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Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge

Become Engaged - Be a Refuge Volunteer!


A day in the life of a volunteer…..The day begins at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge as the sun shimmers across Lake Ladora highlighting the vast prairie and the wildlife that make this urban wildlife refuge home. As visitors begin to board the tram for the once daily weekend tour, a bald eagle soars over the Visitor Center, creating a perfect opportunity for Refuge volunteers to inform visitors with facts about our national symbol and its importance to the Refuge. Passing by the historic Egli house, belonging to one of the original homesteader families, and through an active prairie dog town, the volunteer tour guide shares information on the history and the future plans of this unique Refuge to a group of inquisitive participants.  As they enjoy their surroundings, the volunteer points out several prairie dogs scurrying into their burrows, as a herd of mule deer bounds across the open prairie. While heading back to the Visitor Center, the overall importance of this habitat oasis and the approximately 330 species that call this unique urban wildlife refuge home, becomes apparent.


The shimmering lake, bounding mule deer, and prairie dogs are just a few of the enjoyments of being a refuge volunteer. Refuge volunteers assist with weekend visitation, administration, habitat restoration and biological field work. Last year, volunteers contributed a total of 7,140 hours of service helping to make a difference in your community and with your Refuge. You, too, can make a difference. Become a Refuge volunteer!


For more information, contact Jeannine Kimble at 303 289-0471 or Jeannine_Kimble@fws.gov


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