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Safe handling and disposal of spent nuclear fuel

Yucca Mountain is the site of America's first planned repository for spent nuclear fuel rods and solidified high-level radioactive waste. The material would be stored in tunnels deep underground. A complex of buildings would receive, package, and prepare the material for disposal underground. Learn more about the planned facilities.

VIDEO: Handling Facilities
Flash-based video player


:: Questions and answers about Yucca Mountain
Why was Yucca Mountain chosen? Who pays for Yucca Mountain? Why can't the material stay where it is?


The Yucca Mountain license application
DOE has submitted a license application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
:: Publication: The National Repository at Yucca Mountain [pdf]
Scientists around the world agree that deep geologic disposal is the best solution for permanent storage.
:: Media Center
News releases, congressional testimony, photo gallery
:: More video
Transportation cask testing; the science behind Yucca Mountain

Our mission is to manage and dispose of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel in a manner that protects health, safety and the environment; enhances national and energy security; and merits public confidence.
Environmental documents

Yucca Mountain environmental documents

transport and emplacement vehicle Engineering and Design
The Department of Energy is finalizing a design for the planned Yucca Mountain repository and surface facilities. Descriptions, 3D images, and animations are now online. Read More >
Current locations of nuclear waste

Current locations of nuclear waste in the United States
Nuclear waste is currently located in more than 120 locations in 39 states.  Read More >

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  DOE Announces the Availability of Disposal Contracts for New Nuclear Reactors
  2008 Draft Policy on Funding for Emergency Response Training (Section 180c)
  DOE Awards Yucca Mountain Contract [pdf]
  DOE Issues Notice of Intent to Supplement Repository EIS
  DOE releases Record of Decision on Nevada Rail Line [pdf]
  Audio: Statement of Edward F. Sproat III before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Sept. 24, 2008 [mp3]
  Statement of Edward F. Sproat III before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Sept. 24, 2008 [pdf]
RSSRSS feeds

Yucca Mountain: The Making of an Underground Labroratory
Yucca Mountain: The Making of an Underground Laboratory

  Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
This page last modified on: December 02, 2008  
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