internal sensitive components or materials for photocopying text and graphics.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products Laser Printer, Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFT 1040.10 A printing machine that incorporates a laser utilized in printing images on paper with no medical claims.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products Laser FAX Machine, Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFU 1040.10 A printing machine that incorporates a laser utilized in printing facsimiles of images on paper.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products CD, CD-ROM Player, Laser Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFV 1040.10 A CD or CD-ROM player that utilizes a laser to read data on the compact disc.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products DVD, DVD-ROM Player, Laser Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFW 1040.10 A DVD or DVD-ROM player that utilizes a laser to read data on the digitally recorded video disc.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products CD-R, CD-RW Recorder, Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFX 1040.10 A CD-R or CD-RW recorder machine that utilizes a laser to read and/or write data on the compact disc.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, DVD-RW Recorder, Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFY 1040.10 A DVD recorder machine that utilizes a laser to read and write or read, write, and erase data on a digitally recorded video disc in any of the data formats: DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products UPC Reader (Bar Code Reader), Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RFZ 1040.10 A laser used to scan across a bar code to identify the product. Bar code readers can be hand-held accessories, under-counter components incorporated in store check-out systems, or laser scanner systems incorporated in assembly lines used for identification and inventory purposes in manufacturing facilities, warehouses and storage facilities, or other consumer, industrial, health care, or commercial locations.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products Home/Office Machine Incorporating Utility/Peripheral Laser 95 RZP 1040.10 A laser utilized in the home or office environment not otherwise defined.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products Product Incorporating Certified Class 1 Data Utility/Peripheral Laser Products 95 RGA 1040.10 A utility/peripheral laser product that incorporates a certified Class 1 laser.
Utility/Peripheral Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk A utility/peripheral laser product that incorporates a laser other than a certified Class 1 laser.
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Veterinary Laser, In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products 95 RGB 1040.10;
A laser used for treatment of animals other than human
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Separator, Automated, Blood Cell, Diagnostic 81 GKT 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Automated Differential Cell Counter 81 GKZ 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Cell Particle Counter (Automated) 81 GKL 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Urine Particle Counter 88 LKM 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products System, Separation, Hematopoietic Stem Cell 81 MZK 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Test, Urea (Breath or Blood) for H. Pylori Test 83 MSQ 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Multipurpose System for In-vitro Coagulation 81 JPA 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products System, Laser Assisted Hatching 85 MRX 1040.10;
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Sorter, Cell 81 KEX 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Separator, Semi-Automated, Blood Component 81 MYY 1040.10  
In Vitro and Other Medical Laser Products Other 95 RZZ Unk A laser used for in vitro applications or other medical applications that do not expose patients to the laser radiation.
Positioning Medical Laser Products X-Ray Field Indicator Light (Laser), Positioning Medical Laser Products 95 RGC 1020.30;
A laser incorporated in a diagnostic x-ray system that is irradiated onto the film screen area indicating the x-radiation area. The beam is usually scanned to show a rectangular region for patient placement.
Positioning Medical Laser Products Monitor, Patient Position, Light Beam 90 IWE 1040.10;
Positioning Medical Laser Products Positioning Medical Laser Product 95 RZS 1040.10;
A laser used for positioning in medical applications not otherwise defined.

Classification of Non-compliant Items

Performance requirements
1040.10(d) Classified in higher class Minor, Concern Class B, C
1040.10(d) Classified in lower class Major Class A
1040.10(f)(1) Protective housing allows unnecessary body access to Class IV or high IIIb radiation Major Class A
1040.10(f)(1) Protective housing allows unnecessary straight line access to interior Class IV or high IIIb radiation
With high risk of exposure (IV or IIIb product)
With low risk of exposure (IV or IIIb product)
With any risk of exposure (I, IIa, II, or IIIa product)
Class A
Class B
Class A
1040.10(f)(1) Protective housing allows unnecessary body access to low Class IIIb or IIIa radiation
In a Class IV or IIIb product
In a Class I, IIa, II, or IIIa product
Class B
Class A
1040.10(f)(1) Protective housing allows necessary body access to Class IIIa or IIIa radiation
In a Class IV or IIIb product
In a Class I, IIa, II, or IIIa product
Class C
Class B
1040.10(f)(1) Protective housing allows unnecessary body access to Class II radiation
In a Class II product
In a Class I product
Class C Class B
1040.10(f)(2) Safety interlocks absent when required Major Class A
1040.10(f)(2) Single safety interlock when redundant required Major Class A
1040.10(f)(2) Single component with multiple contacts when redundant required Minor Class B
1040.10(f)(2) Defeatable safety interlocks lacks indication Minor Class B
1040.10(f)(2) Defeatable safety interlocks fails to prevent replacement of protective housing during defeat Minor Class B
1040.10(f)(3) No remote interlock connector Major Class A
1040.10(f)(4) No key control Major Class A
1040.10(f)(4) Key control removable when on Major Class A
1040.10(f)(5) No emission indicator Major Class A
1040.10(f)(5) No delay preceding radiation emission Minor Class B
1040.10(f)(5) Shorter delay than required Minor Class B
1040.10(f)(5) Remote control lacks emission indicator Major Class A
1040.10(f)(6) Beam attenuator without approvable alternate Major Class A
1040.10(f)(6) Beam attenuator with approvable alternate Concern Class C
1040.10(f)(8) Viewing optics
Non-hazardous for viewing period
Major Concern Class A
Class C
1040.10(f)(9) No scanning guards Major Class A
1040.10(f)(10 No manual reset Major Class A
1040.10(g)(1), (2), and (3) Warning logotype
Classification too low
Classification too high
Minor, Concern
Class B
Class B
Class B
1040.10(g)(4) Warning logotype output information Minor Class B
1040.10(g)(5) No aperture label Minor Class B
1040.10(g)(5) Aperture label not in close proximity to aperture Minor Class B
1040.10(g)(5) Aperture label wording incorrect Concern Class C
1040.10(g)(6), (7) No protective housing labels Minor Class B
1040.10(g)(6), (7) Protective housing placement inappropriate Minor Class B
1040.10(g)(6), (7) Protective housing wording wrong Concern Class C
1040.10(g)(8) Invisible radiation warning on labels Minor Class B
1040.10(g)(9), (10) Label positioning and legibility Minor Class B
1040.10(h)(1) User instructions
(i) Promoting unsafe practices
Inadequate instructions to avoid exposure
(ii) Inadequate radiometric specifications
(iii) Inadequate reproductions and locations
(iv) Inadequate listing of controls
Inadequate caution statement
Class A
Class B
Class B
Class B
Class B
Class C
1040.10(h)(2)(i) Reproduction of warning logotype not in catalogs Minor Class B
1040.10(h)(2)(ii) Service information inadequate Minor Class B
Specific product requirements
1040.11(a)(1) Means to measure medical laser output
Class A
Class A
1040.11(a)(2) Inadequate calibration procedure/schedule Major Class A
1040.11(a)(3) Aperture label Minor Class B
1040.11(b) Excessive output on surveying lasers Major Class A
1040.11(c) No variance for demonstration Class IIIb or Class IV lasers Major Class A

Sample Laser Product Inspection and Field Test Checklist


MANUFACTURER____________________ CLASS____________

MODEL_______________________ SERIAL NUMBER_______

Status of Unit Examined (Circle one): Prototype/Production unit

Status of Assembly (circle one): Complete/Incomplete

Manufactured Date:_________________________

A. Product Description: (Include basic configuration and size of product, reference to photos and/or
diagrams, basic functions to be performed during operation and during maintenance.)









Product Report: Has the product been reported to CDRH?

Yes_________ No_________

If yes, what is the Accession Number? _____________________________

Summary of Product Evaluation:

















C. Certification/Identification Requirements. If possible, obtain a sample of each required label and attach it to this report. Otherwise, quote pertinent information, especially any noncompliant items.

1. Certification label (1010.2)

a. Is the label permanently affixed? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Is the Label readily viewable? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___


c. Is the label properly stated? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

(Note: Products under variance require modified certification labels 1010.4(d))

d. Remarks: ________________________________________________


2. Identification label (1010.3)

a. Is the label permanently affixed? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Is the label readily viewable? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Location: _______________________

c. Does the label contain the full name and address?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Does the label contain the place of manufacture (in full or in code)?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. If coded, has CDRH been provided the code?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Are the month and year of manufacture stated in full?*

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Month and year: __________________________

g. Remarks:____________________________________________________


*Note: Serialization is acceptable in lieu of month and year for consumer electronic products.

