RSA Program Budget

Welcome to the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Budget Home page. Here you will find information about the President's Budget request for ED and RSA, including a program-by-program description of the request, accompanied by tables showing program amounts (appropriations levels) and state grant allocations. The following information on FY 2004-2005 appropriations for the Department of Education is available:

  • FY 2005 Appropriations Table-- shows the amounts provided for the programs and activities of the Department of Education in the FY 2005 Appropriations Act.

  • State Tables -- by program and by state -- show FY 2005 allocations under formula-allocated and selected student aid programs. To navigate the PDF tables, use the "Bookmarks" feature of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • Full text and legislative history of FY 2004 and FY 2005 appropriations bills are available on the Library of Congress "Thomas" Web site.
  • The Budget History Table of the Education Department since FY 1980 in PDF shows President's budgets and enacted appropriations for the major programs of the Education Department. The table also identifies Department totals for discretionary and mandatory spending. Spending for discretionary programs is determined in the annual appropriations process. In contrast, spending for mandatory programs is usually a function of the authorizing statutes creating the programs and generally is not affected by appropriations laws. To learn more about discretionary and mandatory spending in the Education Department, please see our description of the Department's Budget Process and Calendar.

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Last Modified: 12/09/2004