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 - - Summary File 1
 - - Disability by Gender & Age
 - - Disability by Race & Ethnicity
 - - Low and Moderate Income Estimates

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Persons with Disabilities by Gender and Age

 Information by State
 Print version

The data on this page has been updated to reflect FY07 participation.

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program requires grantees to consider the needs of persons with disabilities in planning and carrying out activities financed with CDBG funds. Grantees need to report on the number of persons with disabilities that have benefited from certain types of activities. Census 2000 provides the information needed to fulfill this requirement. Racial/ethnic data for persons with disabilities will be provided at a later date along with additional guidance on how to use these data to report accomplishments in IDIS.

Census 2000 information about the disabled population is contained in table P42 of Summary File Three. The contents of the table are described below. For the convenience of CDBG grantees, selected variables about the adult population (16 years and over) from table P42 have been put into an EXCEL workbook. There is a workbook for each state containing all the block group level geography records in the state. Each record is labeled with the name and Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) code of the CDBG grantee with jurisdiction over the block group. The block group records also are coded with the name and code numbers of the state, county, place, county subdivision and metropolitan area. Block group level data may be totaled to higher geographic summary levels using these codes. This detailed geographic identification of the block group records also will be used with other demographic information CPD will be publishing later this year such as the Low and Moderate Income population estimates.

Comments and questions about this information may be directed by e-mail to Traci Carroll .

Universe: Civilian non-institutionalized population 5 years and over
Total: P042001

Male: P042002

16 to 20 years: P042006 With a disability: P042007
21 to 64 years: P042013 With a disability: P042014
65 to 74 years: P042020 With a disability: P042021
75 years and over: P042023 With a disability: P042024

Female: P042026

16 to 20 years: P042030 With a disability: P042031
21 to 64 years: P042037 With a disability: P042038
65 to 74 years: P042044 With a disability: P042045
75 years and over: P042047 With a disability: P042048

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