D. Special Purpose Products (1040.11)

1. Is the product a medical laser product?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Note: In inspecting manufacturers of not only medical laser products but also laser products that are medical devices, verify compliance with other applicable requirements including but not limited to current registration and listing, 510k market clearances, device master record or quality system, current complaint and service records, etc.

a. Does the product include a means of measurement of levels of radiation intended for irradiation of the human body?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. How is this accomplished? Measure beam prior to delivery system and determine output levels via calibration constant _________;
Measure output of delivery system ___________;
Other ___________.

c. Indication: power ________; energy________; time _______.

d. Type of indicator: energy/power select switch ___; "Test shot" display (remains constant until next best shot) ___; Real time display (displays level at all times) ___; Other ___.

e. If test shot is available only at initiation of procedure or if a select switch is used, does the product have an internal monitoring system capable of maintaining output levels to within ± 20% of displayed value?
Yes ___ No___

f. Is display analog ____; or digital ____? If digital, are there sufficient significant digits to allow ± 20% accuracy? Yes ___ No ___

g. Is the total measurement error within ± 20% (see Attachment G) Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

h. Is there a laser aiming beam? Yes ___ No ___. Is there a means to measure the level of the aiming beam if the product is ophthalmic and the aiming beam may exceed 1 mW or if the product is not ophthalmic but the aiming beam may exceed 5 mW?
Yes ___ No ___

i. Remarks: _____________________________________________________


2. Is the product a surveying, leveling, and alignment product?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

a. Is access prevented for wavelengths of 400 nm to 710 nm to radiation power in excess of 5.0 mW for any duration greater than 3.8 x 10-4 seconds?

b. Is access prevented to radiation levels in excess of Class I limits for any other combination of emission Duration and wave length range?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Remarks: ____________________________________________________


3. Is the product a demonstration laser product?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

a. Does the product prevent human access to radiation in excess of the Class IIIa (3R) limit?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Remarks: ____________________________________________________


E. Label Requirements. See instruction in paragraph B.

1. Warning logotypes* (1040.10(g)(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(9), and (10)

a. Is the logotype the correct logotype?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Is the label properly worded for its class designation?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Does the label have the proper color?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Is the output information present and correct?

(Maximum output stated ________.) Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Is the media or wavelength information present and correct?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Is the label permanently affixed and clearly visible during operation, maintenance, and
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Is the label positioned so as to make exposure unnecessary during reading?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___
Location: ____________________

h. Does the label include a warning for "invisible" or "invisible and/or visible" radiation?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

i. Remarks: __________________________________________________________



Note: Warning labels in accordance with IEC 60825-1 including product classification are acceptable.

2. Aperture label (for Classes II, IIIa, IIIb, IV, 3R, 3B and 4) 1040.10(g)(5),(8),(9), and (10)

a. Is a label present and in proximity to each aperture?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Is the label properly worded? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Is the label permanently affixed and clearly visible?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Is the label positioned so as to make exposure unnecessary during reading?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

(Location: ______________)

e. Does the label include a warning for "invisible" or "invisible and/or visible" radiation?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Remarks: __________________________________________________________



3. Noninterlocked protective housing label (1040.10(g)(6),(8),(9), and (10)

a. Are the labels on or near all appropriate panels or covers which are removed for operation, maintenance, or service?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Are all labels visible prior to removal of such portions of the protective housing?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Are all labels visible after opening?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Are all labels correctly worded? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Are all labels permanently affixed and clearly visible?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Do all labels contain a warning for "invisible" or "invisible and/or visible" radiation? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Remarks: __________________________________________________________



4. Defeatably interlocked housing labels 1040.l0(g)(7),(8),(9), and (10)

a. Are labels provided for each defeatably interlocked panel or cover which is removed for operation, maintenance, or service?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Are all labels visible prior to interlock defeat?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Are all labels visible during interlock defeat?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Are all labels correctly worded?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Are all labels permanently affixed and clearly visible?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Do all labels contain a warning for "invisible" or invisible and/or visible" radiation?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Remarks: _____________________________________________________


F. Performance Requirements (1040.l0(f)):

1. Protective Housing (1040.l0(f)(l))

a. Does the housing prevent access at all times to laser radiation above Class I not necessary for operation of the product?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Does the housing prevent access at all times to collateral optical radiation above Class I not necessary for operation of the product?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Has x-radiation been evaluated?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Does the housing prevent access to x-radiation levels in excess of 0.5 mR/hr at all times during operation of the product?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Remarks: _____________________________________________________


2. Safety Interlocks (1040.10(f)(2)) (Complete for each interlock. Identify the portion of
removable or displaceable housing and interlock described.)

a. Do operation or maintenance functions require moving portions of the housing which could allow access to radiation?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Describe: _____________________________________________________


b. Class of radiation to which access could be gained?
Class ______.

c. Is a fail safe or multiple interlock required (including 1040.l(f)(2)(iii)?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Where? ______________________________________________________


d. Are safety interlock(s) present? where?_______________

1. TYPE: Microswitch____; Mercury switch____;
male-female plug____; mechanical shutter____; other____.

Describe: _____________________________________________

e. Method of limiting access: directly interrupts primary laser power____; interrupts primary laser power through relay, contactor, switching tube or transistor____; spoils the cavity____; shutter beam via solenoid____; other____.

f. Is there a multiple or fail safe interlock on each housing for which an interlock is required?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Is the interlock defeatable? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

h. Is there an indication of defeat? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Describe: _______________________________________________________

i. Does the interlock preclude replacement of the housing while the interlock is defeated?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

j. Are non-safety interlocks present? Where?_____________

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

k. Remarks: _________________________________________________


3. Remote Interlock Connector (1040.l0(f)(3), Class IIIb or IV systems only)

a. Is a remote control connector present?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Type? Describe: ________________________________________

c. Is the voltage across the connector less than 130 volts RMS?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Is the access to laser and collateral radiation prevented when the terminals are not joined?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Method of operation: Directly interrupts laser power____; interrupts laser power through relay, etc.____; shutters beam or interrupts cavity____.

f. Does the emission delay reactivate when the remote control circuit is interrupted?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Must the emission be manually restarted following interruption via the remote interlock connector?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

h. Remarks: ____________________________________________________


4. Key Control (1040.10(f)(4), Class IIIb, IV, 3B, or 4 systems only)

a. Is a key control present? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Describe: ___________________________________________________


b. Is a key removable in the "on" position?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Is operation prevented when the key is removed?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. How? ____________________________________________________


e. Remarks: _________________________________________________


5. Beam Attenuator (1040.l0(f)(6), Class IIIb, IV, 3B or 4 systems only)

a. Is a beam attenuator present? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Type: mechanically operated shutter____; electrically operated____; aperture cap or cover____; other____.

Describe: ___________________________________________________


c. Is the attenuator permanently attached?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Does the attenuator prevent access by any part of the body to radiation in excess of Class I limits?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. If there is no beam attenuator, has the manufacturer requested and obtained approval of an alternate means of safety?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Remarks: _________________________________________________


6. Emission Indicator (1040.10(f)(5), Class, IIIb, IV, 3B or 4 Systems only)

a. Is an emission indicator present on the laser product?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Where? ________________________________________________

b. Type: tungsten lamp(s)____; neon lamp(s)____; LED(s)____; other____.

Describe: _________________________________________________


c. If the indicator is visible, is it visible through the protective eyewear that is normally supplied or recommended?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Can the indicator be viewed without exposure to radiation in excess of Class I limits?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Is there a delay between an indication of emission and the beginning of emission?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. How is emission delay achieved? Thermal relay___; inherent in the lasing process___; delay circuit___; other___.

Describe: ________________________________________________


g. Length of delay? ____________________

h. Is the power source or operation control separable from the laser by greater than 2 meters when assembled for use?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

i. If separated greater than 2 meters, is an emission indicator present on the energy source or controller?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

Where? _____________________________________________________

j. Type: Tungsten lamp(s)___; neon lamp(s)___; LED(s)___; bell or buzzer___; meter or display___; mechanical flag___; other___.

Describe: ______________________________________________


k. Is there a delay between an indication of emission and the beginning of emission?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

l. How is emission delay achieved? Thermal relay___; inherent in the lasing process___; delay circuit___; other___.

Describe: ______________________________________________


m. Length of delay? ____________________________________________

n. Remarks: __________________________________________________



6. Location of Controls (1040.10(f)(7))

a. Are the controls located so that exposure is unnecessary for operation or adjustments?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Remarks: __________________________________________________



7. Viewing optics (1040.l0(f)(8))

a. Are viewing optics or viewports present?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Type: microscope___; telescope___; viewport___; display screen___; other___.

Describe: ___________________________________________________



c. Where? ___________________________________________________


d. Do the viewing optics attenuate radiation at all times during operation or maintenance to levels less than Class I limits?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Do the viewing optics employ a shutter or variable attenuator?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Upon failure of the shutter of the variable attenuator is access to radiation levels greater than the Class I limits prevented?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Remarks: _________________________________________________



8. Scanning Safeguard (1040.10(f)(9))

a. Is the radiation emitted by the product scanned?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Is the classification of the product based on the level of scanned radiation?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. In the event of scan failure, is human access to laser radiation in excess of the product class prevented?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Remarks: _________________________________________________


9. Manual Reset Mechanism (1040.l0(f)(l0) Class IV laser systems)

Describe the operation of the Manual Reset. ___________________


How is it achieved? (latching relay, etc.) ________________


10. Removable laser system (1040.10(c)(2))

a. Does the product incorporate a laser system?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Is the laser system removable?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. If removable, is the laser system independently certified?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. If not removable, specify how removability is prevented: hard wiring___; modified connector___; assembled internally from components___; other (specify). __________________________

e. Remarks: __________________________________________________



G. Laser Product Measurements

Model # ________________________ Serial # _______________________

Manufacturer's Claimed Classification: ___________________________________

Brief description of product: ___________________________________________



Test Instrument(s) Used: _______________________________________________


Circle radiometric quantity tested and specify units below (Radiance (W cm-2 sr-1), Radiant Energy (J), Power (W), etc.)

Measurement No.

Wavelength (nm)

Instrument reading, R (units ________)

Calibration factor, K (units ________)

Corrected value, R*K (units ________)


Calculations (as needed):







H. Results of FDA measurements: ______________________________________________










I. Compliance with other requirements (e.g., conditions of a variance, labeling for medical devices, etc.)










J. Information requirements (Directions: Complete this section only if the information and requirements are reviewed during the inspection).

