The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
November 30, 2005

Setting the Record Straight: Democrats On An Artificial Timetable In Iraq

Today, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Backed The Call For Withdrawal Of Troops. "'I will be supporting the Murtha resolution,' Pelosi said of Murtha's resolution calling for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq at the earliest practicable date." ("Pelosi Backs Murtha's Call For Withdrawal From Iraq," Reuters, 11/30/05)

Today, Senator Russell Feingold (D-WI) Reiterated The Call For An Artificial Timetable. "'We need leadership, and we need a policy on Iraq that includes a flexible timetable for completing our military mission there, so that we can focus on our national security priority - defeating the global terrorist networks that threaten the U.S.' ... In August, Feingold put forward December 31, 2006 to help jumpstart the discussion of a target date to complete the military mission there." (Sen. Russell Feingold, "Statement Of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold On The President's Speech Today," Press Release, 11/30/05)

Representative Murtha (D-PA) Has Said There Must Be An "Immediate Redeployment Of U.S. Troops." REP. MURTHA: "My plan calls for immediate redeployment of U.S. troops consistent with the safety of U.S. forces, to create a quick reaction force in the region, to create an over-the-horizon presence of Marines, and to diplomatically pursue security and stability in Iraq." (Rep. Murtha, Press Conference, 11/17/05)

But Artificial Timetables Are "A Recipe For Disaster."

Today, Senator Feingold Said The President's Strategy Reflects "Same Old 'Stay The Course' Way Of Thinking." "In fact the booklet the administration released to accompany the President's speech is described as a '...document [that] articulates the broad strategy the President set forth in 2003...' That alone makes it clear that the President seems more dug in than ever to the same old 'stay the course' way of thinking." (Sen. Russell Feingold, "Statement Of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold On The President's Speech Today," Press Release, 11/30/05)

But, The Strategy For Victory Is Adaptive, And As Iraqi Security Forces Stand Up The American Mission In Iraq Will Change.

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