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STL Workshops

National Forum on Vapor Intrusion

January 12-13, 2009
Philadelphia, PA

We anticipate about 350 people will attend from across the United States, including Federal agencies, state and local governments, community activists and other impacted residents, property developers and property reuse personnel, private consultants and vendors, and responsible parties undertaking response. This Forum will be structured on dual tracks with common sessions. We are planning technical presentations on sampling, assessment, risk, and engineering. There will also be case studies illustrating a cross section of vapor intrusion issues from the perspective of community stakeholders, Brownfields, EPA, and states. There will be two breakout sessions: one on community issues and one on government programs. The Community Stakeholder Breakout will present areas and issues of interest for community groups, residents, developers and possibly local government. The Government Stakeholder Breakout pertains to internal issues of program implementation, policy and guidance. General sessions will be held for areas that have common interest among all participants. High profile speakers from government and the public are being invited for the plenary session. Although all speakers are by invitation only, a limited amount of poster presentations are welcome. If you are interested in submitting a poster, please indicate this on your online registration entry.

If your firm is interested in being a Forum Champion by hosting a morning or afternoon break or a reception at the Monday evening poster session, please contact our logistics support contractor, Consolidated Safety Services, Inc. at register@consolidatedsafety.com.

Hotel: The National Forum on Vapor Intrusion will be held at the Loews Hotel at 1200 Market Street in Philadelphia, PA. A block of rooms has been reserved for our conference with government rate. This rate is to be available for the weekend prior and a number of days after the January 12-13 dates of the conference. More information is available on the conference fact sheet posted on the website.

Registration: For additional information regarding the conference program, registration, hotel, and abstract submission, please go to the following webpage: http://www.epameetings.com/meeting_details.cfm?meetid=21 We are trying to reduce paper use, so most materials for the conference will be available through this website, including presentation material, bios, and the proceedings once the conference is completed.

International Environmental Nanotechnology Conference: Applications and Implications

October 7-9, 2008
Chicago, IL

Nanomaterials present:

This conference follows two previous successful EPA environmental nanotechnology conferences, the first held in Washington, DC (October 2005) (PDF, 46pp., 341KB, about PDF) and the second in Chicago, IL (September 2006) (PDF, 51pp., 813KB, about PDF). The scope of this conference has been expanded to take on an international perspective; however, all submitted text is to be written in English and all platform presentations are to be spoken in English. Plenary sessions will include keynote addresses presented by international experts. The keynotes will introduce each of the subtopics that will be highlighted during subsequent concurrent sessions. The following nanotechnology or nanomaterial subtopics will be addressed:

For additional information regarding the conference program, registration, hotel, and abstract submission, please go to the following webpage: http://emsus.com/nanotechconf/index.htm Exit EPA.

Desert Remedial Action Technologies (D-RAT) Workshop
D-RAT logo

Post-Workshop Info

The first Desert Remedial Action Technologies Workshop was held in Phoenix, AZ on October 2-4, 2007. The workshop was sponsored and organized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, and CH2M Hill.

An optional field trip was offered on October 4, 2007. This was the first workshop to focus on innovative, emerging, and proven remedial technologies being successfully applied in desert environments. The program emphasized field applications and case studies for technologies being applied to dissolved phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs), (specifically tricholoroethene [TCE]), perchlorate, and chromium. The focus was on in-situ technologies.

The workshop consisted of presentations and posters to present innovative technologies. Posters were not limited to successfully applied technologies, but also presented emerging technologies with desert applications.

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