1. User Information (1040.l0(h)(l))

a. Does the manual contain adequate instructions for assembly,
operation, and maintenance? Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Does it contain clear warnings to avoid exposure?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Does it contain a statement of output parameters?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Does it contain legible reproductions of all labels and hazard warnings?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Does it include the corresponding position of each label on the product?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Does it contain listing of controls, adjustments, and procedures for operation and maintenance?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Does it contain a schedule of maintenance?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

h. Does it contain the "Caution - use of controls..." warning?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

i. Does it contain a compatibility statement (laser source or laser system not supplied with the product?

Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

j. Does it contain a calibration schedule (medical laser product)?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

k. Does it include a warning not to point the laser radiation at the audience (especially Class IIIa demonstration laser products)?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

l. Does it include information to determine nominal hazard zone(class IV multi-axis workstations)?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

m. Remarks: __________________________________________________________



2. Purchasing Information (1040.10(h)(2))

a. Are legible reproductions of the logotype required to be affixed to the product (including information required for positions 1, 2, and 3) contained in catalogues, specification sheets, and descriptive brochures?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

3. Servicing Information (1040.l0(h)(2))

a. Are adequate instructions for service adjustments and service procedures available?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

b. Are clear warnings and precautions to avoid possible exposure included?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

c. Is a schedule of maintenance necessary to keep the product in compliance included?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

d. Are controls and procedures which would he used by reasons other than the manufacturer or his agent to increase accessible emission levels listed?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

e. Is a clear description of the locations of displaceable portions of the protective housing provided?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

f. Do these instructions provide legible reproductions of required labels and hazard warnings?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

g. Do these instructions include protective procedures for service personnel?
Yes___ No___ ND___ NA___

h. Remarks: __________________________________________________________



Attachment C: Specific Instructions for Sunlamp Product Inspections and Tests


A sunlamp product is an electronic product designed to use one or more ultraviolet lamp(s) and is intended for irradiation of any part of the living human body by ultraviolet radiation within a specified range of wavelengths to induce skin tanning. The ultraviolet lamps, subject to the performance standard, produce radiation within a prescribed range of wavelengths and are intended for use in sunlamp products.

Sunlamp products include portable home units, table top models, tanning beds and tanning booths. These units may incorporate different types of fluorescent lamps, reflector spot (RS) or High Intensity Discharge (HID) with different levels of energy output and radiation at different wavelengths.

Since sunlamp products are radiation-emitting electronic products as defined by Section 531 of Subchapter C- Electronic Product Radiation Control (EPRC) formerly the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act (RCHSA) and medical devices as defined by Section 201(h)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA, the Act), they are regulated under both laws.

Under authority of Section 534 of the (EPRC), a performance standard for sunlamp products and ultraviolet lamps intended for use in these products was promulgated effective May 7, 1980 (21 CFR 1040.20). The standard was intended to reduce sunlamp related injuries by reducing unnecessary exposure and overexposure to sunlamp radiation by: (1) limiting shorter wavelength emissions that are not necessary and pose unreasonable risk, (2) providing for adequate warning label and user instructions containing safety information, and (3) requiring special lamp bases, protective eyewear, timers, and controls to help users limit the duration and amount of exposure.

This performance standard was promulgated when the common sunlamp product was a table-top, home portable unit incorporating one or two RS lamps having a large part of their radiation output in the wavelength range of 260 to 320 nanometers (UVB). In 1979-80, a new-wave of sunlamp products came onto the market. These products, commonly referred to as Tanning Booths, usually measured 3'x3'x7' and contained one or two fluorescent ultraviolet lamps in each corner. These products also had relatively high UVB output.

Around early 1983, another product in the shape of a bed and/or canopy entered the market with fluorescent lamps that emit radiation mainly in the 320-400 nanometer range (UVA), with usually less than 5% in-the UVB range. This type of product requires longer exposure times to achieve its intended purpose and the risk of chronic sunburn is reduced relative to the older type of products. Most manufacturers requested variance under 21 CFR 1010.4 to equip the products with timers which would allow exposure in excess of ten minutes. Since the products usually required 30 minutes to achieve their intended result, the variances were granted with two conditions: (1) the maximum timer interval shall not exceed the maximum recommended exposure time specified in the required product label, and (2) the UVB to UVA ratio shall not exceed .05 (no more than 5% UVB). The manufacturers are required to specify the variance number and effective date on the product).

Some of these products incorporate High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps. These lamps are usually used for facial tanning, although some whole body exposure systems use such lamps exclusively. In most cases, however, these lamps are used in conjunction with ultraviolet fluorescent lamps. The HID lamps are much smaller than fluorescent lamps, (usually about 1/2" in diameter by 3" in length) and they usually incorporate an outer, clear, glass envelope.

On September 6, 1985, amendments to the performance standard were published and became effective in September 8, 1986. The purpose of the amendments is to accommodate new products employing design concepts significantly different from those for which the original standard was developed. Also, FDA experience in applying the original standard indicated that some requirements were either inappropriate for or not applicable to some products. The amendments are intended to establish a standard that is appropriate for the present technology of tanning and new sunlamp product designs. This revised program offers guidance for testing products against the original standard or revised standard, as appropriate.

Specific Instructions

Some electro-optics specialists, x-ray auditors and other radiological health specialists have been trained in general EPRC requirements and also may have specialized training in the sunlamp product performance standards. Only trained individuals should perform these inspections and field tests and may train additional field staff or accompany a medical device investigator to conduct joint EPRC/medical device inspections. If an EOS has training in both EPRC and QSIT inspections, a single EOS may conduct both portions of the inspection.

The District Offices have the authority (delegated under 21 CFR 5.37 and 5.89) to make declarations of noncompliance and/or defect for sunlamp products. The field also has the authority to approve sunlamp manufacturer corrective action plans under 21 CFR 1004 and to grant exemptions (from notification and product repair) in accordance with 21 CFR 1003.31. Consult CDRH for assistance in determining appropriate enforcement action or other support. A copy of any letter issued to a manufacturer must be sent to HFZ-240.


Sunlamp Products, Performance Standard – 21 CFR 1040.20.

Quality Control Guide for Sunlamp Products. (Publication; FDA 84-8234)

Policy on Warning Label Required on Sunlamp Products (6/25/85)

Policy on Maximum Timer Interval and Exposure Schedule for Sunlamp Products (8/21/86)

Policy on Lamp Compatibility (9/2/86).

Sunlamp Products Reporting Guide, (dated September, 1995).

Refer to the sunlamp products main page for additional information:

Sunlamp Product Codes

Translation of 2-Digit Code Product Name Product Code CFR Definition
Sunlamp Products (Certified) Suntan Booth 79 LEJ 1040.20  
Sunlamp Products (Certified) Suntan Bed, Sunlamp Products (Certified), Non-Medical 95 REF 1040.20 A bed or other platform that is designed to incorporate one or more ultraviolet lamps and intended for irradiation of any part of the human body, by ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths in air between 200 and 400 nanometers, to induce skin tanning with no medical claims.
Sunlamp Products (Certified) Suntan Lamp, Sunlamp Products (Certified), Non-Medical 95 REG 1040.20 A lamp that produces ultraviolet radiation in the wavelength range of 200 to 400 nanometers in air and that is intended for use in any sunlamp product or fixture with no medical claims.
Sunlamp Products (Certified) Tabletop Sunlamp System (Certified), Non-Medical 95 REH 1040.20 A sunlamp system that sits on a table, primarily intended to tan the face by ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths in air between 200 and 400 nanometers with no medical claims.
Sunlamp Products (Certified) Other 95 RZZ Unk Sunlamp product means any electronic product designed to incorporate one or more ultraviolet lamps and intended for irradiation of any part of the human body, by ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths in air between 200 and 400 nanometers, to induce skin tanning.

Classification of Non-compliant Items

Performance Requirements
1040.20(c)(1) Fails to comply with the irradiance ratio limits for UVC over UVB cannot exceed 0.003 Minor Class B
1040.20(c)(2)(i) Fails to incorporate a timer system with multiple timer settings adequate for recommended exposure time intervals Major Class A
1040.20(c)(2)(ii) Maximum timer interval(s) is more than 3 times greater than the manufacturer’s recommended maximum exposure time(s) as indicated on label Major Class A
1040.20(c)(2)(ii) Maximum timer interval(s) is 2 – 3 times greater than the manufacturer’s recommended maximum exposure time(s) as indicated on label Minor Class B
1040.20(c)(2)(ii) Maximum timer interval(s) is less than 2 times greater than the manufacturer’s recommended maximum exposure time(s) as indicated on label Concern Class C
1040.20(c)(2)(iii) Maximum timer interval error > 30 percent Major Class A
1040.20(c)(2)(iii) Maximum timer interval error > 20 and < 30 percent Minor Class B
1040.20(c)(2)(iii) Maximum timer interval error > 10 and < 20 percent Concern Class C
1040.20(c)(2)(iv) Timer automatically resets and causes radiation to resume. Major Class A
1040.20(c)(3) Fails to incorporate a control for termination of radiation emission (at minimum a timer system) Major Class A
1040.20(c)(4)(i) Fails to have protective eyewear Minor Class B
1040.20(c)(4)(ii) Spectral transmittance of the protective eyewear exceeds a value of 0.001 over the wavelength UVC and UVB(200nm to 320nm) Minor Class B
1040.20(c)(4)(ii) Spectral transmittance of the protective eyewear exceeds a value of 0.01 over the wavelength UVA (>320nm to 400nm) Minor Class B
1040.20(c)(4)(ii) Spectral transmittance (>400nm) of protective eyewear does not allow user to clearly see to reset the timer Minor Class B
1040.20(c)(5) UV lamp capable of insertion and operation in either the “single-contact medium screw” or the “double-contact medium screw” lamp holders. Major Class A
Label Requirements for Sunlamp Products
1040.20(d)(1)(i) Fails to have warning statement “Danger UV radiation…” Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(1)(ii) Fails to have recommended exposure position(s) Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(1)(iii) Fails to have directions for recommended exposure position(s) and warning other positions may result in overexposure Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(1)(iv) Fails to have recommended exposure schedule Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(1)(v) Fails to have time before expected results statement Concern Class C
1040.20(d)(1)(vi) Fails to have ultraviolet lamp designation Minor Class B
Label Requirements for Ultraviolet Lamps
1040.20(d)(2)(i) Fails to have “Sunlamp-DANGER-Ultraviolet radiation. Follow Instructions” Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(2)(ii) Fails to have model identification Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(2)(iii) Fails to have “Use ONLY in fixture equipped with timer” Minor Class B
Label Specifications for Sunlamp Products and Ultraviolet Lamps
1040.20(d)(3)(i) Fails to be permanently affixed or inscribed on the exterior surface of sunlamp product when fully assembled for use so as to be legible and readily accessible to view by person being exposed immediately before use of product Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(3)(ii) Fails to be permanently affixed or inscribed on the ultraviolet lamp so as to be legible or readily accessible to view Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(3)(iv) Fails to have identification and certification labels on shelf package of ultraviolet lamps and coded mfr name and date of mfr on ultraviolet lamp Minor Class B
1040.20(d)(3)(v) Labels contain statements or illustrations that are false or misleading, diminish the impact of the required statements, or are prohibited by this chapter. Major Class A
Instructions to be provided to users of Sunlamp Products
1040.20(e) Inadequate instructions for use to avoid or minimize potential injury provided to purchaser Minor Class B
1040.20(e)(1)(i) Failed to have reproduction of “Danger Ultraviolet Radiation warning statement…” Minor Class B
1040.20(e)(1)(ii) Failed to have a statement of the maximum number of users and warning that only that number of protective eyewear was provided Concern Class C
1040.20(e)(1)(iii) Failed to have instructions on the proper operations of the product including function, use, and setting of the timer and other controls , and use of the protective eyewear Minor Class B
1040.20(e)(1)(iv) Failed to have instructions determining the correct exposure time and schedule for persons according to skin type. Minor Class B
1040.20(e)(1)(v) Failed to have instructions for obtaining repairs and recommended replacement components and accessories which are compatible with the product, including compatible protective eyewear, ultraviolet lamps, timers, reflectors, and filters, if installed or used as instructed would result in continued compliance with the standard. Minor Class B
1040.20(e)(2)(i) User instructions for ultraviolet lamps not sold with sunlamp products failed to have a reproduction of the “Danger Ultraviolet Radiations…warning statement and the “Sunlamp-DANGER Ultraviolet radiation. Follow Instructions” and “Use ONLY in a fixture equipped with a timer” label Minor Class B
1040.20(e)(2)(ii) User instructions for ultraviolet lamps not sold with sunlamp products failed to have a warning that instructions should be followed to avoid or minimize potential injury Minor Class B
1040.20(e)(2)(iii) User instructions for ultraviolet lamps not sold with sunlamp products failed to have a clear identification by brand and model designation of all lamps models for which replacement lamps are promoted Minor Class B
Tests for Determination of Compliance
1040.20(f) Fail to account for all errors and statistical uncertainties in the process for changes in radiation emission or degradation in radiation safety with age of the product. Minor Class B
1040.20(f) Fail to make measurements for certification under operational conditions as recommended by the manufacturer. Minor Class B
1040.20(f) Fail to position measuring instrument at recommended exposure position and oriented to result in maximum detection of the radiation Minor Class B

Sample Sunlamp Product Inspection and Field Test Checklist


(Including Pertinent Parts of the Regulation)
















WARNING LABEL [21 CFR 1040.20(d)(1)]

Accessible To View: Yes / No Legible From One Meter: Yes / No Exposure Position: Yes / No "DANGER" Statement:: Yes / No

If "NO" to any of the above, Explain:___________________________________________________________________________________

Exposure Schedule times: Minimum ____min. / Maximum ____min. Warning Label Location:_________________________________

List All Lamp Types Designated On Unit Labeling:_________________________________________________________________________

CERTIFICATION LABEL [21 CFR 1040.20(d) & 21 CFR 1010.2]

Adequate Certification: Yes / No Written In English: Yes / No Legible: Yes / No

If "NO" to any of the above, Explain:___________________________________________________________________________________


Name & Address of Manufacturer:______________________________________________________________

Model #:_______________________________ Serial #:_______________________ Date of Manufacture:___________________________

PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR [21 CFR 1040.20(C) (4)]

Maximum Number of Users for Sunlamp Product:__________

Number of pairs:___________ Model Type:_________________________ Manufacture:_______________________________________

Number of pairs:___________ Model Type:_________________________ Manufacture:_______________________________________

LAMPS IN UNIT [21 CFR 1040.20(d) (1) & (d) (2)] & LAMP COMPATIBLITY [21 CFR 1040.20 (e) 2 (iii)]

Total Number of Lamps in Unit:__________________ Lamp Compatibility Information : YES / NO / N/A

Lamp Model Designation:__________________________________ Number of Lamps: ______ Manufacture:__________________________

Lamp Model Designation:__________________________________ Number of Lamps: ______ Manufacture:__________________________

Facilities Lamp Supplier(s) (name, address, fax & phone #):_________________________________________________________________

TIMER [21 CFR 1040.20 (C)(2)]

Type of Timer: Digital / Electro-mechanical / Spring Wound / Token / Other:________________________________

Timer Capabilities:_________(Minimum Time) _________(Maximum Time) Timer Interval (i.e. 1min increments): ___________________

Timer Interval Compatible with Exposure Schedule: YES / NO, If "NO", Explain:_______________________________________________

Timer Manufacturer Name and Address:_________________________________________________________________________________

Timer Accuracy: 10%: __________min __________sec, 50%: ____________min __________sec, 100%:___________min ___________sec

(Note: Record Timer Accuracy in minutes and seconds for 10%, 50% and 100% of Maximum Timer Capability for the Sunlamp Product. Remote timers are acceptable provided all other requirements of (C)(2)/(3) are maintained.)


Presence: YES / NO Description: Toggle / Push Pull / Push Button / Other:_________________________________

How is exposure re-initiated:________________________________________________________________________

USER INSTRUCTIONS [21 CFR 1040.20 (e) (1)] (i.e. owner manual / operator manual)

Provided by the Manufacturer: YES /NO, Available to Patrons: YES / NO, Contains Instructions To Determine Exposure Schedule and Skin Types: YES / NO, Contains Reproduction of "WARNING LABEL" : YES / NO, Contains Instructions for Obtaining Replacement

Parts and Repairs: YES / NO, If "NO" to any, Explain:___________________________________________________________________





(Including Pertinent Parts of the Regulation)

Facility Name:



Person Interviewed






( ________ ) ____________________________




Field Test Date


Mfr. Name





Home District_________   CFN/FEI_________Product Type:________________________________________

Model_________Serial Number Date_________ Manufactured _________ / _________ / _________

Lamps: UV-A_____UV-B _____HID _____Properly labeled _____Mfr/Model:_______________________________________

Max Timer Setting _____Gradations_____Consistent w/exposure schedule:__________________________________

Timer Exceed Max. Recom. Exp._________Accuracy @ 10%___________  50%___________   100%___________

Type of Timer___________ (e.g. Token) Mfr. of Timer_______________How can user terminate exposure? ______________

How is exposure re-initiated? ____________________________________ Eyewear_________Sufficient #_________

Labeling visible w/eyewear ____ Eyewear Mfr. and Model_____________________________________________________

Certification Label: _______ (Va___________)Permanently affixed___________ Viewable_____________________

Location_____________________  Properly Worded____ Mfr. I.D. Label_______________________ Viewable_________

Full Name/Address_____________________  Date Mfrd.___________ Place Mfrd.________________

Warning Label: Readily Viewable_______ Location_____________________ Danger Statement ___________

Lamp Type___________ Min. exposure distance_______ How measured _____Warning: Min. exposure distance_________

Warning: Protective Eyewear _________ Warning: Max. exposure time_________ Exposure Schedule __________________

Time before results can be expected_______ Any misleading statements?__________________________________________

User's Instructions: Provided by the Mfr. ______ Available to patrons ____________________________________________

Contains copy of warning label_______ Instructions for replacement parts _______ Statement of # of people/eyewear _______

Equipment Recommendations: User position indicated _____ Timer error less than 10% ________  Temperature Control ________

Electrical Safety_________ Mechanical Safety_________ Protection from Lamps______   Access and Support ______


Name and Title


Inspecting District

Attachment D: Specific Instructions for Cabinet X-Ray Product Inspections and Tests


The Radiation Safety Performance Standard for Cabinet X ray Systems [Title 21 CFR § 1020.40] (performance standard) was designed to protect the public and system operators from unnecessary radiation hazards associated with the use of cabinet x-ray systems. The performance standard sets an exposure emission limit of 0.5 milliRoentgen (mR) in one hour for radiation emitted from a cabinet x ray system. Additional required safety features include interlocks, indicator lights, and warning labels. The performance standard applies to all cabinet x ray systems manufactured or assembled on or after April 10, 1975. Requirements regarding x ray systems designed primarily for the inspection of carry on airline baggage apply to systems manufactured or assembled on or after April 25, 1974.

Specific Instructions

The potential risk from a cabinet x-ray system is dependent on the maximum power that can be delivered to the x-ray tube and the environment in which the system is used. A cabinet x-ray system that can operate at higher peak tube potential and tube current will present a greater potential risk when compared with a lower power cabinet x-ray system. The following is an example of how the use environment affects the potential risk: a cabinet x-ray system used for checking circuit board quality is integrated into an automated production line and very rarely approached by anyone poses a lower potential risk than a carry on baggage security x-ray system which is loaded by members of the public and always has an operator present in close proximity.

Follow the general guidance on inspection, investigation, and field test priorities provided in section II.B.3 above and use your discretion based on the preceding discussion of potential risk. An example inspection checklist of cabinet x-ray specific issues has been included. For further guidance on compliance with specific requirements of the performance standard see the Cabinet X-Ray Compliance Guide (see reference below).

Radiological Health Specialists have been specifically trained in general EPRC requirements and also have specialized training in the cabinet x-ray product performance standards. These specialists should perform cabinet x-ray inspections and field tests, and may train additional field staff or accompany a medical device investigator to conduct joint EPRC/medical device inspections.

When conducting a cabinet x-ray system manufacturer inspection or field test all FDA personnel are required to wear a personal radiation monitor. If you do not have a personal radiation monitor badge, follow the instructions as noted in Part II of this program.

CDRH is responsible for all administrative/regulatory action, regulatory follow up, and for the issuance of all notices of violations to manufacturers of cabinet x-ray systems.

Field Test Instructions

Generally cabinet x-ray field tests should be performed when requested by CDRH, in response to requests from other federal agencies, to check the validity of a trade or consumer complaint, or when it is necessary for confirmation that a manufacturer’s testing program or corrective action plan is adequate.

When performing a cabinet x-ray field test collect data in accordance with the written procedures prescribed in “Routine Compliance Testing for Cabinet X ray Systems to which 21 CFR Subchapter J is applicable, Dated March 1985” (see reference below). If it is determined that the written procedures cannot be followed, describe in detail the variance from the prescribed procedure in the comments section of the test form.

Field Test Equipment: MDH meters are not sufficiently sensitive to detect radiation emissions from a cabinet x-ray system. Use only the meters identified in the field test procedure identified below.

NOTE: Cabinet X-Ray Systems installed at airports are not to be field tested except as requested by CDRH, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), or Department of Agriculture (USDA). Usually there will be a manager from the relevant agency at the facility containing the system to be tested. Coordinate the test with the appropriate agency on-site manager. Where the national radiation safety contacts are known they should also be contacted. The national contacts for TSA and CBP are included below:

Contacts for Radiation Safety at other Federal Agencies

Name Phone Email Position
Jill Segraves (571) 227-2292 Jill.Segraves@dhs.gov Radiation Safety Program Manager, Transportation Security Administration
Richard Whitman (317)614-4843 richard.t.whitman@dhs.gov Radiation Safety Officer, Customs and Border Protection

Results for all field tests of TSA or CBP cabinet x-ray systems should be sent CDRH, the appropriate contact listed above, and the on-site manager.


Frequently Asked Questions on Cabinet X-ray Systems (March 24, 2003)

Compliance Guide for Cabinet X-Ray Systems: Coming soon to the web

Routine Compliance Testing for Cabinet X-ray Systems to which 21 CFR Subchapter J is applicable, Dated March 1985

Refer to the Cabinet X-Ray Systems main page for additional information:

Cabinet X-Ray Product Codes

Translation of 2-Digit Code

Product Name

Product Code



Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical

Cabinet X-Ray, Industrial, Non-Medical




A cabinet x-ray system used for quality control, non-destructive testing, or some other industrial purpose.

Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical

Explosive Detection Systems, Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical




A cabinet x-ray system used for detection of explosives in closed containers such as airline baggage. Usually these systems use a non-standard x-ray mode to perform this function such as computed tomography.

Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical

Security X-Ray (includes Baggage X-Ray), Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical




A cabinet x-ray system used to examine the contents of containers such as airline baggage, brief cases, and purses to detect weapons or other contraband.

Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical

Cargo X-Ray, Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical




A large cabinet x-ray system used to examine pallets full of cargo to find weapons or other contraband.

Cabinet X-Ray Systems, Non-Medical





A cabinet x-ray system used for an unlisted specific purpose.

Classification of Non-compliant Items

Emission Limit


Exceeds emission limit




Radiation emission > 10mR in one hour


Class A


Radiation emission rate ≤ 10 mR in one hour and > 0.5 mR in one hour


Class B


Emission limit requirements – measurement inadequate


See (c)(1)(i)



Floor fails to adequately attenuate radiation emission into occupied area underneath x-ray system


See (c)(1)(i)

Ports and Apertures


It is possible to reach the primary beam through a port

Primary beam greater than 10 R per hour and beam is easy to access

Primary beam greater than 10 R per hour and beam is possible but difficult to access inadvertently

Primary beam less than 10 R per hour and greater than 5 R per hour

Primary beam less than 5 R per hour








Class A

Class B


Class B

Class C


Aperture allows human access to interior of cabinet

Radiation exposure rate in accessed area greater than 5 R per hour

Radiation exposure rate in accessed area less than 5 R per hour





Class B

Class C

Safety Interlocks


Safety interlock - door does not have any interlock and emission rate with door open is > 10mR in one hour


Class A


Safety interlock - door does not have multiple interlocks


Class B


Neither door safety interlock causes physical disconnect




Radiation emission rate with interlock failure and door open > 2 mR per hour


Class B


Radiation emission rate with interlock failure and door open ≤ 2 mR per hour and > 0.5 mR in any one hour


Class B


Safety interlocks - disconnect based on movement other than door




Radiation emission rate with interlock failure and door open > 2 mR per hour


Class B


Radiation emission rate with interlock failure and door open ≤ 2 mR per hour and > 0.5 mR in any one hour


Class B


Lack of safety interlock - access panel and emission rate with access panel open is > 10 mR in one


Class B


Safety interlocks - after an interruption reset of the interlock results in resumption of x-ray production


Class B


Safety interlocks - single component failure disables more than one interlock


Class B

Ground fault


Ground fault can result in x-ray initiation


Class A

Controls and Indicators


Key control - not provided


Class B


Key control - not functional


Class B


Controls to initiate and terminate x-rays other than interlocks or power control are not present


Class B


Two independent means of Exposure indication at initiation are not present


Class B


Exposure indication - other than milliammeter is not present


Class B


Exposure indication at initiation – is not visible from control


Class B


Multiple failures of exposure indication caused by a single failure


Class B


Exposure indication - labeling - X-RAY ON is not present


Class C


Exposure indication - labeling - x-ray tube current is not present


Class C


Exposure indication required to be visible from a door, panel, or port and is not present


Class B


Exposure indication not visible from each door, panel, or port


Class B


Exposure indication at door, panel, or port is not labeled - X-RAY ON


Class C

Additional controls and indicators for systems designed to admit humans


No means for preventing and terminating x-rays from within


Class A


X-rays can be initiated from within the cabinet


Class A


No Pre-exposure warning within cabinet


Class A


Pre-exposure warning within cabinet – Warning did not activate at least 10 seconds prior to exposure


Class A


Pre-exposure warning within cabinet - a single failure causes both audible and visual warnings to fail


Class A


No exposure warning within cabinet


Class A


Lack of signs giving meaning of warning signals


Class B


Lack of signs giving instructions for use of controls to terminate


Class B


Signs are not legible, accessible, illuminated


Class B

Warning Labels


Lack of Warning labels - X-rays Produced


Class C


Lack of Warning labels - Human Access


Class C

Information to be provided


Instruction manuals - not provided


Class C


Instruction manuals - inadequate technical & safety information


Class C


Assembly instructions - required and not provided


Class B


Assembly instructions - not adequate for compliance


Class B

Additional requirements for systems loaded by the public (e.g. Baggage inspection)


X-ray baggage inspection systems (public area) - No means to assure operator presence


Class A


No means to terminate exposure


Class B


No means to terminate an exposure sequence


Class B

Modification of a certified system


Modification – failure to re-certify and re-identify


Class B

Cabinet X-Ray Product Inspection Guidance and Field Test Form

Cabinet X-ray inspection checklist.

This guidance is in addition to the instruction provided in Part III.A.2 of this program. Refer to the Compliance Guide for Cabinet X-Ray Systems (referenced above) for a detailed discussion of the cabinet x-ray system performance standard.

  1. Record Firm Identification, Location, and Contact information
  2. Models
    1. What models does the manufacturer produce?
    2. What models are available for observation of certification testing?
  3. Performance Requirements
    1. Radiation Emission Limit
      Unlike lasers, the “characterization” of the radiation emitted from a cabinet x-ray system is not relevant. The amount of x radiation emitted is critical. Note: The emission limit in the cabinet x-ray standard is for the amount of exposure (less than 0.5 mR) in one hour. It is not a limit on the instantaneous rate of radiation emission.
      1. Is there a written procedure for emission testing?
      2. Are numerical values recorded for the worst case emission from each system?
      3. What instruments are used during emission testing? (Record the model and manufacturer of each radiation meter)
        1. Identify the type of each meter (ideally the mfr. should know the type). A few possible types are: ion chamber, Geiger-Mueller (GM), plastic scintillators.
        2. What is the response time for each meter?
        3. Can the x-ray system produce a beam for longer than the meter’s response time? Does the procedure specify that x-ray will be produced for longer than the meter’s response time?
        4. Is the meter held still at various positions around the x-ray system or is it moved slowly around the system?
          1. If the meter is in motion during an exposure is there a maximum scan speed noted in the procedure?
          2. During the test, is the meter moved slowly enough so that its response time is not a factor?
          3. Is the scan speed limit adhered to by the person performing the test?
          4. Are all the likely points of excess emission checked? If there are emission issues they usually occur at the ports, seems, corners, access panels, and doors.
        5. If the x-ray beam can not be produced continuously can the radiation meter measure an integrated dose?
        6. Does the meter used for the quantitative measurement have a current calibration? What energy was the meter calibrated at? What is the peak tube potential of the cabinet x-ray system?
        7. Does the meter produce a linear response for the expected energy range of emission from the product?
        8. Is the meter sufficiently sensitive in the relevant energy range that it responds to radiation emission from the product?
      4. If there are calculations involved in determining the total amount of exposure in anyone hour are all the steps clearly identified and justified?
      5. What is the rejection limit set by the manufacturer for emissions? If the rejection limit is the same as the limit in the performance standard how is the inherent experimental error in measuring radiation emission from the system accounted for? If less than the limit in the performance standard is it sufficiently restrictive to account for experimental error?
      6. Based on the answers above and observation of the emission test procedure, is the emission testing conducted by the manufacturer sufficient to assure that the product will comply with the performance standard?
    2. Are items placed into the cabinet through a port or through a door?
      1. If items are placed into the cabinet through a port is it necessary for someone to hold the item while it is being exposed to radiation? If so can any part of the body reach the primary beam through the port?
      2. If items are moved into the system on a conveyor belt will any part of the body reach the primary beam during normal operation? (Crawling into the system is not considered normal operations)
      3. If it appears that it is possible to reach the primary beam inadvertently ask the manufacturer for the exposure rate in the primary beam per hour.
    3. If the system has a door does it have a minimum of two interlocks? Note: A door is used to put a sample into the cabinet. If a part of the shielding is opened for maintenance it is an access panel not a door.
      1. Is at least one of the interlocks designed so that door opening results in physical disconnection of the energy supply circuit to the high-voltage generator? Occasionally a system may have a “shutter” so that when either the shutter or the door is closed energy continues to be supplied to the high-voltage generator and if both were to open simultaneously then the power would be cut.
      2. Is the disconnection dependent upon any moving part other than the door? In most cases the secondary physical disconnect interlock will be visible when the door is open. Relays and magnetic switches contain moving parts and do not meet this requirement.
      3. Will closing the door cause the automatic resumption of x-ray production or is it necessary for an operator to re-initiate x-ray production by taking some action?
    4. Does the system have an access panel?
      1. Do all access panels that allow access to the interior of the cabinet require a tool to open?
      2. Do all access panels have an interlock that prevents production of x-ray when the panel is open?
      3. Will closing an access panel cause the automatic resumption of x-ray production or is it necessary for an operator to re-initiate x-ray production by taking some action?
    5. Has the manufacturer performed a ground fault analysis? Can the product fail via a ground fault in such a way that x-ray production is initiated?
    6. Is there a capture key control? Can the key be removed when in a position that allows the production of x-ray?
    7. Is there a control to initiate and stop x-ray production other than the power key?
    8. Are there at least 2 independent means that indicate when and only when x-ray is being produced? Are they labeled “x-ray on”?
    9. Can an x-ray on indicator be seen from any position that a port, access panel, or door can be operated? Is the indicator labeled “x-ray on”?
    10. Is the system designed to admit humans? Is the system so large that it would be easy for a human to walk into the cabinet?
      1. Is there a control inside the cabinet for terminating x-ray generation?
      2. Can x-ray generation be initiated from within the cabinet?
      3. Are there audible and visible warning signals within the cabinet that are actuated for at least 10 seconds prior to the first x-ray generation after closing any door designed to admit humans?
      4. Visible warning signal within the cabinet that is illuminated when and only when x-rays are being generated?
      5. Signs that indicate the meaning of the warning signals provided to meet the other requirements of this section?
    11. Warning labels
      1. At the location of any controls that can be used to initiate x-rays is there a label that says: Caution: X-Rays Produced When Energized
      2. Is there a label at every port that says: Caution: Do Not Insert Any Part of the Body When System is Energized--X-ray Hazard
    12. Are user instructions provided to purchasers?
      1. Do the instructions include: Potential, current, and duty cycle ratings of the x-ray generation equipment; and adequate instructions concerning any radiological safety procedures and precautions which may be necessary because of unique features of the system?
      2. Do the instructions include a schedule of maintenance necessary to keep the system in compliance with this section?
    13. Does the product require the customer or a third party to be assembled? If so are there adequate assembly instructions provided by the manufacturer?
    14. Is the product used for security screening of items placed on it by members of the public?
      1. Are there means provided to assure that the operator is present at the control area and in a position that permits surveillance of the ports and doors during generation of x-radiation?
      2. Are there means provided to assure that the operator can terminate an exposure?
    15. Is the manufacturer modifying a previously certified system? If so have they re-labeled the system and re-identified and recertified that the modified product meets the requirements of the performance standard?

Field Test Form

The cabinet x-ray field test procedure uses an official form to record the data. This form, FDA 2903 entitled, Cabinet X-Ray Systems Field Test Record can be found at the FDA Forms Catalog (see the FDA intranet home page under Medical Devices).

Attachment E: Specific Instructions for Television Product Inspections


The Television Product Performance Standard (the standard) was designed to protect the public from x-radiation hazards associated with early cathode-ray-tube (CRT) television sets. The radiation emitted from these products has been dramatically reduced over the years as a result of the standard, and by improvements in technology and design. The hazards of x-ray emissions from CRT televisions and video monitors are further diminished because of a well-established and conscientious industry and the increasing market for flat panel LCD and plasma displays that do not pose a radiation hazard. A minimal, but risk-based and continued presence by FDA is needed in the television industry to ensure continued compliance with radiation safety standards so long as there is a market for CRT products. This presence is limited to for-cause manufacturer inspection and laboratory inspection. No field tests are conducted on television products.

Specific Instructions

Television product manufacturers should be inspected or tested at CDRH direction. Television product manufacturers are all located overseas, and all inspections will require foreign travel. Reasons for manufacturer inspection include:

WEAC laboratory analysts have knowledge of general EPRC requirements and also have specialized training in the television product performance standard. These analysts have experience planning and conducting foreign television manufacturer inspections. WEAC analysts should perform these inspections and field tests and may train additional field staff.

CDRH is responsible for review of television manufacturer inspection observations and initiating administrative or regulatory follow-up.


Performance Standard-Television Products

Reporting and Compliance Guide for Television Products

Refer to the television products main page for guidance documents and additional information:

Television Product Codes

Translation of 2-Digit Code Product Name Product Code CFR Definition
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Oscilloscope (Exempted), TV Receivers & Products, Non-Medical 94 RAY 1020.10 A device that depicts on a screen periodic changes in an electric quantity, as voltage or current, using a cathode ray tube and is not used in a medical application
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Television Receiver, Medical Imaging, Color 94 RAZ 1020.10 A television receiver using a color cathode ray tube to display medical images in colors.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Television Receiver, Medical Imaging, Monochrome 94 RBA 1020.10 A television receiver using a monochrome cathode ray tube to display medical images in black and white with shades of gray or in different shades of one color.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Television Receiver, General Purpose, Color, Non-Medical 94 RBB 1020.10 An electronic product with no medical claims designed to receive and, using a color cathode ray tube, to display a television picture in colors from broadcast, cable, video disk player, video recorder, computer or closed circuit television signals.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Television Receiver, General Purpose, Monochrome, Non-Medical 94 RBC 1020.10 An electronic product with no medical claims designed to receive and, using a monochrome cathode ray tube, to display a television picture in black and white with shades of gray or in different shades of one color from broadcast, cable, video disk player, video recorder, computer or closed circuit television signals.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Video Monitor, Medical Imaging, Color 94 RBD 1020.10 An electronic product using a color cathode ray tube to display medical images in colors from signals from a computer or electronic medical device.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Video Monitor, General Purpose, Color 94 RBE 1020.10 An electronic product using a color cathode ray tube to display general images in colors from signals from a computer or electronic medical device.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Video Monitor, Medical Imaging, Monochrome 94 RBF 1020.10 An electronic product using a monochrome cathode ray tube to display medical images in black and white with shades of gray or in different shades of one color from signals from a computer or electronic medical device.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Video Monitor, General Purpose, Monochrome 94 RBG 1020.10 An electronic product using a monochrome cathode ray tube to display general images in black and white with shades of gray or in different shades of one color from signals from a computer or electronic medical device.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Projector, TV Receivers & Products 94 RBH 1020.10 Electronic products that use a cathode ray tube or several cathode ray tubes to generate television images which are projected on a screen either from the front or from the rear.
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same TV View Finder, TV Receivers and Products 94 RBI 1020.10 An electronic product using a cathode ray tube to display the image seen through the lens of a camcorder. To be exempt the cathode ray tube must operate under 5 kilovolts under the test conditions in the standard (Phase III).
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Camera, Television, Surgical, Without Audio 79 FWB 1020.10  
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Camera, Television, Surgical, With Audio 79 FWC 1020.10  
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Camera, Television, Microsurgical, Without Audio 79 FWD 1020.10  
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Camera, Television, Microsurgical, With Audio 79 FWE 1020.10  
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Camera, Television, Endoscopic, Without Audio 79 FWF 1020.10  
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Camera, Televsion, Endoscopic, With Audio 79 FWG 1020.10  
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same System, Reading, Television, Closed-Circuit 79 HJG 1020.10  
TV Receivers & Products Containing Same Other 94 RZZ Unknown Other electronic products using cathode ray tubes to display television images from broadcast, cable, video disk player, video recorder, computer or closed circuit television signals.

Classification of Non-compliant Items

Emission Limit

1020.10(c) Exceeds exposure rate limit    
1020.10(c)(1) Radiation emission > 10mR in one hour Major Class A
1020.10(c)(3) Test conditions are not in accordance with requirements Minor Class B
1020.10(c)(4) Critical component warning label missing or inadequate Minor Class B

Sample Television Product Inspection Checklist

Manufacturer Identification

Manufacturer Name :


Plant Location:


Date(s) of Visit:


FDA Personnel





















Organization Chart


Sampling Procedures


Engineering Test Plan


Service Manual(s)


Incoming Q. C. Test Procedures


Reaction Plan Procedures


Engineering Test Records


Mfr's Agent agreement

(21 CFR 1005.25)


Instrument Calibration

Control Log



(ID, Cert. and Crit. Comp.)


Vendor Test Data




X-Radiation Test Record


Production Line Procedures


Manufacturer Distribution Records




Specific Area Inspected

Gen. Eval.*

See Attach.

Details on Page

Specific Area Inspected

Gen. Eval.*

See Attach.

Details on Page

General Organization








Production Line Q.C. Procedures




Engineering Test Plan








Reaction Plan




Incoming Materials Testing Program








X-Radiation Test Records




Written Comm. Concerning Radiation Safety








Sampling Procedures for Production Rad. Testing




Manufacturer Distribution Records








Radiation Testing Prog. for Production Receivers




Instrument Calibration












*Legend for Evaluation: A - Satisfactory B - Questionable C - Unsatisfactory




Line Name

Model No.


Rate (Sets/day)

Meets Abbr. Rep. Criteria?

Line Name

Model No.


Rate (Sets/day)

Meets Abbr. Rep. Criteria?






















1. Flowchart of company functions and organization available?








No SeeExhibit:





2. Corresponding official is :










Product Safety














3. Is the Compliance Testing Program separate from Production?





4. (Foreign companies only) Does the company have a Manufacture's Agent who lives in the U.S.? (21 CFR 1005.25)













1. Test Plan

a) The receiver selected for the Engineering Analysis is a:









b) The engineering x-radiation testing is performed by:









c) The acceptance/rejection criteria for new design is:



d) The A/R decision is made by:


e) Life test prior to mass production?










2. Engineering Test Records

a) Are records kept?



Yes, where?




No (Explain)


b) Type of information kept on record:


c) Is the worst tolerance chassis retained for further testing?







1. Test Summary


Test Performed

Sampling Plan

Rejection Criteria

Test Method















H.V. Transformers



























2. Incoming test records on file?



3. CRTS tested In-House?



If yes, Registered at TEPAC?



a) Explain the CRT test procedure:




b) X-Radiation Instrumentation used:


Cal. Date










4. If CRTs are tested by vendor does the vendor provide:



a) test data for each lot?



b) general guarantee of Engineering X-Radiation specifications






1. Are the labels, which are received at the incoming area, checked for compliance with 21 CFR 1010?



2. If yes, are the labels compared with approved labels on file?






1. Are records kept?



2. Who responds to these questions?






1. Are records kept? If Yes, where are they kept?:



2. Information kept on record:



Dealer/Distributor name and address?



Date distributed?



Model and serial No.?



3. Are records computerized?



4. Are dealers/distributors notified of their obligation to obtain and maintain purchaser records? (for non-exempt products)



5. Are dealers/distributors notified of the exempt products?









1. Is the qualitative meter given a periodic (30 day) check for proper operation?



2. Are the actual readings for each tube recorded?



3. The date of the CST-l source used for the thirty-day check is:

4. Is it adjusted?



5. Is the quantitativeinstrument checked to a source traceable to a NBS standard?



6. Is there a system for reminding personnel that an instrument is due to be calibrated?



7. Are there alternative x-radiation instruments available should the instruments in use require repair or calibration?






1. The samples for production testing are selected by:


2. From: Each production line?



Each shift?



Each model?



End of production line?






3. Sample size:



4. Lot size:



5. How determined?



6. Normal amount of production:



7. Rejection criteria:




Lot :



10. REACTION PLAN UPON REJECTION (review actual rejection cases)



1. Who is notified by the test technician?





2. Who examines the cause?





3. Disposition of the rejected lot while examining cause:





4. Who issues the order to stop shipment and/or production?





5. Are other lots (previous and/or subsequent) subjected to increased testing?



6. Have there been any failures?



If yes,was it documented ?



7. Does the Reaction plan appear to be adequate?




1. Where are records kept?







2. Are they maintained for five years?






3. How are they filed? (model, date, etc.)



4. What information is recorded?




Test Date




Beam Current


All Sides


Serial #




High Voltage





5. Are any records in excess of the rejection limit?


Yes, disposition of rejected units/lots:











1. Shielding



a) Is special shielding checked for proper placement?



2. Sealed Controls



a) Are they checked?



b) Checking Method:





c) Do seals appear to be permanent?



3. Labels



a) Is the presence of labels being checked on line?



b) Are labels readily viewable?



c) Are they permanently affixed?




1) Chassis Number










2) B+ measured?







% Checked




Meter Calibration Current?







Instructions Available?







3) H.V. measured?







% Checked




Meter Calibration Current?







Instructions Available?







4) Hold Down/Safety Circuit Subassembly





Finished product





Instructions available?










1. Test Instrumentation





Operational Checks














440 RF/C



















H.V. Meter







2. Demonstration Test Number 1

a) Identification of receiver tested:

Chassis No.






Black and White



Model No.


Serial No.




Sample selected by:


Sample selected from:


b) Labeling Information:











Date of manufacturer.





Place of Manufacturer.





Critical Component Warning





c) Test Conditions:

Input voltage:



User controls adjusted?










Service controls adjusted?









List adjusted controls:



Describe worst-case failure:








Usable Picture?





Test pattern:


d) Test Results:

Max. Qualitative:


counts/min at


kV and








Max. Quantitative:


mR/hr at


kV and





Scan Rate:





3. Demonstration Test Number 2


a) Identification of receiver tested:

Chassis No.






Black and White



Model No.


Serial No.




Sample selected by:


Sample selected from:


b) Labeling Information:











Date of manufacturer.





Place of Manufacturer.





Critical Component Warning





c) Test Conditions:

Input voltage:



User controls adjusted?










Service controls adjusted?









List adjusted controls:



Describe worst-case failure:








Usable Picture?





Test pattern:


d) Test Results:

Max. Qualitative:


counts/min at


kV and








Max. Quantitative:


mR/hr at


kV and





Scan Rate:





Attachment F: Specific Instructions for Microwave Oven Product Inspections


The Microwave Oven Product Performance Standard (the standard) was designed to protect the public from unnecessary emissions from microwave ovens. A minimal, but risk-based and continued presence by FDA is needed in the microwave oven industry to ensure continued compliance with radiation safety standards. This presence is limited to for-cause manufacturer inspection and laboratory inspection. No field tests are conducted on microwave oven products.

Specific Instructions

Microwave oven product manufacturers should be inspected or tested at CDRH direction. Microwave oven product manufacturers are all located overseas, and all inspections will require foreign travel. Reasons for manufacturer inspection include:

WEAC laboratory analysts have knowledge of general EPRC requirements and also have specialized training in the microwave oven product performance standard. These analysts have experience planning and conducting foreign microwave oven manufacturer inspections. WEAC analysts should perform these inspections and field tests and may train additional field staff.

CDRH is responsible for review of microwave oven manufacturer inspection observations and initiating administrative or regulatory follow-up.


Performance Standard-Microwave Oven Products

Guide for Preparing Reports on Radiation Safety of Microwave Ovens

Refer to the microwave oven products main page for guidance documents and additional information:

Microwave Oven Product Codes

Translation of 2-Digit Code Product Name Product Code CFR Definition
Microwave Ovens
(Food Prep)
Microwave Oven, Consumer
(Food Prep)
96 RCR 1030.10 A machine that utilizes microwave radiation for food preparation, designed for home use.
Microwave Ovens
(Food Prep)
Microwave Oven, Commercial
(Food Prep)
96 RCS 1030.10 A machine that utilizes microwave radiation for food preparation, designed for commercial establishments
Microwave Ovens
(Food Prep)
Tunnel/Conveyor, Microwave Ovens
(Food Prep)
96 RCT 1030.10 A machine that utilizes microwave radiation for food preparation using a conveyorized or tunnel microwave waveguide.
Microwave Ovens
(Food Prep)
Vending Machine, Microwave Ovens
(Food Prep)
96 RCU 1030.10 A machine that utilizes microwave radiation for dispensing heated foods in public areas.
Microwave Ovens
(Food Prep)
Other 96 RZZ Unknown A machine that utilizes microwave radiation for food preparation not previously specified.

Classification of Non-compliant Items

Power density limit requirements


Leakage from door, vents, other seams > 6mW/cm 2


Class A


Leakage from door, vents, other seams >1.25mW/cm 2, < 6mW/cm 2


Class B


Leakage from door, vents, etc. < 6mW/cm 2 after purchase


Class C

Safety interlocks

1030.10(c)(2)(i), (iv)

Does not incorporate two (2) independent safety interlocks or monitor


Class A


No concealed or inaccessible interlock


Class A


Single mechanical/electrical failure disables interlocks


Class A


Secondary interlock allows leakage > 6mW/cm 2


Class A


Primary interlock allows excess leakage > 6mW/cm 2




Insulating wire is accessible to energy-containing space

Opening is obvious to user

Opening is not obvious or readily accessible



Class A Class B

User instructions


Precaution statement unclear, not located to elicit attention, not legible or durable, etc.


Class B


User manual or cookbook has no precaution statement


Class B

Service instructions


Safety information or precaution statement unclear, not located to elicit attention not legible or durable, etc.


Class B


Service instructions have non precaution statement


Class B


Service instructions have insufficient safety information


Class A

Warning labels

1030.10(c)(6)(i), (ii)

No user warning label or service caution label


Class A

Sample Microwave Oven Product Inspection Checklist

Manufacturer Identification


Manufacturer Name :



Plant Location:



Date(s) of Visit:


F.D.A. Personnel






















Manufacturer Personnel















































SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (See the FDA483 in Exhibit A)











1.0 Production Summary Maximum number of production lines is:

Line Name

Model #


































* CTD = Countertop/Domestic CTC = Countertop/Commercial UTC = Under‑the‑cabinet WHO = Wall hanging COM = Common cavity MOD = Module for High/Low HLO = High/Lo BDO = Built‑in‑double BSO = Built‑in single

2.0 Component Inspection

Components Test Parameters*/Sampling Rate

2.1 Cavities and Waveguides
















2.2 Interlock & Monitor Switches
















2.3 Wire Harnesses
















2.4 Door Structure, Hinges, Latches
















2.5 Door Chokes and Seals
















2.6 Door Screen Perforations
















2.7 Noncertified MWO Modules
















*Test Parameter Keys: D = dimension check, E = electrical continuity or performance, F = function check, RF = RF emission check, V = visual inspection, W = weld integrity

3.0 Component Control

3.1 Are the incoming components adequately controlled to prevent their use until quality control tests are completed and lot acceptability is determined?
Yes ____ No (Explain) ____________________________

3.2 Are the rejected lots of components adequately marked or secured so the rejected parts are not used in production unless reworked?
Yes ____ No (Explain) ____________________________

4.0 Production Line and Final Tests

General Tests

Line Names /All Lines











Door installation & adjust. checks










Safety interlocks & monitor continuity checks










RF emission hazard waveguide, cavity seams, etc.










Check door travel before sec. interlock actuation










Open door (shut off‑restart) operation test










Presence and content of required labels




















RF Emission Tests










Door viewing screen










Door perimeter










Door perimeter ~ door pulled & all interlocks operating










Door perimeter ~ door pulled & only Secondary interlock operating










Door hinge










Control panel










Vents and Louvers










Underneath the oven (bottomless or exposed cavity)










Automated Microwave Scanner










NP = Not performed, B = Before final assembly, A = After final assembly NA = Not applicable, ND = Not determined

4.1 Are the written procedures or diagrams available or posted in the working area for the operator performing Q.C. checks?
Yes ____ No (Explain) ____________________________

4.2 Are repaired ovens returned to the assembly line at a point prior to the test that caused their rejection?
Yes ____ No (Explain) ____________________________

4.3 Are all repaired ovens, regardless of the nature of the repair, returned to the assembly line for the open door operation test and final RF emission test?
Yes ____ No (Explain) ____________________________

5.0 Final Test Records (Check information permanently retained)

Final and highest RF value


Serial no.

Date of Test


Secondary Interlock Only RF

Safety Interlocks/Monitor Continuity


Label check

Scanner Start-up Test


Open Door (Shut Off - Restart) Test

6.0 Automated Microwave Oven Scanner


Line Name


AMOS Brand/ Serial No.


Model Family


Model Exceptions




RF Reject Limit

































































































* User manual provided to person responsible for operation of AMOS?
____ Yes _____ No

* Maintenance record shows regular and adequate maintenance of the AMOS (cone checks, wires, RF absorbers, etc.)?
____ Yes _____ No

7.0 Microwave Emission Final Test





Number of Testers





Meter Type


Reject Limit


Comments on Scan Rate or Scan Pattern

































































































general instrumentation :**warm up, **reset zero, **dirty cones, **AC cover missing, **battery check, **voltage supply for AC powered meters, **barrel holding

8.0 Quality Audit

General Tests

Line Names/ALL Lines/Lab Sampling Rate

8.4 Life and Endurance Testing (Check items observed & fill in units )


Short Term


Long Term


RF Emission


Interlock/Monitor Continuity


K cycles


K cycles


Active Monitor




9.0 Instrumentation and Calibration Checks


9.1 Daily Check









Are preoperational and daily polarization checks performed?









Used this formula? (Maximum‑Minimum)/Mean x 100 = (%) total









If Not, give formula:









Using correct polarization ellipticity reject limit given by instrument manufacturer?









Spacer cones and batteries checked daily?









Daily record sufficient?



















9.2 30‑Day Constancy Checks










Is the manufacturer using commercially available 30‑Day constancy check system such as Holaday, Shimada, etc...?










Is a preoperational check made on the LCR in accordance with recommendation by instrument manufacturer?









Is the initial reference RF field set by adjusting the RF power level (with the LCR probe positioned at the mean of its polarization ellipse) until the LCR is reading __ _mW/cm2?









For AMOS, what is the calibration setting?









Which of the following is used to establish the initial reference field?









Which of the following is used to re‑establish the reference field for subsequent monthly checks?









After reference field is established, is a polarization ellipticity check performed on the LCR?









Is a 30‑day operational log of the system and LCR adequate?









Once the reference field is reset using the LCR (or RPM), the other reading from the RPM (or LCR) must agree with all of its preceding readings within 10%?









After the reference field has been established, each survey meter is given a check of its polarization response?









The mean reading of each survey meter is compared with its own previous monthly mean readings for 10% constancy?









30‑Day constancy record for each survey meter adequate?









2 dB check performed by comparing the ratio of the highest & lowest pol. ellipse reading from all of the instruments including the LCR (ratio must not exceed 1.59 (2 dB))? If Not, attach their own 2 dB procedures to this report









2 dB comparison record for all instruments adequate?



























Magnetron/weld RF hazard test










Continuity check: interlocks, monitor, wiring










Check door travel before sec. interlock actuation










Open door (shut off‑restart) operation test










Presence and content of required labels










Check for caution statements in User and Service manuals










Insertion by finger or wire into concealed safety interlock(s) and cavity




















RF Emission Tests










Door viewing screen










Door perimeter










Door perimeter ~ door pulled & all interlocks operating










Door perimeter ~ door pulled & only Secondary interlock operating










Door hinge










Control panel










Vents and Louvers










Underneath the oven (bottomless or exposed cavity)










Automated Microwave Scanner (Audit rate - manual rescan)










NP = Not performed, NA = Not applicable, ND = Not determined

8.1 Audit Test Records (Circle information permanently retained)


Final and Highest RF Value


Serial No.


Date of Test


Secondary Interlock Only RF


Safety Interlocks/Monitor Continuity


Label check


Daily Scanner Audit


Open Door (Shut Off - Restart) Test

8.2 Audit Size and Reaction Plan (review any actual instances of audit failures)

Critical Defects

Reaction Plan




Excess Emission


Test Entire Lot








Test Days Production






Open Door Operation


Tighten Sampling






Missing Labels/statements







8.3 Scanner Audit Reaction Plan
Has there been a failure in the scanner audit? (document adequate audit response)
____ No ____ Yes (Explain)________________________________


9.3 Annual Calibration









Annual calibration of LCR is performed by:









Absolute calibration of LCR is performed annually?









Document shows annual calibration of LCR?









All records restarted after annual calibration of LCR?









Are they using JMI calibration data correctly?









Do they perform absolute. cal. of survey meters every 3 yrs.?










9.4 Repair








Disposition of defective instruments clearly documented?









Are broken meters segregated and labeled?









If the Narda probe is replaced, are the meter and new probe calibrated together?



















10.0 Record keeping










Are the results of the quality control tests conducted on the production line kept for a minimum of 1 year after filing the annual report for these records?









Are the quality control audit records, documentation of defective ovens found in audit, and results of audit reaction plan kept for a minimum of five years?









Is a file maintained of all written communications from all sources concerning radiation safety including complaints, investigations, instructions, or explanations affecting the use, repair, adjustment, maintenance or testing?









Is a file maintained of records necessary for the tracing of microwave ovens to distributors, dealers and purchasers?









Have all the dealers and distributors been informed of their obligations to obtain the purchaser information?









Manufacturer can trace shipment to dealers/distributors or purchasers by:


Model Number




Serial No.




Date of Manufacture




Other (Specify):


Updated November 6, 2007

horizonal rule

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